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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Thursday, February 18, 2016


My prayer:

I am grateful and at peace God. Thank you. You have changed and healed things within me that I cannot fully describe but I can be intensely grateful. You are amazing and wonderful and I love you more than I can say.

What God Said Tonight:

I have a fire within you that has smoldered for years. Not going out but not flaming up to its full potential either. I am breathing on that coal. I am bringing it to full flame.

It is time to go.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Beauty and adventure...

The Beauty of Skopelos Greece and Things To Do – A Greek Adventure

My prayer:

Awesome and amazing God. Thank you for the last two days. Such a burden lifted. New hope, new fire, new energy.

Thank you for loving me back from where I was at. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for always helping me. You are truly wonderful and I am very grateful for you in my life.

What God Said Tonight:

I have beauty you have not seen yet. I have adventures you have not dreamed yet. I am limitless and everlasting and as such, I will never run out of amazing and wonderful things to do and experience with each other.

I love you my munchkin. You are precious to me and I will never let you go. I will love you to the end of time and beyond. My love for you is more than you can imagine in your wildest imagination. My love for you is a basic part of who I am.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Wounds and scars...

broken heart

My prayer:

Awesome healer. Please come in and heal my heart. God I pray for wholeness that leaves no purchase for the enemy. I pray for healing that completes me and allows me to love like you designed me to love. Love without reservation, without fear,without conditions.

Please God, heal me at my core.

What God Said Tonight:

I see the wounds. The old and the new ones. I am familiar with wounds. I have worn quite a few myself. The thing about wounds is they are not permanent. The scar may remain but the wound is destined to heal. Your scars are causing you as much trouble as your wounds right now.

I am coming to you for complete restoration. I am coming to make you whole. I will heal your wounds and I will remove your scars. The scars that have bound you up and kept you from trusting, I am removing those scars tonight. I am softening the skin and making it like new.

I have come to restore you. I will be your protection. You do not need the hardness to protect you now. I am here.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Never stop dreaming...

Never Stop Dreaming by JennEditions123 on DeviantArt

My prayer:

The beauty of your love is indescribable. My God, my Lord, I do not tell you enough how amazing you are and how much I love you.

There is NOTHING like your presence. It is precious and I cannot get enough. Your love is never ending and so incredible. It is nearly unbelievable.

I love you with all that I am. It is so small compared to your love but it is what I have and it is all yours.

What God Said Tonight:

I am in you and you are in me and together we are one. I have longed for your voice and your attention to be fully on me. I have longed for your worship. I have missed it. I have missed the time when you can think of nothing but me. I have missed the days when you dreamed and hoped for nothing more than to serve me.

Your life, the things and people around you have distracted you from your true purpose. I have never stopped dreaming for you. I have kept my plan in place. I am waiting for you to come back to it and to me. I am waiting for you with anticipation but not with disappointment. I am ready when you are.

You are an instrument of my healing power. You are the hands for me to touch those who are not whole. You are my witness to miracles.

I love you and I have not stopped dreaming.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

God's voice...

Description Holy bible.jpg

My prayer:

Lots of well meaning voices trying to speak into my life and my future God but the only one I want to hear is yours.

My life is yours. What I do with it is up to you.

I will follow but I want to always be sure that it is you I am following and not someone who has great intentions that are not yours.

I am yours.

What God Said Tonight:

My voice is in there too. It sometimes is coming through the people I put in your life. I speak in many ways, through my word, through your life, through your friends, through your spirit. Tonight I am speaking Spirit to spirit in you but sometimes I want to be more subtle.

I have a plan and a future for you. You will find it in the atmosphere of peace. Where you have peace, that is where I am. Where you have dis-ease, that is not me. Follow my peace and I will walk you into your future.

Friday, February 12, 2016

A harvest of joy...

 Dancing for Joy – Sermon for Easter 6B – May 13, 2012 | That Which ...

My prayer:

Thank you God for your help in getting problems solved today. I feel like I am at least sitting on top of the problems instead of being buried under them like I did yesterday.

Thank you for your physical healing tonight! That was and is AWESOME! I haven't seen this clearly in...well, ever.

You really are the answer for everything. Life with you can be really simple if I let it be. I love you God!

What God Said Tonight:

I have a harvest that is almost ready to reap. And, I am not talking about the harvest of souls that is so often referred to. I am talking about a harvest of joy. I am talking about a harvest of blessings. I am talking about a harvest of provision.

I have seen you sowing, quietly with no fuss. I have seen you trust me. I have a harvest coming your way.

I can't wait to bless you.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Heart of peace...

My prayer:

Life is a bit relentless these days God. When does the pressure let up? When do I get a season where everything is generally ok, just for a little while. When nothing is on fire and nothing has to be fixed immediately? It feels like a really long time since life has been like that.

I don't mean to whine and I am sure I will have a fresh and improved perspective in the morning, thanks to you always giving me hope. But, right now, I am done.

Huh, sounds like I have come to "the end of myself" as they say. That is usually the spot where you take over and that is a pretty good spot to be in. I have been working so hard to get it all done I have forgotten to rely on you. I would think that I would have learned that lesson by now...guess not. Thank you God for your help and your insight.

What God Said Tonight:

I am preparing you for the next  level. Where we are going you will need to find peace and rest in the midst of great challenge and chaos.This is your training ground.

I need you to rely on me as instinctively as you currently pray for healing. You don't have to think about praying for healing for yourself or anyone else, you just do. It is second nature. That is how I need you to get about relying on me. That is how I need you to get so that no matter how high the stress, how great the demand, you remain at peace with the full knowledge that I will take care of everything.

I know it does not make sense but that does not make it less true. Trust me in this training ground. Let me instill in you a heart of peace.

I love you and I am here. I will not leave you.