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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Asking for help...

My prayer:

Perfect night God. Just what I needed. Thanks for reminding me of the things that I forgot. Basic things like get out of your way and let you do your thing. I am sorry that I allowed my prideful self think it could do it all. I should know by now that any time I rely on my strength and my abilities, I end up crushed into the ground. 

I ask for help to let go of all of the things that are outside of my control. I ask for help for letting go of guilt when I feel like I have let someone down. I pray God for your grace and mercy on my life and help to receive it.

So, pretty much help with everything! LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Asking for help is a display of wisdom. 

To know what you need help with and what you don't is a difficult but important thing to learn. When you ask for help on things you already know, it is a waste of your time and the time of the person you are asking for help. 

But, when you ask for help with things that you are not capable of or don't know yet, you find help, understanding, and build new skills and strengths you did not have before.  

People who are helpless don't ask for help. People who ask for help are those who still have hope but need more of what they don't have to make it to where they want to go. 

I am your ever present help and I will honor your prayer. I send my helper to you. He will be by your side, guiding, directing, helping, and sharing this life with you. I love you so much. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

See you again soon...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. Today was mostly about loss and I am left feeling a bit empty tonight. I think it is time to count blessings: 1. wonderful family who loves me 2. friends who are amazing and who love me 3. a roof over my head 4. food to eat 5. a great job 6. amazing opportunities to minister to people every day 7. beauty all around me 8. and most of all YOU!

Thank you for this life that you have given me. It is more than I could have hoped for and I can't wait to see what is next.

What God Said Tonight:

I have an eternity of joy for you. I have an eternity of joy for anyone who wants it. 

Today was not goodbye. Today was "See you again soon." My people don't have to say goodbye. My people have been given everlasting life My people have a home here in heaven with me. I have mansions that are built and ready to be occupied at the right time. 

I have not forgotten my covenant with you. I will never separate you from those you love longer than is absolutely necessary and when you are back together, it will seem as no time has passed. 

I love you and I will take care of your every need always.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cloud of peace...

My prayer:

What a weird mix of good and bad stuff today God. I don't know if I did a good job today but at least I survived. On days like today, that seems like quite an achievement! 

I guess when I really look at today objectively, nothing horrible happened (except dropping my sunglasses in the dirty toilet...that was pretty horrible). But seriously, compared to the real problems in the world I shouldn't complain. I definitely let stress get the better of me at times today. 

I would love to get to that place where I live in the middle of your peace no matter what. I have met people like that. People who, no matter what is happening around them, they remain in your peace. I think that would be a pretty wonderful way to live. And the truth is, you ALWAYS work things out for me so I should be at peace. Help me to get there?

What God Said Tonight:

You have my peace, whenever you want it. It is always with you and in you because I am in you. You can choose to experience that peace or you can choose to stress and worry. But always remember that you are making a conscious choice to do so. 

You always have access to my peace. You may want to keep some reminders about that around handy that you can see when you run into stress. You know my promises around peace and how I have promised to take care of you. Keep those readily at hand to remind you in those tough times. 

Truth is, you are a lot more at peace today than you have been in the past so this is simply a continuation of that journey. It is the next level of peace in any storm. 

Feel my peace surround and cover you tonight. Like a cloud, let it surround you and block out the worry. Rest in my peace and know that I am God, your Father.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

More Mary, less Martha...

My prayer:

Today was pretty crazy God. I was barely able to keep up most of the day. Thank you for being my peace in any storm. I always have you to lean on. I can always count on a place of peace and stability in you. 

How in the world do people survive without that? I wouldn't last a day if I couldn't lean on you!

Love you and can't wait to hear what you have to say tonight...

What God Said Tonight:

You can watch the people, people all around the world and you will see, money is not the key to happiness, even family is not the key to happiness. The key to happiness is being safe, with people you love, and having a challenge to accomplish. That is a sure tried recipe for happiness. 

