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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

God's home...

My prayer:

Hi God! How was your day? Anything amazing happen that you want to talk about? Anything at all you want to talk about? I am all ears and ready to listen. LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

Some people only see me behind stain glassed windows. They only see me inside of a church building or a synagog. 

My dwelling place is in your heart. I am not confined to a building and I am not confined to a location. 

I am holy. I am in you. You are redeemed by me. You are holy. 

I have chosen my dwelling place, I have chosen my home and it is in the hearts of those who love me. It is a pretty great place to live.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

TImes of rest...

My prayer:

Thank you God for such a wonderful vacation. It was so beautiful and has left me wonderfully relaxed. What a great privilege that you provide me the time and the opportunity to disconnect from the craziness of everyday life and just relax in the beauty that you have created. Thank you God. I do not take it for granted. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have yet to see the person who does not need times of rest. I created you to have times of work and times of rest. This time together was beautiful and provided that rest for you. 

It also provided reminders and wisdom for you to take back into your daily life. There is something about that place of rest that allows you to hear me better. Without the constant rush of daily life, your ears are less clouded with noise and you can hear me. 

Remember what we talked about and don't lose that wisdom.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Rocks of pain...

My prayer:

Awesome and powerful God. I pray tonight for a couple of specific situations where people are being treated poorly and ask that you turn those situations around. I pray God that you heal the hurts that are causing people to hurt more people. I pray God for core healing in their lives that this thing that is tormenting them and everyone around them is healed and can become a testimony to help others rather than a weapon to harm others. God, I ask that you make them so whole that their only desire is to love. In Jesus name.

What God Said Tonight:

I am taking the rocks of pain and gathering them together to form a sculpture of beauty and love. A hurtful situation can either destroy someone or build them up. Like a rock, it can be thrown to cause damage of it can be used to build. 

I will take the hurts that have been used to cause more pain and I will repurpose them to build a healing story. 

I hear your prayer my daughter and I am your God. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Selected people...

My prayer:

Thank you God for your miraculous healing yesterday and last night! Your healing power never ceases to leave me in awe. I am so grateful for your power in my life.

Thank you for choosing me and for continuing to show me how amazing you are. I LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

You are on a path to greatness and on the way you will witness great thigns. I have come to show the world what life can be like with me. I have come to show them that their hope is in me. I have come, through you. I have come through your brothers and sisters. 

As my emissaries, you will be given great power and you will be given great favor. But, as you know, as my emissaries you will face great opposition at times. You will see great violence. 

I have selected people around the world to stand up in this time. To love when it doesn't make sense to love. To heal when no one else can heal.To be with me, by my side, showing the world that my relationship with them matters, and is good, and does not require a sacrifice of who you are, only a sacrifice of what you want. 

I love you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Big picture and you...

My prayer:

Today was so much better God. Thank you for the reminder last night to let you help. You are so GOOD at helping! Why do I forget that? Why do I get so busy doing stuff that somehow I start to believe I can do it all? I would really like to stop that, forever. 

Thank you for your guidance, help, wisdom and blessings today God.

What God Said Tonight:

The past, the present, the future, they are all one to me. I have seen the end. I saw it way back at the beginning. I don't live life in the same way you do. 

I see and have the big picture in my sight at all times. I, all at the same time, can see your very breath as it travels in and out of your lungs. I care about the big picture. There are some things we need to do and to change. There are some things that need to happen to get this world and you back to the state I intended for you to live in with me. 

But, I also never forget you. I never forget how much I love you. I never forget how you have plans and dreams for tomorrow and that you will need help walking through them. 

I love you so much. I never forget that love. It is present with me at all times just as I am present with you. I am yours and you are mine forever. I have loved the world and I have loved you in the world. I will never stop.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Let God help...

My prayer:

Not sure how many more things could go wrong today God. It really seemed like I could not catch a break. I am sure that I am exaggerating and once I get a little space and distance I will be able to see it all in perspective. But, right now, all I want to do is yell and stamp my feet and tell everything to straighten up or at least leave me alone for two seconds. Just two seconds with nothing going wrong, nothing that needs to be fixed, solved or taken care of. That would be great.

What God Said Tonight:

Sounds like you are taking on a whole lot. Sounds like you are shouldering the responsibility for everyone's problems. Sounds like you are trying to solve all the problems, all on your own. 

Why are you doing that daughter? I am here. I am ready. I am waiting. Turn it over to me and let me help. Turn it over to me and let me find the answers. Turn it over to me and let me guide you through the mine fields, leading you to the other side of the problems. 

I love you, I am here, let me help.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Light in darkness...

My prayer:

Today really lasted a long time God. I am ready to say goodbye to it and hope for a bit of a better tomorrow. 

God, I pray and ask for your help in finding the good in tomorrow. In finding the opportunities to be a blessing. I ask that you help me see and find the joy in tomorrow.

What God Said Tonight:

You are feeling in the dark tonight but look and you will see that I have given you sight even in the dark. I have given you light to see, no matter what your environment. 

I am the light of the world and I will give you the ability to see the truth in the midst of lies every time. 

Focus on me, listen to my voice, follow my light and see the truth. 

I love you and I will not leave you to stumble in the dark.