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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, June 19, 2015

Rest in God's arms...

My prayer:


What I thought was going to be a week of great struggle and hardship and you made it pretty darn easy. Today was the toughest of them all, but even that was not too bad.

You are awesome. I am grateful. I can't wait to hang out with you this weekend and celebrate.

What God Said Tonight:

Come here. Lay your head on my shoulder. Rest. Your work is done for now. You can rest with complete peace in my arms. I will take care of things while you do. 

I love you and I am always here for you. I am always on your side. I am always working behind the scenes and out in the open for your good. 


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Going somewhere with God...

My prayer:

Awesome God. You are taking care of everything so completely that this week that I thought was going to be torture has really been pretty easy! I should have known. You always take such great care of me and make the hard things easy. I am crazy blessed and immensely grateful. 

What do you want to do next? 

What God Said Tonight:

We have so many adventures yet to live together, I can't even begin to tell you. 

I have homes and families full of people that you are going to bless in my name. I have crowds of people that will be healed in my name and with your witness. I have miracles and blessings, I have wisdom and growth. I have everything you need and want and we have eternity together to explore them all. 

I am taking you somewhere and each day, you learn more trust, you get to know me better and we get to travel this road together. It is wonderful and amazing and it will never end.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Fertile season...

My prayer:

Life is pretty fascinating God. So many people with so  many different lives and things that are important to them. In some ways we have a lot in common and in other ways we could not be more different. 

I don't know how you keep up with us all. It is a good thing you are God because no one else could do it. And then, you find a way to love us, each of us and care about the littlest aspect of our lives. That is so hard to really wrap my mind around. 

Anyway, I am definitely rambling tonight. I guess I just want to thank you for all of the diversity down here on earth and for loving us each as we are.

What God Said Tonight:

There are no unimportant parts of the body. Each has its function and role and each is beautiful in its own way. My children my church is my body here on earth and every single part, every single member is essential. 

The earth is fertile and green in this season with many things growing that have been dormant and waiting for just the right time. So it is in my church and with my people. So many people are beginning to grow and show all that I have been developing in them during the dormant season. 

This is a time of great beauty. Watch for the beauty of my children to start shining.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Be here now...

My prayer:

Day 1 is over with no blood or tears! Thank you Jesus. Only four more to go. Thank you for all of your help today. I ask for continued wisdom and favor. I will do my best to listen and obey. Love yoU!

What God Said Tonight:

Wait upon me and my timing and you will be amazed at what I do. 

Right now it is very important that you live in this moment, right now. Don't be too focused on the future, don't get stuck looking back to the past. Be present, aware and participating in this moment. 

I will bring each new thing to you when you need it. I will give you the right wisdom at the right moment. Just be there...or rather, be here. Don't get distracted and be here now.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Together with God...

My prayer:

What a beautiful day with you God. Thank you for every moment. I plan to revisit those moments during this week. 

This week could be really challenging and I ask your continued help to work it all out. There are a lot of moving parts this week that all have to come together, most of which I have no control over. So, as always God, I pray for your help, your will and your plan to work it all out. 

I am SO GRATEFUL I get to have you in my life and I get to have your help. It really is an unfair advantage kind of, but since you are available for everyone, I have determined I will not feel guilty about it. 

Thank you for your favor on my life. Thank you for being you.

What God Said Tonight:

I give you peace and beauty to get you through the stress and ugly times. I give you strength to get you through the times when you are weak. I give you everything you need for this life because you are mine and I am yours for eternity. 

We are in it together my child and I love you.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Flood vs. Fog...

My prayer:

Sweet Holy Spirit. I love when you speak through me and help people. I love that I get to be a part of that sometimes. Any time you need a mouth, use mine. I am available and completely willing.

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes answers and your help comes in like a flood, quickly and completely changing the circumstances with one fell swoop. Some other times, it comes in like a fog. Slowly and it doesn't change  the circumstances but changes what you see and how you look at it. 

Both answers, both miracles, result in your blessing but for some reason, my children almost always want the flood experience and not the fog, even though the fog and the growth that comes from seeing things in a different light, creates experiences that help you with the next problem. The flood just takes it all away and when the problem comes back, you are no better equipped for it. 

Rejoice more in the fog answers as those are the ones that make you stronger and better able to handle tomorrow's problem.

Friday, June 12, 2015


My prayer:

Hallelujah! Made it to another Friday night! There were times this week that I was not sure that was possible but here we are. Thank you for working everything out all week God. There were so many challenges and issues and problems and bad news; but you turned them in to opportunities, non-issues, solutions and good news. Only my God can do that!

Now, I sit here tonight and it seems like I have a lot of small decisions to make. There are a lot of small things that I don't really want to do but feel like I should. I feel like I might be missing out on a hidden opportunity or might be hurting people's feelings if I don't do it. All of the little things are weighing on me tonight God. 

I pray and ask for your guidance and wisdom in all things God. I pray for guidance in even in the little things. You know everything so you know which of these things are things I need to do (either for someone else's sake or my own) and which are ok to say no to. Show me the difference please God.

What God Said Tonight:

'Shoulds' are really detrimental to you. There is a whole world of 'shoulds' and all they really do is make you feel rotten about yourself. I am not a God that wants you to feel rotten about yourself. I am a God who wants you to know who you are in me. I want you to know that you are a Royal Priesthood. I want you to know that you are a child of the most High God. I want you to know that your choices, your actions are all woven into the full tapestry and plan that I have for the Universe. 

You are an integral part of what I am doing. Your triumphs and your failures. Your kindness and your errors. 

I will guide you. I will help you. But I will do it with a sense of peace, not with guilt. I will not tell you about what you should do. I will show you the path that leads to your greatest reward in the end. I will show the opportunities I have created for you. I will give the peace to know that you are choosing those things that I want for you in your life. 

I will not condemn you. I will not shame you. I will not saddle you with 'shoulds.'

Love you sweet child.