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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Monday, April 7, 2014


My prayer:

Opportunity vs. temptation...sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. God, I pray for your wisdom, your will, and your patience working in me. I don't want to jump ahead of your timing but you know, on my own, I get so impatient. I see the opening and I want to jump on through. God, this stuff right now is too important. Please don't let me mess it up.

What God Said Tonight:

My princess, Spring is almost here. The flowers are budding but not yet in full bloom. The promise is here and you see it, smell it, sense it but it is just out of reach. 

The Springtime comes when it is time for it to come. Nothing you do or don't do will change that timing. Your only job is to stay  in position and trust me to bring you the new season in the perfect timing that is mine. 

I have a plan. You see it coming. I will let you know if I need you to act. Until then, rest and know that I am in charge. 

I am letting you see the next season because I know you are mature enough to see it without jumping ahead. Watch as I bring you the Spring.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Don't run away...

My prayer:

God, sometimes I look at the world around me and think it is just too much. Too much hate, too much pain, too much need, too much fighting against each other. This world has developed into a scary place and sometimes, a lot of times, I really want to find an island somewhere, grab a couple friends and family and go live in peace. Let the world deal with itself and live life with some people I love. That sounds pretty perfect.

But, even as I am saying that, I can see all of the things that could go wrong with it. Perfect is seldom perfect even with the best of plans.

Not sure where I am headed with these thoughts tonight God, but thanks for listening.

What God Said Tonight:

I have you protected and secure. My security plan is better than the most remote island. Nothing formed against you to hurt you will ever actually hurt you. Nothing can come against you and succeed because you are mine. Every attempt will be met with great power. 

I have you safe so you can reach and love my people. I know you want to go away sometimes. I understand it. But I have need of you. I have plans for you. 

I will give you peace in the middle of any storm. I will keep a hedge of protection around you in all that you do. I will give you favor. But, I need you to live your life among my people. I need you to talk to them and to listen to them. I need you to love them. I need you to show them my love. 

Don't withdraw to your cave despite the strong compulsion to do so. Stay here in my arms and I will give you all that you need. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

God in me...

My prayer:

What a fantastic day God!! Started with a beautiful trail run that kicked my butt. Followed by sushi, new shoes, frozen yogurt, a movie, a nap...then a great time at church tonight with people I love. Sometimes these simple days are the BEST.

Thank you for being with me all day and sharing the fun! Thank you for the luxury of a whole day where I did not have to 'work' at anything, just rest. LOVE YOU!!

What God Said Tonight:

I am not in a box, I am in you. As long as you get out and live your life, you will take me with you. 

I am in you. When you look for me, don't look around you. Don't look to other people. Look for me in you. I dwell in you and I will help you. 

I am not wandering around and I am not lost. I am firmly in you and I will never leave. I love you ferociously and I will see you protected, whole and prospering forever. 

Friday, April 4, 2014


My prayer:

You are the God of restoration! Thank you God for the restoration you brought me tonight. You gave me years back that had been stolen!! Thank you for the restoration in my family!!! Thank you God that you are the redeemer and the restorer and you make me WHOLE!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have given you a taste of restoration but I have so much more. You have lived without for so long that you have forgotten what it is like to have all that you deserve 

I am going to show you. I am going to provide for you. I am going to see you living the life that I have for you as a Royal Prince and Prophet and Priest. 

I have determined that my children will be blessed. I said it and that is the last word on it. I love you.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Know God's love...

My prayer:

I am boring myself tonight God. How about I listen to you instead. You are never boring. One of the many things I love about you!

What God Said Tonight:

I have waited for this time together. I have waited to tell you and I have set the table for us to be here tonight. I have prepared the time and he place. 

I have much to tell you but first, lay your head on my chest where I can love you. First, let me remind you of how precious you are to me. First let my love heal, cover, and fill every empty spot in you. I have much for us to do but it can all wait until you can know my love for you is powerful, real and better than anything else you will ever experience. 

I have so much love for you and so much of what I want for you is not even possible until you have my love more firmly established in you. 

That is the key of what these last several months have been about. All that I have been teaching you really comes down to that. Know my love in a practical way that changes you. Know my love so that you can love. Know my love so you are whole. Know my love so you can trust me no matter what. 

I love everything about you, absolutely everything now and forever.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


My prayer:

What a wild ride today was God! Happy to be safe and home with you. 

It seems silly to keep saying it but Thank YOU for your favor on my life!! Each day, you have more wonderfulness for me. Each day, you get me through the hard parts. Each day, I get to say "I made it!" thanks to you working in my life. 

I am more grateful for you than I can ever say.

What God Said Tonight:

I have never worried. Ever. I have no place for worry in me. Worry does not come from me. Worry serves no purpose. 

I have anger and I have joy. I have peace and I have sadness. But I never have worry. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I know the end from the beginning. I never have to worry about how things will turn out. 

I have your back. Your success and you are more important to me than anything else. 

If you believe that, if you believe that I will take care of you. If you believe I am who I say I am and I know what I say I know. If you believe that I am working all things together for your good. If you believe, worry cannot exist in you. 

If worry is tormenting you, check your beliefs. Rest in my peace, now and forever.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tough times...

My prayer:

Amazing God. Thank you so much for what you have done in my brother's life!! You are awesome and your favor is wonderful!! 

God, I have some friends that are really going through tough times. Truth is, most of us are going through tough times of one kind or another. I pray God that you send us hope tonight. I ask that you show us the good future you have for us. Remind us God of all of the times that you have taken care of us in the past and give us complete confidence that you will take care of us now.

Your promises never change, you love never changes. What you did for us yesterday you will do for us again. You will rescue us. You will take us to new fields of glory in you. You are our strong tower and in you we will trust. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

I am happy to come along side of you and walk you through the trouble. Or, if you let me, I can move inside of you and change you in the midst of the trouble. The change in you will last a lifetime. The change in the situation will only last a moment. 

I will love you no matter what. I will save you no matter what. I will prosper you, no matter what.