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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Thursday, October 8, 2015

The wait...

My prayer:

Thank you for your patience and guidance today God. I needed every bit of it. With you I get to live and fight another day...woohoo! I love you. What is on your mind tonight God? I bet it is a lot more excited than my overworked brain.

What God Said Tonight:

Waiting is hard.. Waiting with anticipation is harder. Waiting with anticipation without getting frustrated is the hardest. 

Lean on me in the wait. It is easier when you know the ending. It is easier to wait when you are assured of the outcome. I know the outcome. I know that you win in the end, as a child of mine, you win. 

Each day has purpose. Each moment of waiting does prepare you for tomorrow. Trust that I know what I am doing. I won't let you down. 

I love you now and forever.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Relax, God is in charge...

My prayer:

God, I am all yours. Your will be done in ALL things. I surrender, all.

What God Said Tonight:

I am with you. I am here. I have not left you and I never will. I will guide you. I will speak to you. I will help you all the days of your life and beyond. 


My commitment to you cannot be broken by anyone except for you. I do not have a termination clause written into our covenant. 


My commitment to you is for eternity. Don't ever doubt my presence, my love or my desire to help you. I am with you in ALL things and I love more than you will ever know. 


Relax, trust, I am still in charge.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Alternate plan...

My prayer:

Another rough day that you brought me through. I may never understand how some people live each day without you in their lives. I would not make it five minutes without you.

Thank you for your love, your patience, your guidance and your peace. You are amazing and you mean everything to me. 

Before I say good bye to this day, I would love to hear your voice.

What God Said Tonight:

I have an alternate plan for you. We were headed in a direction, but there is a better plan, one that gets you there in a better way. 

Are you up for the change? do you trust me to change your direction? Come on and follow me. 

You are going to love this.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Love in God's Kingdom...

My prayer:

There are some people in this world God, who are just absolutely lovable. Everyone they meet loves them. And, when I look at these people, they are the ones who care more about the people around them than they do about themselves. They are more interested in hearing what other people have to say than they are about getting to say their opinion or story.

They pay attention to people and value them. They love people and the people love them.

Those kind of people are really special. It seems like they have tapped into something that you have tried to teach us, but not many of us really get it. To lead, you must become a servant. To be first, you must be last. All of those idioms you tried to teach us that are so hard for us to understand.

I can't say that I truly understand it, but I have seen that it is true. Help me to live it God.

What God Said Tonight:

I have a path for each of my children based on how I made you. I made some with great wisdom. I made some with great talent. I made some with great compassion. And, I made some with great love.

The task of all of my children is to discover in this life what it is to be loved and to love each other. It sounds so easy. It is so hard.

Everything in this life that has been tainted by sin tries to draw you away from my love. It tries to set you against each other. It tries to tell you that you are not worthy.

Everything in my Kingdom is about showing you how loved you are. It is about showing you how to love each other. It is about proving to you that you are made worthy through me.

It is the constant battle over your soul that rages every day. You get to choose, every day, sometimes every minute, which side of the battle you want to be on. One choice leads to life and the other to death.

Choose wisely.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Within you...

My prayer:

Thank you God for a lazy and relaxing day. I do not get too many of those and I really needed one.

Father, I ask for your help in releasing the fruits of your Holy Spirit from within me. Help me to be the blessing you want me to be. Help me to be more giving and less selfish. Help me to be more forgiving and less judgmental. Help me to be content and not covet.

Thanks you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

This life you are living is like dust or ash in the wind. One moment it is here and the next it is gone. Your life here on earth is one moment in time, within eternity.

I have such great plans for you that extend beyond this life. I have waited for this perfect time to begin the new season.

I ask that you don't get frustrated or impatient when your life does not change, right now in the way you want it. It can seem like things are taking a long time but in the fullness of the reality of eternity, it is only a breath. Your waiting is barely the blink of an eye. I can promise you it is worth the wait.

I have put in you everything you need for this season and this time. Find my strength within you. Find my joy within you. Find me within you and you will have all that you need.

I am yours and you are mine, forever.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Short and sweet...

My prayer:

I love you and I praise you and I want to hear what you have to say.

What God Said Tonight:

I am in your heart and your mind. I have no secrets from you. I am in you ...

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Knowing God...

My prayer:

Thank you for all of your help today God. I faced so many situations that could have gone horribly wrong and with your guidance, wisdom and direction, it all worked out.

What would I do without you? Don't answer that question, I don't really want to know.

I am truly grateful that you will never leave me and you will never turn your back on me. That is all I need to know.

What God Said Tonight:

You read about me, and that was good. That was how you learned about me. You were tayght things about me and that was good. It helped you to understand me. But it wasn't until you let me into your heart and you soul, when you trusted me with your deepest secrets and your shame, it wasn't until then that you truly knew me and loved me.

I have a lot of people that know about me and so few who take the time to truly know me in their heart and soul. I want more.

I love you daughter. Thanks for knowing me.