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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Turn my brain off...

My prayer:
All knowing God. I wish sometimes that I could turn my brain off. I think that is why I like to run. There comes a point during a good run, where I kind of go somewhere else in my brain and I stop thinking. I am grateful God that you gave me a brain and you made it a nicely ordered logical one...most of the time; but, it would be great if it came with an off switch. 

I keep running the same thoughts, the same worries through my head and it is not getting me anywhere. It is not helping. I want to stop thinking about it, but I haven't been able to. You say worry over nothing and pray over everything. What happens when I pray but then I still worry? Does it mean I am not really trusting you? I think it means that I am not trusting myself. I am worried that I am making wrong choices, getting your will wrong; but then, I think through it and I think that I am following your will. Then, before I know it, I am doubting again and worrying. Ugghh! 

I am 90% confident about what you want me to do and it is what I have begun to do. It is the 10% that won't stop bugging me! What do I need to do differently God? What do I need to learn, understand? How do I get out of this cycle and get back to the peace you give me?

I love and trust God that you have only good plans for me. Please don't let me mess up those plans.

What God Said Tonight:
There is an off switch for your brain. It is activated when you rest in the complete assurance that I am in charge of your life. It is activated when you remember that I will turn all things to your good. It is activated when you remember who I am and how big I am. Get your eyes off of the details for a minute and focus on me. 

Think back a minute to the time last week when you had a glimpse of the beauty of my purity. Just me without all of the trappings. That is the goal in all of this. Just you and me with nothing between us. That is what I desire. 

I will remove anything that tries to come between us. I won't think twice about it. Anything. That means any decision, any person, any spirit, any circumstance that comes between you and me, I will remove it. 

Rest daughter and remember that I have got this. I will guide you always. I will be your guide and we will walk this life together forever. I will never leave you and will never forsake you. I am with you always. 

Stop worrying about what might happen or what could happen and enjoy what is happening. This is a time of celebration and new beginnings and you are going to miss it if you are not careful. You have set your feet upon a path. It is a good one. Now walk it out. I am with you now and forever. I love you daughter. I really do.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


My prayer:
My sweet and loving God. Today was good God. Just you and me, it was good. God, I have been talking a lot lately. Thank you for always listening. What do you want to talk about? I love you God and I am here to listen.

What God Said Tonight:
You don't always see clearly but you always are looking. You don't always find but you are always searching. You don't always get it right, but you are always trying. Know that I care more that you try than I do about you getting it right. I care more about you, your character, your heart than I do about what you do or do not do. 

The law got everyone pretty messed up. The law was never meant save you. Your actions will never save you. The law was in place so that I could come and save you. I was the fulfillment of the law. I was the solution to sin. I am all that you need. 

You have learned and you continue to learn about the importance of people and loving people. I have given you a heart for people. I am about to increase your love of people. I am about to increase the burden on your heart for people. I need you to care about their hearts, their character, their future. I need you to love them. I need you to show them my love. You are moving into a new thing again and I need you to have this greater heart and love for my people. 

I love you darling daughter and you will never go wrong as long as you are trying. When you are trying, even the failures become stepping stones to the next level. I love you and I will flood you with love to share. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Love, Love, and Love some more...

My prayer:
Lover of my soul, awesome, amazing and incredible God. I am so crazy about you. You are always on my mind. You are always in my heart. I love to spend time with you. I can't wait for tomorrow when I get a whole day to focus on you, no distractions, just you and me. 

The changes, the ups and downs of this week, have been exhausting but I am beginning to see your plan taking shape. I am beginning to understand how this all really will work out. 

I was thinking today how fun it is to be a part of your will in my life. To see you putting everything together, weaving seemingly unrelated ideas and events and people together into something magnificent. I love that God! I love watching you do it in others lives and I love experiencing it in mine. You are a true artist God. The ultimate designer.

Mighty God, please let me always be a part of your will and what you want to do. In Jesus name, amen.

What God Said Tonight:
I am here for you and with you my sweet daughter. I am always here with you. I am the breath in your lungs. I am the strength in your body. I am in you and I will never leave. You will always be a part of my will and what I want to do because I am already in you. You are my faithful servant and my precious daughter and you will never have to worry about how and where you will serve, where you will minister. I have such plans! You will love them. 

