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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Creative love...

My prayer:
Amazing and wonderful God. I love you so much! I missed meeting with you like this last night. It has become a treasured habit God. 

Thank you for the relaxation of the last couple of days. Thank you for the time off. And thank you even more for the opportunities to serve your people all day today! 

I appreciate the downtime but what I really love is to serve you and your people. What I really love is to be there for someone and watch you step in and help them. What I really love is when you take charge in a way that no one can doubt who you are or your power. What I really love is YOU and getting to see YOU be YOU! 

I love you so much and it is good to be back here with you. What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:
I love you my sweet daughter of grace. I hope you realize that the hundreds of fields of wild flowers that you saw the last couple of days were my gift to you. A husband may bring home a bouquet of flowers but I have  a few more resources at hand and wanted you to see my love. Every color, every shape, I fashioned for you. Every leaf, every stem, was made with you in mind. I love you and this was one display of my love for you. 

My children are so very precious to me. I am showing my love all of the time but you don't always recognize it. When you forget who created the earth, who created you, you may miss all that I have done for you. When you forget who I am, you may miss all that I have done because of my love for you. 

I am constantly looking for new ways to show my love for you. It is important that you understand and never forget. I want you to do the same. Constantly be looking for ways to express your love for me and for other people. Be creative. Find new ways to show your love. There is no right or wrong way but keep doing it. 

You know from personal experience that it is easy to doubt people's love for you unless it is constantly reinforced. Make every interaction with the people around you an expression of your love, if you can. Be creative. Watch what other people do and get new ideas. Do things, give things, say things, show your love. I will help. 

It all comes down to love. I am love and love is the beginning and ending of every story in this life. I love you. Keep your eyes open and receive love so you can give it away. Giving you a kiss on the forehead before bed. Sleep tight my sweet daughter.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Let God steer...

My prayer:
Amazing, incredible and protective Father! I am consistently amazed at what good care you take of me! How many times, this week alone could I have been killed? Between crazy drivers and killer storms...I am losing count. 

Thank you God for your love. Thank you for taking better care of me than I deserve. Thank you for always loving me more than I deserve. Thank you God for always giving me more than I deserve!!! 

I love you so much! What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:
Taking care of you is pretty easy. It is a natural reaction of my love for you. I will always watch over you. Lest you dash a foot against a stone. I am in continuous watch care over you. 

You are carved in the palm of my hand. You can count on my protection and my watch care over you. 

You are who I designed you to be. You are where I intended you to be, doing what I intended you to do. I have planned all of this since before you were born and I am in complete control. 

As long as you leave me in control, you can trust the outcome will be good. Don't take the reins. Don't try to steer. That is when we run into trouble. Leave that part up from me. You move, I will steer, and we will end up exactly where I intend. 

I love you sweetheart and today is for you. Tonight is for you. Tomorrow is for you. They are my gifts to you and I always give good gifts.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Step out into my dreams...

My prayer:
God of peace. God, you have the peace that passes all understanding. I need that peace tonight. I am suppose to be relaxing, taking some down time, but my mind continues to race. I continue to feel on edge. I am wound up so tight, I am not sure how to get unwound. 

God, it would be so much easier to just continue to help make other people's dreams come true instead of trying to step out and realize the dream you gave me. It is so much easier for me to believe in other people's dreams, to believe their dreams will come true. When it is my dream, or more importantly, your dream that you put in me...I start to think, "Who am I to think I can..." I am nobody God. Funny, I can hear you even now saying, "Great! I can work with nobodies! There my favorites!" 

God I want to help see your dream, your vision that you put in me, come to life. Help me God to have the strength, the courage, and the peace to do what you need me to do. Help me to listen to you first and people second. Help me God to do this right.

I love you and I love your dream for me. Just keep reminding me that it really is possible. Keep reminding me that with you all things are possible. Don't give up me God, I can do it, I just need you to keep reminding me right now.

