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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Got hope...?

My prayer:
Incredible God, Father, teacher, and love of my life. 

How was your day? Did you get blessed today God? Did you get to do anything fun? Did we worship you in spirit and in truth. Did we share your love with each other and with you? 

God, I hope your day was the best ever. I hope that you are blessed more than you are "cursed." I hope that your will is accomplished throughout the world. I love you God and I want only good things for you.

What God Said Tonight:
Hope is a good thing. Hope with assurance is faith. Faith with action can move mountains. 

It all begins with hope. I am your hope. Start with me and you will see mountains move. You will see blind eyes see. You will see the dead rise up and live. You will see creative miracles where jewels fall from the sky. You will...all because you started with some hope. 

I was blessed today and I am blessed right now, here with you. I love you daughter. Keep sharing my word. Make sure everyone has a chance to hear and to believe. Laugh, live, and be at peace with my will in your life. You are my blessing. Your hope, your faith, your actions are my blessing. I love you and will forever.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Share it...

My prayer:
Awesome God, I am too exhausted to think but I have to hear your voice. Tonight is all you...

What God Said Tonight:
I love you daughter and I will give you rest tonight that will restore you. Your path the last couple of days has not been easy but it has been good. You will use the things you were reminded of throughout your entire life and beyond. Everything you learn in this life is one step up in eternity. 

Every thing you learn today is blessing to those you know tomorrow. There are so many people hurting in the world today. They need your help. They need my help through you. They need my love through you. They need my wisdom through you. 

I will always teach, love and bless you but it is never meant for you to hold onto. It is all meat to be shared. Don't hold back. When I teach you something, tell EVERYONE. It is a lot like a viral video. That is how we are going to get my word to every creature on earth. That is how we are going to fulfill the prophecy. Same concept. 

If you share me with everyone you know and they share me with everyone they know and so on, before long, we will have reached every last person across the world. You don't have to reach every person  personally but you have to do you part. You have to share. Don't be stingy with what I give you. Share it everywhere you go. 

I love you daughter. Go rest now. Tomorrow is another day with more to do, but you will love itl

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


My prayer:
Awesome God. Today was such a good reminder that you are bigger than anything I come up against. You didn't stop the snow like I prayed and asked for, but you made everything perfect anyways. I think I should stop praying so much for what I think i want and start praying more for what you want. I mean, I always try to make sure that the things I ask for are things that you also want for me; but, I am starting to think that I am approaching prayer from the wrong angle. If I stop worrying about what I want and focus more on what you want, I think everything will be better. 

God, I pray tonight that every single thing that you want for my life is accomplished. Bring in everything you want in my life and take out anything you don't want in my life. Period, that is it. 

Thank you God for wanting better things for my life than I can even imagine. The story of my life that you come up with is so much better and more interesting than what I would have written without you! 

What God Said Tonight:
It is funny. I have always had a plan and purpose for your life and I have always let you know that. When you see the plan, you sometimes pick out the parts you like and pray for those things to happen. Now, if you can change your thinking the way we are talking about tonight, you will begin to see and experience the full plan I have for you. It is so much better, fuller and richer than what you have known so far. 

Things going smoothly, without trouble, is not always the best thing for my Kingdom and for my people. Sometimes, it is in the adversity that the true growth happens. It is in overcoming adversity that others are inspired. It is when things don't go your way and you still trust and praise me that you gain a new level of peace and joy in your life that cannot be taken away. 

Adversity, trouble, is not the enemy. Sometimes, it is the perfect tool. I will always make sure you win in the end. You are my kid. I don't let my kids lose. I will never leave you. i will always take care of you. Accept my complete will in your life and see what you can be.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


My prayer:
My wonderful God! I am inspired tonight. I am inspired by how you create each of us to inspire each other. God I love to see when your kids use whatever they have, for you. They always become an inspiration when they do. Whether they were born without arms and legs and with the most amazing spirit or you gave them amazing skills at football and an amazing faith or you gave them the ability to love people, really love them, no matter what it is, when they use it for you, it is SO INSPIRING!!

Thank you God for surrounding me with inspiring people. Thank you God that every once in awhile, you inspire people through me. Help me to be more of an inspiration!

What God Said Tonight:
Inspiration is a fountain that springs up and splashes everyone around it. Come to me and I will cover you with an inspiration from a never ending well. I will cover you with inspiration from the living water well and you will never lack for anything ever again. 

I will light your life with joy and with hope every day. I will show you what is possible and then I will show you the impossible. I will lead you down paths you did not even know existed. I will do such amazing things, even you won't be able to quite believe it. I plan to leave you in shock and awe. 

