My prayer:
Trying to see things through other eyes and lenses today God. We all have different experiences of life, even we are in the same circumstances. You have shown me, so many times, that what I experience as reality, what I am so sure is true, sometimes isn't. Sometimes, I can think that I understand what is going on and what motives people have. I can be convinced and then later realize I was completely wrong. What is that saying, "The older I get the less I know." I have become acutely aware that my current understanding of reality around me could be very flawed. Actually, in this case, I am counting on it.
I pray and ask God that you show me the truth of the circumstances around me. Please give me your wisdom, discernment and understanding. Show me where I am getting it wrong.
Thank you Jesus.
What God Said Tonight:
A battlefield is a busy place. There is so much going on. It seems like chaos and sometimes it is. But most of the time, their is a design and a plan to the chaos.
This time, it is your choice, your health, your decision.