Tonight, tomorrow, I want to wrap myself around you so you feel and know my love. I want you to experience my love at an entirely new level. I want you to experience the selfless love that only comes through me. I want to bestow that love on you so you can share it. I need you to love my people. I need you to love all of my people. I need you to show my love to my people. There is such a lack of love in the world. There is a drought of love. People are starving for it and don't even know it. 

There is loneliness that is robbing people of their joy and of their lives. There is self hate that is keeping people from me. Love is the cure. Love will satiate them. Love will fill them, to be able to receive me. 

Love, Love, and Love some more. Be my love in this world. 

Rest tonight, spend tomorrow with me and be prepared for more next week. I said it before, this is a jumping off place. This is the start of an amazing future. This, is what I meant for it to be from the beginning of time. You are precious to me and I love you more than you can ever understand. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sacrifice everything...

My prayer:
Mighty and powerful God. I am completely yours. 

You asked several nights ago whether I would be willing to sacrifice everything for you. You asked that I not answer flippantly but that I really think about it. God, tonight I can say without reservation, yes, I am willing to sacrifice everything for you. As long as I still have you in me and in my life, I am willing. 

God help me to never hold onto anything harder than I am holding on to you. I love you so much and I trust your love for me even more.

What God Said Tonight:
You may be tested in that. I need to see your obedience sometimes so I can trust you with next steps. I will never take it all and I will always provide the way to get it back with interest. 

You know I am your provider and I will be sure you are never asked to sacrifice more than what you have, but once in awhile, it is going to be something significant. 

The sacrifice makes a way for you. It shows that you want me more than you do whatever it is that you sacrifice. It means that you are on the right path and I will clear the way. 

I love you so much daughter. I love you no matter what you do or what you say. I will always love you and I will never let you go. I love you more than I can really put in words. My love is pure and unmarked by jealousy, greed, and pain. 

Continue to follow my lead daughter. We are going places. 

You will sacrifice in every aspect and at every level, but your blessings will always outweigh the sacrifice. I can not and will not let you out give me. 

I love you daughter and I am yours forever.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Purity and Peace...

My prayer:
Wow God! What a difference a day with you makes!! I am in awe of your beautiful purity tonight. In communion tonight during small group, I was hit with the beauty of your purity. Pure God, no religion, no preconceived ideas, no hang ups, just pure Jesus and it was SO BEAUTIFUL! God you are so beautiful! Your beauty has filled me with peace tonight.

Today was a day of tough decisions accompanied by guilt and doubt. Tonight was a powerful reminder of who you are and how easy, wonderful, blessed, and peaceful life can be when I remember your purity and focus on you. 

As full of turmoil as I was last night, tonight and am filled with an even greater peace. Only you could do that!

God I am not sure what all the future holds but I am confident that if I can hold onto this insight, if I can hold onto the beauty of your purity, everything will be just fine. God I love the peace that you bring!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

What God Said Tonight:
Peace is my gift to you. Peace that is beyond understanding. Peace that doesn't make sense but makes all the difference in the world. You know that saying "give peace a chance?" That was mine. 

Peace will give you a strength you didn't have before. Peace will give you the space to love instead of hate. Peace will give you the wisdom and the insight to make right decisions and not decisions made out of emotion. 

I love you daughter and I give you this peace. It is a treasured gift. Take care of it. Don't let it go. Don't let it shrivel and die from lack of use. Bring it out daily and care for it. Keep it safe. Wrap your arms around it every day and don't let go. Hold it close to you and you will never be sorry. 

I leave this peace with you and it comes with my love. You are twice blessed my sweetheart.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


My prayer:
Healing God, I need you tonight. I feel like I have been such a mess lately. And now tonight, I feel like I have been slapped around, not literally but verbally. God, I am not even sure what to pray. I guess I need wisdom, understanding, direction, healing...everything. I am just feeling crushed God. Help please.

What God Said Tonight:
Your pain is interfering with your ability to hear me tonight. You always teach people that they have to refuse to be offended when serving me. I need you to listen to your own advice. You have to refuse to be offended. You have to refuse to receive the hurt that was leveled at you tonight. 

