My prayer:
All knowing God. My thoughts are scattered again tonight. I am not as good of a person as I want to be. I get tired of messing up, hurting people, not being all that you called me to be. I know I will never be perfect but I want to be better than I was today.
God, help me to be better tomorrow than I was today. Help me to be a bigger and better blessing to the people around me. Help me to better recognize your opportunities. I can live with myself tonight if I have hope that you will make me better tomorrow. Thank you Jesus.
What God Said Tonight:
You my dear are in a constant state of construction. As long as you are alive, you have the opportunity to be and do better. You have the opportunity to grow and to learn. Life, is a great opportunity to be the best you that can be.
However, remember that even at your best, it is never good enough to earn your salvation. I provided that for you. You don't ever have to earn that. It is my gift and is not earned but received.
Being the daughter of the most high God gives you a starting place that is better than you could have ever hoped for on our own. The rest is up to you. The level of maturing and blessing in your life is up to you. How you treat other people and what you do with the gifts I have given you is up to you. Each choice you make that is in agreement with my will shall result in greater levels of blessing, joy and peace.
Make good choices, repent when you mess up, and remember that I am your God and your salvation. My mercies are new every day. Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities.