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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dream big...

My prayer:
Awesome and mighty God. I can't believe the weekend is over already. Back to work tomorrow. I am excited that I get to teach again tomorrow. It has been awhile. I pray God for your favor and help to make the information understandable and to engage the students. 

Thank you God for all of the opportunities you have given me to use the gifts you have given me. To think, it wasn't that long ago that I wasn't even sure if I had any gifts from you, let alone how to use them for you. I remember so clearly that series at church about finding and following your passion and thinking, "I have no idea what my passion is!" You definitely took care of that! 

Thank you God for showing me my passion and my gifts. Thank you for positioning me in so many opportunities to use them. My God this life is so much more fulfilling because of that. 

I love God that when I die (or the rapture comes) that I get to live forever with you in heaven or on the new earth. That is a gift that can never be repaid. But, beyond that, I am so grateful that you love me enough to make this life so full and wonderful. 

I love you God. Thank you for passion, for gifts, and for opportunities to use them. Make me a blessing to everyone around me this week God that they see you in everything I do.

What God Said Tonight:
I have a purpose and a plan. I always have. I planned this night from the beginning of time. I planned this time with you. You are so important to me, so vital to me. I love you so much and blessing you is all that I want to do. 

I will bless you with work all the days of your life, not because I need you to work but because I know the fulfillment that work, good work has for you. I will never stop bringing you the opportunities to use your gifts for me. 

We are in this together. You can jump right in to pretty much any opportunity that comes your way at this point. I have a safety net around you. You can think of it as a fluffy cloud layer that will keep you from being hurt when you step out. I have a lot of opportunities that will require you to step out in faith. I need you to be ready and willing to step out quickly. So, I want you to know that I have a protection around you right now. 

This is the time to stretch and experiment. This is the time to go beyond what you think is possible. This is the time to dream big. I will protect you. I will cushion you. I will not let you fall. Step out and trust me. You are going to love it, I promise. I love you daughter. Keep going on this wonderful path of life you are on and trust in me. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

God's plans...

My prayer:
Today was simply a good day God and I am grateful for it.  Nothing miraculous or super eventful; although I think you may have protected me from some stuff that could have been pretty bad.  That car almost ran over me today when I was crossing the street and I don't know what was down that one trail but you pretty clearly told me not to take that one. God thank you for everything that didn't happen today as well as everything that did. 

My mind is distracted tonight God. I love you and I want to be here with you completely; but, the truth is, my mind and heart are wandering.  There are a lot of possibilities for tomorrow and several of them are not good possibilities. God, I put it firmly in your hands and I pray God that your will be done in every situation.  I pray God that your perfect will is accomplished in my life. God I pray that you continue to show me what I should do but that you accomplish everything that you have planned tomorrow in your perfect timing  

I pray God that you help me not to get in the way of what you want to do but to be a part of making it happen, if possible. Help me God to be a blessing. Help me to be the person you created me to be. Help me to see things through your eyes. I trust and believe that you have brought me to this exact time and place with these exact circumstances for a reason. You don't make mistakes. There is a reason and I will trust you until I understand the reason knowing that you love me and you want only the best in my life. 

I love you God. Help me not to mess up your plans.

What God Said Tonight:
I am glad you don't want to mess up my plans but the truth is you couldn't if you wanted to. I have a plan and a purpose and I will see it accomplished.  You are not big enough or powerful enough to mess up my plan. 

Now, you can either choose to be a part of my plan and therefore be blessed or you can choose not to be a part of my plan and you will struggle miserably. Those are the only two choices. You are with me or you are against me. No middle ground. 

I love you and I work very hard to keep you safe. You have a lot more to do and you will only accomplish it when you are focused on me. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

God knows...

My prayer:
Well awesome and amazing God, I made it to another Friday night! Thank you God for bringing me through this week. Thank you for amazing friends and family that remind me what this life is about when I get distracted or a little lost.  Thank you God for all of the amazing blessings of this week! My God the favor you have shown me completely humbles me. 

Mighty God you are so incredible! You are constantly making the impossible possible God and I don't understand it but I LOVE being a part of it! 

