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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Consulting with God...

My prayer:

So many thoughts running through my head tonight God but I am not sure any of them warrant us talking about them. Primarly, I am simply thankful tonight, for you and for everything. Can't wait to hear what you want to talk about tonight...

What God Said Tonight:

You are at a disadvantage. The spiritual realm is powerful and constantly interacting with you but you can only see it in a prism of what it actually is, at best. You see reflections and you see pieces but you are seldom able to see clearly.

This disadvantage makes you dependent on me, which is not a bad thing. Don't forget to ask me and consult with me to understand the spiritual ramifications and background to what is happening in our life. It will often be so helpful for you to understand what otherwise make no sense.

I am here for you always my sweet child. Let me interpret that which you cannot see to make sense of what you can see.

I love you so very much.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Love in the middle of darkness...

My prayer:

Dear God. I am tired. Tired of the truly horrible things that seem to be happening every minute these days. Beheadings, crucifixions, people burying children alive, cancer, and so much more. I am tired of the evil.

I need to find some good to look at and focus on. I need to find a reminder that you are all powerful and you win in the end.

Right now, it is all a bit too much and I am tired of it.

What God Said Tonight:

I know this time is not easy. My heart breaks at the torment. I am busier than I have ever been comforting, healing and caring for my children.

But that doesn't mean you can stop. That doesn't mean you can stop trying, loving, caring for people around you. I know it is exhausting at times, facing evil, but you can't stop. I count on you to be my hands and feet. I count on you to show my love in the middle of darkness.

Your strength is not enough but mine is. Your will is not enough but mine is. Rely on me, rest in me, let me strengthen you to fight another day.

I am yours and you are mine, forever. You will show my light in the world at it's darkest.

Monday, March 30, 2015

God's languages...

My prayer:

Hi wonderful Lord and friend. I have been thinking all day about my dream last night. I am still not sure what it was all about but it seems like it was profound and that I should learn something from it. I ask for the revelation, if there is one.

I love when you give me dreams God, both the waking and the sleeping ones. They are such a beautiful way to show me things. I am not much of an artist but you are and I love seeing your creations.

What God Said Tonight:

Dreams are one of my many languages. I speak in many ways so that everyone can understand me.

I speak audibly to some and at some times. I speak through my Word. I speak in dreams. I speak into people's hearts. I have so many ways to communicate because I want everyone to have a chance to know me.

For those who are visual, I will paint them a picture. For those who are musical, I will give them a song. For those who are thinkers, I will give them a puzzle.

I am your God, your  creator and I know you. I know how you "hear" best. I am always speaking if you are listening carefully.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Facing the truth...

My prayer:
Awesome God. Thank you for the insight today. I am not sure why I did not see it earlier. 

Now, I need your help to know what to do about it, if anything. Maybe, that is just the way it is and how it will always be. But, maybe, with some healing, it can be different? 

God, you know the end from the beginning so let me know what is best in this situation or, better yet, have your sovereign power be in charge and make it how you want it to be. Make me how you want me to be. 

I surrender all God, trusting you.

What God Said Tonight:
I showed you the truth today because it was time. It was time for you to see it and accept the truth of it. 

I have chosen this time because I do have plans for your life and those plans will require you to accept the thing you have avoided for so long. But, I am here. I will help. I will walk you through this as gently as I let you see the truth today. 

I have no intention of harming you with this truth. I only want to help you. I only want to make you whole. I only want the very best for you. 

I am here. Stick with me and I will take you through this. You are about to be free and open to opportunities you never knew were possible, because you faced this truth today. 

Love you.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Hang out with God...

My prayer:

Let me hear your sweet voice Father.

What God Said Tonight:

Sit down here a minute. Sit here by me. Let me simply be with you a minute.

No worries, no needs, no tears, just you and me spending a moment together because we love each other and there is no better place to be than to be together.

I love you, now and forever. Hang out here in my presence, just because you want to. That means SO MUCH to me. When you spend time with me with no agenda, no desperate plea but just because you want to be with me. That touches my heart.

I love you.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Dancing in the rain...

My prayer:

Amazing God! What a privilege it is to know you, to have you in me and my life, to hear from you! I know that so often, I take it for granted. You are always with me and if I am not careful, I take that for granted, I think of it as "normal" when in fact, it is very unusual and AMAZING!

This week has highlighted that so clearly for me. Seeing really wonderful people, hopeless because they don't know you, has reminded me how blessed I am to have you in my life. You are my everlasting hope.

With you in me and in my life, I ALWAYS have someone to turn to in trouble. Someone who I know is bigger than my problem and who can work it out. When life hits me in the face with a tragedy, I know I can immediately run to you and you will take care of me.

My life is not all perfect sunshine and roses but I always have hope. I always have you. And, that makes ALL the difference. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

You are dancing in the rain tonight my sweet child. You are finding joy in the middle of the storm. You are finding peace in the middle of chaos. You are finding me, your strong tower to hold onto.

You are mine and I will keep you safe under my wing forever. I will teach you and grow you and help you to be strong. But I will NEVER let you out of my sight. I will never let you away from my heart.

You are so very precious to me and I have such overpowering love for you! I cannot even show you how much I love you as it would leave you unconscious and unable to process it.

I love you with the strength of a thousand stars. I love you with the depth of a million oceans. I love you beyond your imagination. Never doubt or forget my love for you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


My prayer:

Awesome God. This day had a whole lot of EVERYTHING in it. Good and bad, hot and cold, sucess and failure. I was definitely not bored! Thank you for the opportunities to be a blessing to a couple of people today God. Thank you for loving me and making me succeed. 

What God Said Tonight:

There is great beauty in a mosaic, a picture that is made up of a lot of other smaller pictures. It can appear very differently depending on your perspective. When you are close and looking at each individual tile, it looks one way but when you step back and look at the whole picture, it looks completely different. When you don't have the ability to step back and see the bigger picture, you miss out on so much. 

Your life is very much the same. When you look at each individual event in isolation, you see things one way. But, if you can take a step back, you can often start to see a bigger pattern to all of the events in your life. 

Today, you had a lot of isolated events that if you focus only on each event, especially the tough ones, you will get a very shallow and limited view. But, take a step back with me and see how it all flows together for your bigger picture and for the world's bigger picture and to the universe's bigger picture and ultimately to my bigger picture. Each level shows you something different. 

I love you. Don't loose your perspective of he big picture by getting tied up in the small events.