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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, April 22, 2011

I would do it again...

My prayer:
My God and my salvation. Good Friday...what a weird thing to call this day when we remember the ultimate sacrifice that you made for us. The betrayal, the beating the unjust punishment, the painful horrifying death, and the moment when God the Father had to look away, all so much more than any of us could take. Which was really the point I guess.  

We were never going to be good enough on our own to be saved.  We were never going to be able to withstand the sacrifice required. So you did it for us.  That is so like you.  You pick up where our abilities end.  You make it possible for us to be and do so much more than we could ever be or do on our own.  

God, you are my salvation, you are the purpose of my life, you are my success, you are my healer, you are my friend and you are the best part of me.  I love you so much.  I lifetime of "thank yous" could never express my gratitude for your sacrifice.  Because of what you did, I am going to heaven some day.  Because of what you did, I get to know you in this life.  Because of what you did, I get to live a life full of hope, favor and dreams.  

Thank you Jesus for what you did.  Thank you Father for sacrificing your son for me.  Thank you Holy Spirit for living in me.  I love you God more than I can say.

What God Said Tonight:
I love you and I would do it all again tomorrow if I needed to.  If it would bring one more of my children home, I would do it again.  My only motivation is to get as many children home as possible.  

I hate to lose even one.  The consequences are too dire.  The lake of fire, hell is so much worse than you have been able to imagine.  It is your worst nightmare on steroids.  It is everything you could imagine but 100 times worse.  There is no joy, there is no peace, there is nothing but pain and torment.  I can't stand to see my children there.  I will do what ever I need to do to get as many of my kids with me as possible. 

I will need you to do anything and everything possible to bring my people in.   I need you to be the fisher of men that I have called you to be.  I can convince them, but I need you to reach out to them and bring them in.  I will give you words, just like tonight, and I will prepare their hearts.  But be ready always.  

Don't let my sacrifice be wasted.  Make sure that my death is for a purpose.  

I love you enough to die for you and I would do it again. Rest now, we will talk more tomorrow.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Warrior angels...

My prayer:
Awesome and all powerful God. You are simply wonderful. I look forward to this time with you all day.  What do you want to talk about tonight? What is on your mind? I love you God and I am here and ready.

What God Said Tonight:
My angels are with you tonight.  I have sent them to you to prepare for battle. But don't worry, don't be afraid, it is not a battle you will fight.  That is why I sent them  

The battle is spiritual.  You will likely notice some things that spill over, but my angels cannot and will not lose.  I can promise you that. My warrior angels are with you. There are more angels in existence than there are people.  

You are tired from the race and your time to rest is nearly here.  In the meantime, keep at the fight, duck when the enemy takes a swing and let my angels defend you.  The fight is fixed and we win but listen to me and trust me to keep you from harm. 

Rest tonight for more tomorrow. Remember I am with you always. My angels will defend you. You are safe despite chaos around you.  The things happening around you have very little to do with you and your eternity.  Look to me for that. I am your future and I am your hope, always. Rest now and see the battle fought tomorrow.  I love you my sweet warrior daughter.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jesus goggles...

My prayer:
My awesome God. Thank you God for putting such amazing people in my life.  I spent so many years pushing people away, trying to protect myself.  I didn't realize what I was missing.  I didn't realize the incredible gifts you have given to people and how much better my life is with them in it! Talented, smart, sweet, giving, loyal, honest, and real...are all of your kids like this or have you just surrounded me with your best? 

Either way, THANK YOU! Thank you for the family and friends you have given me.  Thank you for the people you created them to be.  Thank you for the blessing they are to me.  Thank you for helping me to get out of my own way and teaching me how to let people into my life.  I love you God and I am so grateful that you give me EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that I need.

What God Said Tonight:
You are seeing my people with Jesus goggles on tonight and that is good.  When you see people covered in the blood of the Lamb, you can see them for all they are meant to be and not get distracted by the sin.  You see their spirit and the truth of who they are, not what circumstances and life have turned them into.  You see them like I see them and you can't help but love them.  

It is the way I see you too.  Covered in the blood and everything I created you to be.  I died so that you could receive the forgiveness for yourself, of course, but I also died so you could begin to see your brothers and sisters through that same blanket of forgiveness.  

Live in peace with your brothers, with your sisters.  Find the greatness in them and nurture it. Encourage the greatness in them and I will encourage the greatness in you.  Be blessed and know that I love you more than I can say.  Sleep sweetly.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


My prayer:
Mighty God, Father. Sometimes I have to stop and just be amazed by you.  I am amazed that even though you are you, God of everything, you let me know you, talk to you, hear from you. That is so irrational and crazy. 

I know you love me because you tell me and show me a lot but sometimes I have to wonder why you do. I am so grateful that you do.  I can't imagine life without your love.  But, why? Why would you love someone who gets it all wrong more than she gets it right?  Why would you love someone who is so much less than you? I mean if you were the universe, I would be less than a speck of dust. How do you even notice me, let alone love me? 

I guess the "why" doesn't really matter.  The only thing that matters is that you do love me and that makes everything worthwhile.  But, you know me...I think my first word as a baby was "why?"  