I just had a thought knew all of this was going to happen in my life. You knew the plan all along. During all of those nights when I was crying out, feeling like I was in a dead end job, stuck in a rut, not serving you like I knew you wanted me to and I knew you had gifted me to, during every prayer of "God help!", you knew about this season. You knew that there was a plan and a purpose that would lead me to this time where everything I touched would be blessed, when my job would feel not so much like work but something pretty cool that I get to do every day, when I would be able to flow in ministry and reach your people all over the world with your message. You knew this was coming. You tried to tell me. I wanted to believe you but it was so hard when I didn't see any evidence of it coming. 

God help me to remember, next time I don't see the way out, help me to remember this time. Help me to remember that you know the outcome and if you are saying it will all be ok, it will be. Help me to remember that my life is ordained by you and you are guiding me.  I love you so much God. Thank you for everything.

What God Said Tonight:
I am awfully glad you got that epiphany sweet daughter. I really do know the end from the beginning and I really do have a plan. I don't say those things just to hear myself or to give you false hope.  I tell you those things because they are true and you can trust them. 

We have a lot left to do in your lifetime and there will be many times when you can't see the purpose and the plan.  There will be many times when you will have to trust me beyond what you can see and believe. 

I am ready to take you to a new level. I talked to you about the preparation, the fire. Now you have a new level of understanding. Now we are ready to move. 

There is a opportunity coming that I have waited a long time for you to be ready for. The time is here and the time is now. Don't be frightened by the new level and the opportunity. It is time. Don't miss out because of fear. Trust me and it will be amazing. 

As good as your life is now, I have more to give you. I have more blessings for you. This is only preparation for what I have planned for you. I love you and your obedience and study have made a way for you. Your prayer has  molded you. Your service has guided you to this time and this place with me. 

Get ready and we will walk into the new stage, the new thing together. Take my arm and I will escort you in. I will be your host and your guide in this next thing. You are royalty and you are well prepared for this next season. Walk into it with your head held high. 

I love you sweet daughter. Don't forget what you have learned. You will need it all.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fog with substance...

My prayer:
Lord of my life, I love you. That's it really. I love you. I don't want to ask for anything tonight. I don't want tonight to be about me. I just want to hear your voice. I just want to experience you. I just want you God. Please come, be with me, talk to me, show me.

What God Said Tonight:
I am here.  I am always here with you. I know that sometimes you recognize me more clearly than at other times, but that doesn't mean that I am more or less with you.  I am always with you completely and fully.  

The only thing that can take me from you is you.  You are the only one who can choose to separate from me. I love you too much to force you, so, if you tell me to back away, I will.  But otherwise, I am always here.  I am always loving you. I am always surrounding you with my love, my protection. I love you so much. I spend my time surrounding you, not just because I want to protect you but also I want to encompass you, to feel and be a part of all that you are.  I love all of you and I want to be a part of everything that you are.  

I surround you like a fog with substance. I want to be in complete contact with you. I want to seep into every nook and cranny of who you are. I want to know all of you so I can bless all of you.  Don't hide from me.  I know everything already anyway.  Open up to me so I can heal the broken places, strengthen the strong places and love every part of you.  

I love you and there is no part of you that is exempt from my love. That is what my sacrifice did for us.  It allows me to wash away your sin and love and experience all of you. Those that came before did not have that benefit.  

I am saving you daily. I am healing you daily. I am loving you daily. I am your God now and forever. I will love all you forever.  I will love you at your most unlovable. 

Sweet daughter, I receive your worship and it is a sweet fragrance to me tonight. I really love this time with you. I look forward to it all day, knowing we will spend this time together. To know that I get to end every day talking to my child that I love, that is good. Rest in me. I am all around you and I will keep you safe and loved forever.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Miracle Healing...

My prayer:
Awesome healing GOD!!!! You are so amazing! I love how you heal us!!! Tonight was fantastic GOD! Watching you and feeling you heal my two friends tonight was so perfect and wonderful! I never get tired of seeing you heal people. It is one of my most favorite things in the entire world! At some point, I will stop using exclamation points but I can't help it! It has been a couple of weeks since I have gotten to see you do that immediate healing and I have missed it!

You are such a miracle working God! Help me to always remember God that your miracles are for today, your miracles are for us, your miracles are for me.  I was so tired before small group tonight God but I made it and it was so great, I felt so energized and then you showed up and started healing everybody! Now that will wake a girl up! I feel more awake, alert and energized right now than I have in weeks.  


