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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Monday, May 18, 2015


My prayer:

You are so amazing God! I am in awe. I was facing a mountain that was so big today, I really did not see how I was going to get over it and then, I turn around and you took care of it all! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! 

Thank you God for all of the times when you give me peace in the storm and strength to withstand; but, THANK YOU for days like today where you simply take care of the circumstance and turn it all around! I love when you do that!!!

What God Said Tonight:

These situations, these circumstances that get you so concerned are really nothing more than opportunities for me to show who I am to the world. 

Sometimes I do that by switching up the situation in ways that don't make sense to the world. Sometimes I do that by fulfilling a promise I gave to you. And sometimes I do that by giving you the strength to carry on when no one else would be able to. 

I gave Shadrach, Mishach and Abendego the courage to walk into the furnace. That was a testimony to me. Then, I kept them safe in the fire. That was a testimony too. 

Whether I bring you through, change the circumstance while you are in it or give you the courage to walk on, my glory is evident. My purpose is clear. Your outcome is assured. You will always win in the end with me. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Changing season...

My prayer:

Thank you God for a wonderful weekend of rest. It was beautiful and I definitely needed it. Back to the rat race tomorrow and I will need your continued help and guidance. 

I am so very grateful that I don't have to live this life alone. I am so grateful that I have you and the amazing people you put in my life. 

My life is far from perfect. There are holes for sure. But, with you guiding me, helping me, healing me, filling me, teaching me and loving me, the imperfections and holes don't matter so much.

What God Said Tonight:

The Winter is over. The season for frozen stillness has come to an end and Spring is here. It is a time and a season for growth. It is a time to take all that you learned in the quiet of winter and apply it to the new things I am bringing to you. 

I am life. I will bring you new life in this season. I will bring you new joy. I will turn the snow and ice into flowers. 

I am changing things even now and you will see the full evidence soon. Just as you trust the Winter to turn to Spring each year, trust that I am turning the season in your life. 

I love you.

Friday, May 15, 2015


My prayer:

Look here God! I made it to our Sabbath!!! WOOOHOOOO! Could not have done it without you! You are my strength and my peace. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Celebrate, rest, enjoy. I have great plans for you, for us, this weekend. 

I will give you rest. I will sustain you. I will lead you to the river and take care of you. 

Your work, for now is done. Rest in me and let me take care of you for a little while. Love you sweet child.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


My prayer:

Mighty God. I cannot express how grateful I am that not only did you bring me through this week and make me successful in situations that seemed impossible, but you also gave me patience and peace in the middle of it. Now, that was a miracle. 

Sometimes I get caught up in the idea that a miracle has to be a showy thing. A miraculous healing, parting the Red Sea, those we all recognize as a miracle. But, I think, sometimes being able to face the crazy stress of everyday life with your peace and your mercy living inside of me, reflecting off of me, that is just as big of a miracle, even if only I am the only one who sees it.

Thank you God for my miracle!

What God Said Tonight:

Truly, every breath you take is a miracle. Life is a miracle. It is why almost no one can see the birth of a child and not be caught up in the miracle that is life. 

I created you and that was a miracle. I will sustain you and that is a miracle. I will be your God and you will be my child, forever, and that is a miracle. 

I created you to see, experience and share my miracles. It is something that I created you for especially. I needed someone who can believe where others will doubt but who requires evidence. That my child is you. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

See and follow...

My prayer:

Thank you God for a good day. I am exhausted but it was a good day. I haven't had one of those recently, which makes me appreciate today all the more. 

You are so wonderful. Thank you for never giving up on me.

I will follow you wherever you lead me. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have lots of green patures in your future. I have lots of good days left for you. 

You stop and listen for my voice and I will always show you the way. You seek me and you will find me. 

I do not hide but I do not force myself either. 

Many do not find me and many do not follow because they don't look for me. I am right here in the open to be found. Not all will see me and not all will follow. 

And, that breaks my heart. 

Thank you sweet child for seeing, for following. You and me now and forever.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I am...

My prayer:

Today sure started rough God but it ended a lot better than it started. Thank you for giving me friends who will pray for me when I run out of words. Thank you for giving me friends who remind me how important our lives for you are. Thank you for being in me and in my life. I would not want to do this without you.

What God Said Tonight:

I am a friend that sticks closer than a brother. I am you light in the dark. I am your rescue from torment. I am your peace in every storm. 

Lean on me, trust me, know that I am with you and I am working it all for your good. Everyday. Every night. I am here with you working it out. 

I have never yet lost and I never will. It is good with you. My Spiit is good with you.

Monday, May 11, 2015


My prayer:

Awesome God. I have a lot of questions running through my head tonight. Most of them start with "why..." I somehow think that if I could just understand why things are the way they are, I could deal with them better. But, when I think about it, that is not always true. Just because I know what the problem is, does not mean I will know or be able to effect the answer. I don't know. Just tired and discouraged tonight God. 

Help me to be a better person. Help me to be a bigger blessing to the people around me. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I am less interested in what you do than I am why you do it. I am all about the "why". The "why" of things show your heart. It shows the core of a situation. It shows the purpose behind the action. 

Don't ever give up on asking why. 

Do understand that sometimes, the answer to why is not something I can give you right now. I will always reveal it to you, eventually. But sometimes, I need you to believe, to trust, to follow even though you don't know the why, yet. 

Your trust in me is what fills in the time between the question "why" and the answer. I love you.