Receive my inspiration through the people around you and the world around you. Receive my inspiration directly through my Spirit. Receive my inspiration anywhere you can. It will sustain you and give you a purpose and direction every day of your life. Live for me and you will never be sorry. I love you daughter. Let you light shine.

Monday, January 9, 2012

God's fight...

My prayer:
My God you are worthy, holy, amazing, wonderful, and so much more that I don't have the words for. I am so grateful that I get to live life with you. I am so grateful that you didn't leave me in my mess but that you loved me enough to show me a better way to live. I thank you for every teacher you brought into my life. I thank you for every lesson you ever taught me. I thank you for being Lord of my life and loving me. I am all yours God, now and forever. 

God I bind fear off of my life. You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a strong mind. I refuse to allow fear to rule my life in any area. I choose to trust you in everything and walk in the confidence that you have everything under control. I am all yours God.

What God Said Tonight:
My Spirit is surrounding you even now my daughter. There is no thing in your life that can defeat my Spirit. 

Remember your hero David. He know what it was to trust me to defeat the enemy. He fought, he showed up and he fought but he never lost sight of the one who was fighting and winning for him. He never once went into battle without asking me if he should go. He would ask if I would deliver the enemy to him. He knew that the real battle was mine and that all he had to do was find out when and where I wanted to fight it. 

I am nearly done fighting. We are nearly to the time of peace. You will be stunned by the time of peace. You will be shocked at how freeing it is. You can have that freedom right now if you want it. Surrender every worry to me and you will live freer than you have ever known. Walk away from your fear, your worry, your doubt. Leave it behind. It does you no good. 

I am with you always. I will never leave you and I will never turn my back on you. NEVER. I will protect you and provide for you. I will make sure  that you win. I love you daughter and I am all yours too.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

What's next...

My Prayer:
Mighty and powerful God. Today was wonderful. Thank you for all that you taught me. Thank you for the people you blessed me with. Thank you for proving once again that you can use anything and anybody to show off your glory.

As I prepare for this week God, there are a lot of unknowns. I pray for your guidance God. I ask that you tell me each thing I need to know as I need to know it. Show me what to do, what to say, how to think about each circumstance that comes my way. God, help me to bless others. Help me to receive the blessing they are to me. Help me to love and be loved better than ever before.

God, I pray that you restore me so that I can pour out onto other people. Clean me up so I correctly reflect you. Heal me that I have the strength and the stamina to do all that you have called me to do. 

I love you God and with your help, I am ready for whatever this week brings.

What God Said Tonight:
The fact is, you never know what is coming next. I know that you get lulled into a complacency of thinking that you know what is coming next, but you don't really. I will always lead and guide you. I know what the future has for you and I will make sure that you experience every last thing that I have for you. 

You have noticed that I am surrounding you with new miracles? Expect more of that. You have noticed that you are more focused on love, giving and receiving, than ever before? That is me too. I am going to show you the next level in love, in miracles, in ministry, in spreading my light throughout the world. 

The prophecies you have heard this weekend are real and are from me. You are going to see multiplication like you cannot imagine. I choose you to be my conduit to the world. I chose you to be my daughter. I chose you to be with me forever. I LOVE YOU.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


My prayer:
Amazing God. Today has been good but also threaded throughout the day has been a struggle with temptation. All day long, I have been tempted with thoughts and things that I usually have a pretty good handle on. 

I don't know why today was different. I found myself thinking, "Well, it wouldn't be so bad if I did it just once...would it?" It has been a long time since I have lied to myself like that God. I know God that all sin is sin and you hate it. I know that anything that takes me from you is sin and I need to run from it. I don't know why I forgot that a few times today. 

I pray God that you help me be strong. I pray God that you help me resist the devil. I pray God that you lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. Help me God to live a life that is a blessing to you and to those around me. In Jesus name, amen.

What God Said Tonight:
Our enemy is against you and trying to get you off tract because he knows what is in your future. He is panicking and desperately trying to get you off of the path that I have for you. He is pulling out all the stops and will stop at nothing to keep you from the destiny that I have for you. He hates you and hates your future. He hates what you life is going to do for my Kingdom. He hates the vision and the plan that I have given you. 

Today was a day of temptation and of tests. You  did not act and you eventuallly took each thought captive. I will help you fight. I will keep you strong. I need you to keep your eyes on me with out fail. I need you to focus on me and not on the temptations around you. I need your attention if you are going to get through this season unscathed. 

I love you daughter and I am here for you. You are not alone and you will not fight this battle alone. He is already defeated and you know who wins. Remember that no matter how good you think that temptation is going to be, it will never be worth the cost. Never.