What God Said Tonight:
You don't really need me to remind you, you are reminding yourself. You don't really need me to encourage you, you are encouraging yourself. Just like King David who you love so, you have learned the ability to encourage yourself in my word and that is a skill that will serve you well throughout eternity. 

You know what I have to say on the matter, you said it yourself, all things are possible through Christ. You know that I have a plan for your life and you know it is a good plan. You know that I would not have brought you this far to leave you. You know that I will lead and guide you always. You know that I will never leave you. 

Yes, this next step, this next season is a big one. I am asking you to do things that you have not done before. I am asking you to trust me to put together the plan. I am asking you to get started before the full plan is evident to you. You were ok with that yesterday and now, you worry. Now that you are looking at it against man's plans, you think you should know more than you do. You think you should have it all laid out. If you had it all laid out already then it really would be your plan and not mine. 

I have been leading you and guiding you for long enough now, don't doubt the pattern that we have developed. I show you the big picture in general terms and then I give you next steps. Wait for each step. Trust me to provide each one. We will do this the same way we have done so much together. It is a pattern that works for us. Don't let others influence how you think we should work together. You know me, you know how I work. Trust that. 

I have not given you a spirit of fear or timidity. Especially you. I have given you the courage of a mother lion. There is nothing that you will back down from, especially if it is something that is threatening what you care about. That is part of why you are feeling unease. I am asking you to do some things that go against your nature. Your natural instinct is loyalty and faithfulness no matter what. I need you to recognize in this case, I need your loyalty to me and your faithfulness to me to supersede the loyalty and faithfulness you feel toward others. 

It is hard I know, but I will give you peace. Peace I give to you and peace I leave with you. I will shower you with the peace of my love and the assurance that I am with you every step of the way. Don't neglect our time together. It is more important now than ever. I love you daughter sleep in peace tonight.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Well of knowledge...

My prayer:
Creative God who spoke the universe into existence. You are beyond my ability to imagine you. You are greater than my mind can comprehend. I have spent much of the last 15 years of my life trying to understand you. I could spend the rest of eternity doing the same and still not know all of you. You are too big, too much for my mind to truly understand. 

Today I read through those old exhortations and sermons from Prison Ministry God and some were ok but some were so naive. Some were clearly someone who was repeating what she had heard about you, not what she had experienced of you. 

God, I pray that I never do damage to your kingdom and your people as a result of my ignorance. God I pray that you cover me so that the things that I don't know yet, don't hurt your people. God teach me everything I need to know. Show me everything I need to know about you. Help me to recognize the gaps in my knowledge and understanding and give me avenues to fill those gaps. God teach me, my teacher. 

Show me all of you God. Speak through me so people don't have to rely on my limited knowledge and they can hear directly from you. 

I love you God. I thank you for all of the opportunities you give me to serve. Thank you for the increased awareness of the responsibility that comes with it. And, dear God, please have there be less of me and more of you so people hear the truth and not what my limited experience might think is the truth right now. I love you God. More of you less of me please.

What God Said Tonight:
I can give you revelations at any given moment for the knowledge that you need. You do not need to know everything right now. I have given you all that you need for right now and for what I am asking your to do. Rely on me for everything. Trust in me and I will make sure you have everything you need for each new opportunity. I never give you anything I have not already trained you for. 

Teach from your heart, from your life, and that will matter, that will make a difference. 

You will never know everything but I always will. You can ask me anything at anytime and if it is possible I will tell you the answer. You can dip into my well of knowledge whenever you need. Where you get in trouble is when you rush ahead, thinking you know the answers and you forget to ask me. 

Always remember that even those things that you are so sure of today, may not be the truth tomorrow. There is only one truth that you never have to doubt. You never have to doubt the truth of me and my presence in your life. That is one truth that never changes and never will. All other truth comes from me, so check in with me frequently. I am your resource and your teacher. I am your provider and your Father. I love you more than you can ever know. I am completely devoted to you and I will always answer your call. Call me often.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Living sculpture...

My prayer:
My God I enjoy you! I love spending time with you and in your presence. I am so amazed that you are willing to spend time with me in the first place and then, when I take the time to really spend time with you, no distractions, it is SO GOOD! You are SO GOOD! 

