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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, November 11, 2016

A greater beauty...

My prayer:

Thank you for a wonderful day God. I got to work off the edge of the stress of the week, hang out with good friends, treat myself a little...what a great break! Awesome God, I can't imagine how I would be able to live this life without you. You are my calm in the storm, my strength in times of weakness, my joy all the time! With you, life is bearable and often wonderful. Thank  you for being in my life.

What God Said Tonight:

The world and your life is made up of so many different pieces and people. You don't understand the true complexity involved in being you. I will show you some day just how interconnected you are with the world and all of your brothers and sisters. 

Your life is like an enormous quilt made of many different colors and fabrics, all with their own beauty but with a greater beauty when put together. I love you.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

God is more...

My prayer:

Never before have I felt so completely alienated from the world around me God. I have always been a little different. But the last couple of days, the verse where you say I am not of this world...I know what that means more clearly than ever. 

Awesome God, give me the ability to live filled with your grace in this less than perfect world. Give the ability to continue to wait for you to come and give us a new world. 

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I am more than an image in your mind, a voice in your head. I am the great and mighty God of the universe, As such, I can move mountains for you. 

Never back off of your hopes and your prayers. Remember I can do exceedingly, abundantly and above all that you could hope for. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Don't feed the monster...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Today there was turmoil, uncertainty, hatred, joy, hope, hopelessness, calls for peace, calls for unity, calls for protest and division among friends and family. Sitting here tonight all I can do is remember your promises to work everything for our good. All I can pray is that your will be done. All I can hope is that there is a greater purpose behind this season.

Thank you for being my hope God.

What God Said Tonight:

Don't feed the monster. Don't feed the enemy. He preys on your fear. He gobbles up your doubt. It is like air to his lungs. Don't give it to him. 

Hold your head high in your confidence in me. Stand tall and show the world that you do not fear because I am with you. Your witness in this season can be very powerful. Become part of the good to come from the mess. Don't be the mess.  

Love you!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Trust God...

My prayer:

Trying really hard to trust that you have everything under control God. Things look pretty crazy and out of control but I will trust you in the storm. I will trust that you will work out everything for my good/our good. Trusting your promises, not what I see in front of me.

What God Said Tonight:

Not everything is as it seems. But even greater, I can use any circumstance to achieve my purpose. 

I have not lost control, I have taken control to move things forward faster. I cannot listen to the cries of my children for one second longer than needed. I hear you. I hear your cries and I am securing your future, even now. 

You don't have to trust the circumstances, You just have to trust that I am bigger than the circumstance. 

I love you.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Grow like a tree...

My prayer:

What a nice change today God. Thank you for slowing down the world a little. Thank you also for the perspective. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. I guess I have known that but getting to see it lived out by someone close to me really brings it home and makes it real.

Thank you for where you have planted me. Thank you for making me prosper where you have planted me.

What God Said Tonight:

Your life, the plan for your life is much more complicated than you realize. You see some of the bits and pieces, here and there, but you don't see the big picture. You can't see where you are growing to. 

It is like a tree. A tree does not know where it is headed, it just grows a little each day. The bark expanding, the branches reaching. Each day it becomes bigger and reaches higher. 

I know the final picture, when you are fully grown, and it is beautiful and complicated. As my child, like the tree, you do not need to understand how you will grow or what you will look like, just keep growing and reaching each day. I will make sure it works out.

Saturday, November 5, 2016


My prayer:

Awesome healing God. I pray for your healing power to work in and through me tonight. I pray that you make everything right that is wrong. I am not sure what is wrong but you know. Thank you Jesus. 

What God Said Tonight:

A stone painted red and a ruby are very different things although they are both red rocks. 

The ability to discern value and truth in a world of cheapness and lies is incredibly valuable. I have my power at work in you. I have my power at work in the world. See the beauty, see the power, see the good that is coming. 

Know the difference between good and its counterfeit. 

I love you my child and you are healed.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Believe, trust, wait...

My prayer:

Thank you for a pretty wonderful day God. Not everything went as planned and not everything went the way I thought I wanted it to but everything turned out wonderful. I loved spending the day with you. I loved the reunion with the Prayer and Worship group tonight. Wonderful.

What God Said Tonight:

I am your foundation and your strength. I am here because you are. I live and dwell within you and where you go, there I am. 

Believe in me and I will do the impossible in your life. Trust in me and I will see you succeed and prosper. Wait on me and I will take you where you need to be. 

I love you, now and forever.