No weapon formed against you will prosper my daughter. This is not the end, this is the edge of a breakthrough that needs to happen. You know what I have shown you. You know the vision I have given you. That vision has not changed. You have not changed. The people you love have not changed. 

You will not allow this one thing to stop you. Your purpose is too important. You will not allow hurt to stop the plan and purpose. I need you to stand strong and refuse. 

You also always tell people if there is no opposition to your ministry, you must not be trying hard enough. When your ministry is powerful and on the right track, satan will do all that he can to disrupt it. Again, listen to your own advice. I have given you everything you need to weather this. I even told you this storm was coming. This is a part of the plan. I will turn it for your good. 

Stand and do not allow yourself to be moved.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Going through the motions...

My prayer:
Mighty God. I am not sure if I am going to actually post this tonight, but there are some things I need to get off of my chest. If, when we are done, you don't want it on the blog, let me know and it will be just between us. 

The thing is I am really frustrated. I am so sick of church for the sake of church. I am so sick of religion without relationship with you. I am so sick and tired of knowing what your promises are, but seeing us, your children, not expecting to have those promises in our lives. If you made the promises, and you never lie, we should expect them and we should see them everyday in our lives. 

I am sick of talking about growing churches instead of growing your kingdom. God, I don't care where people go to church. I just care that they get to know you, really get to know you and that can be easier if they have people who already know you to help them out. But when it comes with all of the trappings of traditional church, it sometimes can mess them up more than help them. 

God you are better than what we show you off as in church. You are better than how I am reflecting you. 

God, you have put me in a community of believers that has a vision to have a church that is more about knowing you than it is about "having church" and that is awesome; but, right now, I find myself stuck in a rut, doing things because that's what you do when you have a church, not because it is edifying you or helping people to know you better. Not because it is getting me or anyone else closer to you.

God, you are amazing. You  bless me in little and big ways every day. You teach me, change me, heal me, guide me, provide for me, and do everything for me. You deserve so much more than me going through the motions. 

God, show me what to change. Show me where I got off track. God show me what you want.

What God Said Tonight:
Thanks for getting that out. It has been bubbling up in you for awhile and it was beginning to interfere with our relationship, so I am glad you finally got it out where we can deal with it. 

Living for me, being in relationship with me, getting to know me, seeing my promises reflected in your everyday life is a process not something that is ever completed. You never "arrive" as they say, in a relationship with me. I am eternal and you are eternal now and we will be building this relationship for eternity. 

You have shaken off a lot of the trappings of religion without relationship and that is good. Now you are feeling the need to do more and that is good too. That means that you want to get closer to me and that is a good thing. Now that you have asked me about it, asked for my help, I can guide you. I can show you the things that matter and the things that don't. You might be surprised by some of the things that I think matter and don't matter. 

Whenever you question whether something is worthwhile and growing the kingdom of God, look for the root of it in the Bible, in my life. If you see it there, then look for the fruit. Is it actually growing my Kingdom? Is it actually helping people know me better? If you get "yeses" to those questions, you can be pretty sure that it is worthwhile and I am all for it. It is not nearly as complicated as you make it sometimes. 

There are some things that you are doing right now that, because of the way you are doing them, they are not worthwhile; however, if you see them in a different light, you will see that they could be done in a way that meets all the criteria. 

Remember as well that I can get through to people even when the presentation is not perfect. I have been doing it for thousands of years. You didn't have perfect teaching or guidance all of the time but you made it here. You made it to a point where you can talk to me about anything and you trust and know that I will answer you. You have arrived at a place where you are so excited about our relationship that you are desperate for other people to know about it. That didn't happen because of any one person, any one church. That happened because I wanted you. That happened because I had a plan and a purpose for you from the beginning of time. 

The problem now is not in what you are doing but in some cases, the problem is how you are doing it. I have given you many opportunities. Every one has a purpose, both to build my Kingdom and to build your character. 

I love you daughter. It is fine to post this. I promise you are not the only one who is feeling this way and you are not the only one with this prayer. Never be ashamed of the truth. I am the truth, the way, and the life and I am here for you always.