Thank you so much for tonight and another night with the Intense Prayer and Worship Group. Tonight was different than the last time but it was SO GOOD! You joy is bubbling up in me God. I can't stop smiling. I can't stop even when I don't know why I am smiling. 

You are so incredible. You  are everything I need. God, I don't ever want to lose the simple appreciation of spending time with you. I love you so much. 

What is on your mind tonight? I want to know, what can I do for you, what can I give to you, what can say to you that will bless you? God, what can I give back to you? Everything I am and everything I have is because of you. What can I give back? I want to give to you tonight. I want to give back. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!

What God Said Tonight:
I want everything and I want nothing. I want you to be willing to give me your all, lay everything down at my feet, but I want to give everything to you.

You are like a fine living sculpture. I have spent an eternity shaping you and I am not done, but you are so beautiful. I just want to look at you like you are for awhile. I will do more, there are colors to add, there are shapes to refine, there are character improvements for us to make but right now, I just want to enjoy who you are. I want to enjoy what you have become. 

You are a living and moving sculpture. You are my masterpiece. I created you to show others what I can do. The creation process, the refining and reshaping process is never pain free but look at you now! I know you still see the flaws when you look in the mirror, but I see the work of art that you are. You are so beautiful to me. Let me enjoy you for a little while. We have more to do, more changes to make, but just for now, I want to cherish who you have become and love you to the very depth of your soul. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Skimming the waves...

My prayer:
Lord God I am so tired tonight but I love you and can't, don't want to, end my day without hearing what you have to say. Awesome God, what is on your mind? You are beyond amazing and I LOVE YOU!!

What God Said Tonight:
You are flying my daughter. You are not flying high yet, you are skimming the waves. You are still getting splashed by the stormy surf. The water weighs you down a little but not so much that you cannot continue to fly. 

You are still looking at the water and what lies beneath. The good news is you are not drowning in it anymore. You have risen above it. When you can stop looking into it, searching for what lies beneath you, then you will begin to soar. Then you will begin to own the sky that I have given you. You will be able to go wherever you want. You will be ale to see things you have not yet imagined. 

Next steps, start looking up instead of down. Look in the direction you are going. You will follow whatever direction you are looking. 

I love you daughter. Sleep well. This season is tiring but worth it. It is work but the reward is great. You are where I need you to be and I will not leave you here.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Getting free...

My prayer:
Amazing God! So much to be thankful for today!! You gave me continuous favor at work with three new potential clients, divine health, an amazing small group discussion, you healed D's elbows, and you kept me safe from the hail that devastated neighborhoods right next to me tonight.  And, that is the stuff that I know about! Thank you for all of the hidden things you blessed me with today. Thank you for the things that you kept from happening. Thank you for leading me through this day with such kindness and gentleness that I sometimes forget that it is all you and your will being accomplished. 

You are so so so so GOOD! Thank you for every blessing, seen and unseen. Thank you for the power of your Holy Spirit, the salvation from your sacrifice, and always, always, thank you for your love!! 

What God Said Tonight:
You are in a better place tonight. You are starting to look at the right things again. You are starting to look at me. You are starting to look forward. You are starting to leave the past behind and look forward to what lies ahead. You have not quite gotten there yet but you are starting. I am glad. 

The timing is perfect. You are about to step into the new plan and the new things I have for you. You  have been prepared and you are ready. You need to finish letting go so you can move forward without reservation. You need to leave all baggage behind. Do what ever you have to do to leave any pain, any resentment and any bad feelings behind you. I don't want you bringing that with you to this new place and this new season. 

As you let it all go tonight, do not pick it back up. Leave it behind. You are poised to soar and you can't afford to have any baggage weighing you down. A bird cannot fly with a rock on it's back. I want you to fly. 

I love you so much. Rest again and I will guide you again tomorrow. I love you and spending time with you. I love what we are about to do. I love seeing you getting free from your own baggage. You will love it too...I promise!