My prayer:
All knowing God. Figuring out this life, what to do, what not to do, when to do it, how to do it, all of it, is hard sometimes. I am crazy grateful that I get to come to you and ask for help and guidance. I can't imagine trying to navigate life without your wisdom and help.
There are so many choices. Sometimes, like tonight, I just get tired of needed to make choices. I would like just a little bit of time tonight to rest my mind and not choose...anything, except of course to love you and spend time with you. Just a little vacation from choosing.
What God Said Tonight:
You only have to make one choice and that is to chose me. Every other choice is a result of that one choice.
You are taking too much on yourself again. You are trying to do it on your own. That is why you are feeling tired and overwhelmed. Trust in me, rest in me, know that I am still in control. I will guide you and direct you and show you each thing I need you to do as you need to do it. You know from experience that is true.
You are not in this alone. I do not expect you to do it on your own. I never did. Lean on me my daughter and I will carry you through. I will make sure you are right where you need to be. Keep choosing me and everything else, I will take care of.