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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lightening rod...

My prayer:

I am in complete awe of you God. What a day, what a night, what a life you have given me! I could spend a couple hours just talking about the amazing people you surround me with. Then, we I look at how you put all those people together into your leaves me with only one word "WOW"!

Then, when I look at how you have directed my life and my steps, using every experience (good, bad and indifferent) and turned it to my good, leading me to this time and this place, on the edge of monumental opportunity..."WOW"!

I could keep going but the result of all of it will always end with... "WOW"!

Thank you GOD!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have made you into a lightening rod. At one point, I had you as my lighthouse. You were reflecting my light to the world. Now I have made you a lightening rod which will attract my light and conduct it to others. 

It is is time to take things up a notch. I don't need for people to simply see my light. I need them to experience it. I need them to be struck with it. I need it to change and electrify their lives to take them into these final days and this final season. 

I have prepared you for this. Get ready to experience more and more connections. Get ready to conduct and connect people who have my light with people who need my light. 

I love you daughter. This is going to be GOOD!

Friday, August 16, 2013

On purpose...

My prayer:

What a great night God! I expected to be half dead tonight after this crazy and ridiculously busy week but here I am, full of energy, full of your Spirit after another amazing night of prayer and worship with my brother and sisters. I even got a run in today! Now that is a miracle!

I want to thank you for so many things tonight. The two big ones are thank you for making impossible things possible and thank you for making connections that will change the world. You are fascinating God and the way you work  everything together truly blows my mind. LOVE YOU!!

What God Said Tonight:

I enjoy blowing your mind. I enjoy you. I enjoy doing things with you. I enjoy worship time with you. I enjoy prayer time with you. I enjoy simply being with you. 

I created you just as you are because I wanted you in my life. I wanted you to fill a perfect place and space. 

I do everything on purpose. I have no accidents. I am the creator of coincidence and I use every one of them for the good of my kingdom and my people. 

I will never stop working for you. I will never stop loving you. I will never stop finding ways for you to live out your purpose in me. 

You have a big day tomorrow. Time to rest.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Team GOD...

My prayer:

Did my best today God. Hope it was good enough. 

What God Said Tonight:

Your best is all you can do. I am the one who makes you victorious. I am the one who turns all things to your good. I am the one who determines your success. You do what you can and I will d the rest. 

We are a team and together we can change the world. But I need you just as you need me. I am God and I can do all things. But, I created you as my child. I created you to have a relationship with you. Without you, I am half of what I should be. Just as you are empty without me, I am empty without my children. 

Each missing child is like a piece of my heart missing. There are too many pieces missing. 

But for those of you here, with me, I love you and I will see you prosper. Follow my lead and we will do great things. Live in my arms and you will never be harmed.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Power and authority...

My prayer:

Awesome God, I come against evil in the name of Jesus Christ and I bind it and cast it to the pit of hell. There is no place for evil in the lives of your children. I proclaim that your will shall be accomplished and nothing can stand in the way of the perfect will of you. 

Mighty God, I know who wins. There is no one and nothing that can defeat you. SO, in this and in every situation in my life, for the rest of eternity, I claim your will and I stand against anything that is not of your will through the authority and power given to me by Jesus Christ, Son of God!

Thank you God for being my victory. Thank you for being my strength. Thank you for giving me the authority and power to stand against evil.

What God Said Tonight:

There is no power in heaven or hell that is greater than my power and the power I have given to you. I gave you the power and authority knowing you would need it in this life. 

I will stand with you and I will be a hedge around you. There is nothing more powerful than our agreement on any thing. 

I love you daughter and I will see my will accomplished in your life. Now and forever my love.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Blessed and More...

My Prayer:

I am blessed. I am Blessed! I AM BLESSED!!!! I am blessed of the Lord! God I shout to the mountain tops that I am blessed!!! You are so amazing and so wonderful and so much more than I can imagine on my own. I try to wrap my mind around your goodness and I get stuck in the limits of my imagination. You are more than I can imagine. I LOVE YOU!!!! I AM BLESSED BY YOU!!! I CELEBRATE YOU!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have more I have more I have more for you.... this is just he beginning. I love you and I will shower you with goodness, joy , blessings, favor. I will see you victorious in all that you do. I will make your way prosperous. 

I will do it all because you are mine and I am yours. We have walked a long road together but our time is just beginning. We have eternity to live out your purpose. We have eternity to accomplish my purpose in you. 

You are SO PRECIOUS to me!!! I will never stop loving you. I will never be against you. I will never forget my promises to you because you are mine and I am yours, forever!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

What God wants...

My prayer:

Amazing Father. I had a clarity and a clearer perception today than every before. It was kind of like how I feel after a long fast, but I didn't have to go without food this time. 

God I love you wisdom. Thank you for still taking time to teach me. I pray God that this new understanding, this new knowing get planted deep, rooted firmly, and grow into more than I can imagine.

What God Said Tonight:

My blessed child how I love you. How I want to see you prosperous and walking in your complete purpose in me. 

I want to take you places you have never heard of and give you things you never imagined. I want to show you things that cannot be possible and I want to celebrate with you. I want to spend all eternity with you doing, saying and being. 

I will give you the strength. You already have my righteousness. I will protect you from the daggers and the evil that will come against you. Your battles are my battles and your struggles are my struggles. Your pain is my pain. I will bring you victory. I will bring you healing. I will bring you everything you need when you need it forever. 

You and me forever.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

On the edge of freedom...

My prayer:

Mighty and awesome God. I feel like I am on the very edge of understanding something about you but I don't yet get it completely. The message tonight was amazing and life changing. If I can really get in my heart, my mind, my soul...then this lifelong battle with perfectionism and performance will finally be done! 

I know in my head that you love me no matter what. I know in my head that nothing I can do can take your love from me. I know in my head that nothing I can do can earn your love. But I don't act that way. 

Truth is, the way that I live is, if I try my best to live a good life for you, follow your instructions, be kind, loving, generous, that you will love me and bless me. 

But you tell us that our 'righteousness' is like filthy rags. You tell us, very clearly, that we can never be good enough and that is why you died for us. It is the sick person who was healed, the person who did something horrible who was forgiven, the person with nothing who is provided for...those are the people who have experienced a true move of God in their lives. They are the people who understand your love for them. And, that is the point of your grace and mercy.

You knew we needed it, you gave it, and through that giving, I get to experience first had your love and your power. 

It really has nothing to do with me trying to do right. It has everything to do with, when I mess up (which I will whether I want to or not) and humble myself to receive your forgiveness (which I don't deserve), I get to experience your love in a real and powerful way. Which then brings me closer to you.

So, does that mean I should go out and try to mess up since that will give me an opportunity to experience your love? No. But, whether I try to or not, I will mess up eventually. No guilt or condemnation when it happens. Just the blessed assurance that you will be there and you will forgive me and I will experience your love, grace and mercy at a whole new level.

God, I am not sure if I got this all right or if I used the right words but I can feel how VERY IMPORTANT this is. I pray God that you give me the full revelation of this and that you plant it so deep in me that I never forget it. 

God, this is the freedom from the control freak, people pleaser, performance based battle that I have fought every day of my life and I want that freedom! 

What God Said Tonight:

I would do anything for you. You are so deep into my heart. You are the apple of my eye and the purpose for all that I do. Hear it, believe it, live it and everything else falls into place. 

I LOVE YOU completely and with all that I AM.