What God Said Tonight:
This is what it is all about.  You have been a little lost and forgot the purpose of your ministry for a little bit.  You forgot why we do this.  Tonight, you are remembering and your celebration is echoed in heaven.  The angels are dancing with you. They are laughing and singing and praising me with you.  You feel the celebration in your spirit and in your soul.  

You are privy to and witness to the miracles of my presence and you appreciate and celebrate it. You recognize my power in this world and we will be able to do much because of that.  You faith, your ability to recognize my power in this world, and your willingness to see it accomplished, open that window allowing me to step in and make it happen. 

I could do it without you but I love doing it with you.  I love when we get to do these things together and celebrate together.  Celebration is always a lot more fun when you have someone to celebrate with.  I will shout from the roof tops that I am God and I will reign forever.  Come shout it with me and the two voices will be stronger than one. 

I love you daughter and tonight was fun! I love to celebrate with you.  I love to see you get excited about what I am doing. I told you today would be amazing!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Show up...

My prayer:
Thank you awesome God for the amazing rest last night.  Today was busy but not quite so overwhelming.  Thanks for lining everything up!  The way you continue to bless me and pour out favor on me is beyond explanation.  I love you so much and I am so grateful.  

God I am also exhausted again and I ask that you give me that supernatural rest again tonight so I can accomplish everything you have for me. God I want to say more but I am not sure I can stay awake much more.  Please God, hear my heart tonight and know that I love you more than anything and I am yours.

What God Said Tonight:
I don't need you to have a lot of words all the time.  I just need you to show up. I just need you to be available to me.  I need you to be open to hear me and to do what I tell you to do, even when it doesn't make sense to you.  

You will rest tonight and you will have more to do tomorrow.  We are in that kind of season. But in the midst, remember to take time to listen to me.  In the middle of chaos remember that I am your peace.  In the middle of business, remember that I am the reason and the purpose for your life.  Keep me at the center of your life and everything else wll revolve around us like clockwork.  Everything will fall into place and you will not have to stress or to strain.  

The struggle with following my direction is always in the decision to do it.  Once you decide you are with  me, I will make the way straight.  I will always make a way for you.  You just need to decide that you want my will and then be open to what I tell you to do.  Pretty easy on the one hand but can be the hardest thing in the world sometimes.  

I am here and I will always be here. However, if you want more out of life, you will have to sacrifice.  The increase comes from sacrifice.  I will love you forever.  I will prosper you when you sacrifice.  

I will never let you down.  Trust me now and forever and I will take you where you need to go, give what you need to have, and love you above everything else. Rest now for tomorrow is amazing.

Monday, May 16, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome God, I don't know what to pray about tonight.  I spent all day just trying to keep up. No sleep last night, 9 hours of straight meetings at work, 2+ hour meeting at church tonight, more things on my to do list than I have paper to write on...I need your help God. I am not complaining, seriously.  I am grateful for every opportunity.  I am grateful for the intense favor you have on my life.  I just need some help getting it all done. I am exhausted and it is only Monday! Help please God.

What God Said Tonight:
Rest.  Come to me and rest.  I will provide rest and restoration for you.  I will give you everything you need to do everything that I have called you to do.  If you are not getting it all done, maybe I haven't called you to do it.  

Be careful though.  Right now you are feeling overwhelmed but if you look at it, you are getting it all done.  You are fulfilling every obligation and you prospering.  Your feelings can deceive you into thinking it is more than you can take.  Look at the facts though and you will be able to know when you are out my will and taking on more than I have for you. 

I know you daughter and if I don't give you seasons like this, seasons where you have more to do than you think you can accomplish, you get bored.  

Trust in me, lean on me, rely on me.  If I asked you to do it, I will equip you to complete it.  Stop trying quite so hard and trust in me to guide you to the next thing.  I will put in front of you the next thing I need you to do as I need you to do it, just like I have in the past, and we will accomplish more than you ever thought was possible.  

This blessing to overflow situation is affecting all areas of you life right now, including opportunities.  Open wide and take it all in. Rest and trust in me. We can do this.