My prayer:
Thank you God for today which was wonderful! Thank you even more for tonight which was incredible. Thank you God for people and a life that matters. Thank you God for the sacrifice that you made so I could know you and live the life you hoped for me instead of the life I deserve. Thank you God for...well for everything! I LOVE YOU! I APPRECIATE YOU!! I ADORE YOU!!!
I pray God that this weekend, our worship, our praise, our outreach, is pleasing to you. I pray God that it blesses you. I pray God that we make you smile.
What God Said Tonight:
Come here and climb into my lab. I am waiting for you and I want to love on you. I want you to feel my love. You hear about my love and you see my love sometimes but right now I want you to feel it.
I want you to understand that my love for you is stronger than anything else in the world, in the universe. I want you to understand that nothing will ever break my love for you. I want you to understand that my love is more constant than the sun and will never leave you.
I love you and I will love you until they haul me away; but, even that won't diminish my love for you. I will love you when they beat me and my love is not diminished. I love you while they kill me and my love is not diminished. I love you when they bury me and my love is not diminished I love you when I return and it is not diminished one bit.
My love for you will grow indefinitely. My love for you will never end. Rest you heart with me. My love is not diminished. Sleep in peace,