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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Larger vision...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I have a lot on my mind that I want to talk about tonight but I am not sure how to even begin to organize my thoughts enough to express them. I don't begin to understand what is happening right now. Doors are opening and closing faster than I can even follow. 

God, bottom line, anything and everything that you want, I want too. Anything and everything that you don't want, I don't want either. If there is anything in the middle, that you don't have an opinion about...well that is where it gets confusing. 

God, please give me wisdom and help me to make the choices for your best in my life and that will result in the greatest blessing for those you have put in my life.

What God Said Tonight;

I have a place for you but it is not a static place. It is a place of growth and expansion. What you have seen, what you have done is the very early stages of what we will do. 

Expand your vision as wide as it will go and then expand it further. 

Don't worry about or get distracted by the day to day opportunities right now. There will be plenty and take those you want and ignore those you don't It will not matter in the larger scheme of things. 

In the larger vision, I have everything on track and it will not be derailed. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Shine the light and love...

My prayer:

Hopes and dreams and broken promises. Amazing God above all Gods. Life is hard sometimes. I know, no one ever said that life was supposed to be easy; but sometimes, it is so hard. 

I look around and see so many people that I love who are faced with crazy tough situations right now. They are fighting for their lives and it doesn't always look like they are going to win. I keep telling them that you will make a way for them, and I believe it. But waiting for you to move is so very hard. 

God, I trust you and I know you will work it all out. How do I help until that time comes? What can I do?

What God Said Tonight:

You heard the answer before you finished asking the question. Love them. The best thing to give them as they wait is love. The best thing to give any one at any time is love. 

I would have you love them, wait with them, and assure them that I have not left them. I will work it for their good. Remind them of the times that I have worked out the impossible in their lives before. 

They are in holes of darkness created by their situations and it is so hard to see the light from the bottom of the hole. Shine the light for them and love them. It will help more than you can know.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Get out of your way...

My prayer:

What if God? That is what is going through my head tonight. What if I could live my life in full possession of all of your promises. What if I said to a mountain, move, and it moved? What if I commanded the dead to rise and they did? What if I took dominion over every evil thing in the name of Jesus Christ and watched them flee EVERY TIME? 

I want that God. I want to live out every promise that you have given us. I want to know how to show others to live that way too. 

I love how you bless me and all that you have done in my life but I KNOW there is more and I want it. I want all that you have for me. 

I try to imagine what I could do for people, how I could bless them and it blows my mind. Or, more appropriately, how I could be a part of you blessing them. Just in healing alone. If I lived life in full possession of your promises, EVERY time I prayed for someone, you would heal them. Every time they came in contact with me, they would be healed. I remember where you said with Peter, even when his shadow fell across someone they were healed. I want that. 

Help me get there please.

What God Said Tonight:

There is only one thing between you and living that life and that is you. You have to break free of the chains of what you have been taught. You have to break free of the ideas that have been pounded into your head of what is possible and what is impossible. You have to expand your thinking to allow that there are many things that are possible for which you cannot explain. 

I have great power that transcends logic. You are a student of logic. Logic and science are comfortable and comforting to you. My power cannot be explained by logic. It is truly the antithesis of logic. I don't make sense. 

When you are truly ok with that and accept it, you will see more miracles, more power, more promises fulfilled in your life. When you get out of the way of you, you will find me. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

More joy...

My prayer:

What a great night God! Good food and LOTS of laughter. I needed that. 

Thank you for bringing so much joy in my life lately. Things get tough now and then but you always bring joy in the midst of it all and your joy sustains me. It strengthens me. It makes it possible for me to face one more day, no matter what that day holds. There is power in your joy.

What God Said Tonight:

My joy, like my peace is always available for you. It is a choice. I keep never ending wells of both because I know how much you need it to get through this life. 

Don't be shy. come to the well as often as you need to. Come to the well as often as you want to. I will never run out. I will always have more for you.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Life is a battle...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. I have been on an emotional roller coaster today and you know that is not like me. One minute life seems wonderful and the next it seems like it is falling down around me. One minute I have peace and the next, confusion. 

It feels like there is a battle going on and I am being batted back and forth but no one let me in on what the battle is about. 

Is it my attitude? Am I making bad choices and not realizing it? Have I let in sin without knowing? Or, is it not about me at all? 

God, I pray for wisdom tonight. I ask if there is something I have done, not done, should do, should not do, that you let me know. I will do or not do whatever you want. I just want off the roller coaster.

What God Said Tonight:

Your life is a battle my daughter. The devil, your enemy and mine does not like that you have chosen to live for me. He does not like that you are my light in the world. He does not like that you bless people and do what I ask of you. Most of all, he does not like that you give me the glory. 

You will be persecuted and pursued by him all of the days of your life because you are valuable to me. I can't stop him from coming after you but I can stop him from catching you. Stay in my arms and I will keep you safe. Lean on me and I will make you strong. I will not let him devour you. I will not let him have you. 

Run to me, call out my name. I will defend you against all of your enemies and I will make you victorious. I promise. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Love gives...

My prayer:

Awesome day God. I have never seen so many clothes given away or so many people blessed. Thank you for answered prayers. Thank you for blessing so many people. Thank you for letting me be a part of it. LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

Come here and rest your head on my chest. Come and let me hold you tonight. I adore you. I treasure you. You are the apple of my eye and carved onto my hand. You are a part of me and me a part of you. 

A love like ours can never be broken. A love like ours is for eternity. I adore you. My precious child. 

Your love for me was evident today, each time you helped, each time your prayed, each time you gave. With each time, I received with them. You were truly doing it unto me and I want to pour out on you fresh waves of love to take you through the night. 

Know that my love for you was established at the beginning of time but I want you to feel it more tonight than ever before as a natural reaction to the love you showed for me and for my people today. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Follow the new thing...

My prayer:

Hi God. Today was a long one and I am grateful that you got me through it all. 

I am excited about the outreach tomorrow. I continue to join my prayers with the rest of the volunteers in asking that you be in charge and help us to be a blessing. I pray that you bring every person who needs to be there. I pray that you help us to reflect your love, nothing more and nothing less.

What God Said Tonight:

I want you to remember one thing tomorrow, well, two things. 

Don't get stuck in doing things the way you have always done them. Be ready for me to do a new thing. I have plans for tomorrow and if you are with me, following my voice and my Spirit, you will see amazing things. If you don't, if you get stuck in the idea that there is only one way to do it, you will miss what I have for you and you may make it so the others miss what I have for them. Be open and free to follow my will. 

Second thing is to love, no matter what. Love the unlovable. Love the ones who irritate you. Love will make the difference. 

I love you. Go and rest for tomorrow.