I want you to be happy. I want you to enjoy life. So often you get too wrapped up in the problems and forget to enjoy. I need a little more Mary and a little less Martha from you right now. 

I love you more than anything and I want you to be happy.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hands off...

My prayer:

Amazing Father. I need your help. You always say when I need help I just need to ask, so I am asking. 

This crazy project is not going very well. I just want to finish it; but, when it is done, me and everyone at the office has to live with the results so I want it to be done right. I have tried my best and it is not working. I have asked for help and it is not working. I am frustrated and want to say I quit, but it has to get done and there is no one else to do it. I need your help. 

You have done much bigger things than this. Even this week you have already performed mighty miracles. I just need a little miracle, in a very real and mundane situation.

Thank you God for being my Father and my help in every situation.

What God Said Tonight:

I wondered when you were going to get around to asking for my help. I have watched you struggle with this and I have wanted to help but until you took your hands off long enough for me to get my hands on it, my hands were tied so to speak. 

I am your ever present help. I am always here and always ready to help. But, for me to help, you have to let me in. 

I will take care of this. You will surprised at how easy it from this point forward. The things that you could not make sense of will seem so simple now. I will give you everything you need. I am here for you always in all things and I love you. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Unique love...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am so crazy in love with you. All I have to do is stop for five seconds and start to think of who you are and all that you do and I am overwhelmed with how wonderful you are and how much I love you!!

Thank you for "C's" praise report of healing from MS today! That blessed and encouraged so many people. You are wonderful!! Wait, I already said that. I just run out of words God. 

I always loved how Bishop L always use to start the year with the alphabet praise. Let see if I can come up with 26 words to describe how wonderful you are starting with each letter of the alphabet...I may need some help with "X"...

You are awesome, beautiful, caring, delightful, excellent, fabulous, GREAT, highest, incredible, Jesus, knowing, loving, marvelous, newsworthy, overwhelming, perfect, quality, regal, stupendous, terrific, unstoppable, victorious, xiphoid (as in your word is like a double edged sword), Yaweh, and zenith!


What God Said Tonight:

You make me smile my child. I love you too. I always will. 

Be confident in my love for you. Not just confident in my love for all humanity, but be confident in my love for you. 

My love for each of my children is somewhat different. My relationship with each of my children is different. My love for each child is not greater or less than others but it is different. 

I love you specially because you are you. I love you because I am love, but I love you because of who you are as well. I have a special and unique love for every single one of my children. I have numbered the hairs on your head and I save your tears because I am so in love with you. You are never out of my heart. 

Go and rest. Tomorrow is going to be good.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Permanent protection program...

My prayer:

Today was pretty wonderful God. A mix of a lot of my favorite things again. You are awfully good to me. I love being your kid. It comes with some pretty amazing privileges. 

I don't know what all you have planned in my life next but it looks like it is going to be exciting and you know I love exciting! I see so many possibilities and have no idea which of them will work out, assuming any of them do. 

I also see some real dangerous possibilities. I can see how if I am not extremely careful, I could fall into temptation that I might not be able to pull out of. 

God, please protect me, from everything, including myself. Help me to make right decisions, keep me from temptation and deliver me from evil. It is an old prayer but I need it as much today as they did when you first said it. 

What God Said Tonight:

I am your protector for eternity and I never let down my guard. You are in my permanent protection program. 

The only way out is if you choose to get out. You have control over your own decisions and your decisions can put you in positions that can result badly for you. I will always bring you out. I will always be waiting with open arms to welcome you back home when you turn back to me. But, when or if you choose to move away from me, if you choose a path that is clearly not my will and runs contrary to my word, that moves you outside of my realm of protection. 

I don't condemn you. I died for your sins. But, until you turn from those decisions and return to me, I can't keep you protected the way I want to. I will still love you. I will always love you. I will always have a way out for you. But, try to make decisions that are in line with my word. 

You know my word. You know the truth. Use that truth to make decisions and you will live forever under my covering for you. Stray, and you make yourself vulnerable.