I remain in awe of you God.  I remain in awe of who you are, what you do and that somehow, you decided to love me.  I remain all yours God.

What God Said Tonight:
Watch for the new season and you will understand things tomorrow that you did not understand today.  Keep asking your questions, you will get the answers.  There are so many mysteries in this world. I have the answers and I will share them each with you as you are ready for them. I know that you often think about all of the questions you will ask me when you get to heaven. Don't wait. Ask now and I will tell you all that I can.  All that you can understand.  Some answers will need to wait for you to grow into a place where you can understand the answer but I will give you the answer as soon as you are ready.  

I don't want to be mysterious with you.  I don't want to be mysterious with my children.  I want you to know everything and be armed with that knowledge and that truth.  I gave you the Bible just for that purpose.  It is our text book for life.  I put in it everything you need to know.  The answers to your questions are there too.  

Think about what I have told you in your Bible.  I created you, I knew you before you were in your mother's womb.  I sculpted you as a potter. I am with you always. I died for you.  I created the world for you. I did it all for you. 

You ask why I love you, how could I not?  I have invested everything in you and in your life.  I live inside of you. I am your Father and your friend.  I am love.  I am not a loving God, I am love.  I can't help but love.  How much more will I love my creation, my child? I have created you and chosen you.  Of course I will love you. I understand that in some ways it doesn't make sense but if you look at at it from my perspective, it makes all of the sense in the world.  

I love you and that truly is the important piece.  Receive my love, accept my love tonight.  Rest in my love. Know that I am with you now and forever.  Know that my love for you can never be challenged and can never wane.  I am yours forever.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A decision...

My prayer:
All knowing God.  So, I definitely was presented a new opportunity today like you said. My first reaction was to absolutely dismiss it and say, NO WAY! But then I remembered what you said last night.  

Is this the opportunity you were talking about? It seems so unlikely. I don't see any possible way how this thing could be turned into a blessing.  But maybe that is the point?  Maybe that is exactly the kind of situation, one where I can't see it turning out well, where you can show up and show how you can turn EVERYTHING to my good.  

Or, is this not what you were talking about. If I look at this opportunity logically, I would be crazy to do it. It would be a lot of work that would make very little difference in the world. At least that is what it looks like to me.

So God, what do I do?  I need to hear you really clearly on this.  If you want me to do it, fantastic, make it really clear to me so I know I am doing your will. I will do anything that you want me to.  If this is not something you want me to do, if it is a distraction, show me that really clearly as well.  

God you tell me when I lack wisdom to ask for it and you will give it to me.  God, I ask for wisdom.  Help me to know your will in this. I really need your help God.  I don't know what to do.

What God Said Tonight:
I told you it wasn't going to be easy.  I told you it would stretch you. I told you that you would think that it was not for you.  

This thing is not what it seems.  This is a test and a time for you to remember your roots.  It is a time and an opportunity for you to serve for the sake of serving.  To be my hands and feet for no purpose other than I am asking you to. 

It will make more sense soon.  You know what I want you to do. You are resisting because  you don't want to do it but you know what I want you to do.  

You have a choice.  You always have a choice.  You can choose to do only the things that I bring you that you like.  You can choose to only obey my will when it is in line with yours.  Or, you can be a fully devoted follower of me and do what I ask when I ask it.  The difference is a life of goodness vs. a life of greatness.  

You were made for greatness and I can tell you that you will never be happy with less than.  I can tell you that you are on the brink. Do what want.  Choose comfortable, safe and good.  Or choose, dangerous, uncomfortable and great.  

I love you no matter what.  I will be with your forever no matter what.  I will never leave you, no matter what.  So do what you want, remembering the regret of "what if?" 

Sunday, April 17, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome and incredible God. You are so good God. Thank you God for the reminders today of the impact you make on people's lives.  I am so very grateful to be a part of your ministry.  I am so very grateful to get to be a part of you touching people's lives.  There is nothing better, anywhere!

I pray God and ask that you continue to hear us and meet the many needs we have in this life. I sometimes think you must get tired of hearing us always needing, always asking.  Life can be so tough sometimes and fact is, I can't live this life without your constant help.

I pray God over this coming week and ask that you continue the unmerited favor over my life. I love living in your favor!! I get such a kick out of seeing you prosper everything I put my hand to, as long as I am seeking you first, praying and giving you all the glory.  Seems like a pretty easy price to pay for the crazy favor you continue to show me.  Thank you Father.  You are so very good to me!!

I pray also God that you show me how I can best bless and serve you this week. Father, show me the needs that you want me to fill.  Show me the things you have for me to do.  It has been awhile since we have done a "new thing." If it is the right timing, show me that new thing you want me to do this week.  I love you God and I pray in the name of Jesus, amen.

What God Said Tonight:
I am here and I am waiting on you tonight.  I have something that I have been holding on to until you were ready. I think the time is now and you are ready. I have a new thing for you and you will be surprised.  

It had to wait for just the right time.  It had to wait for you to be fully prepared.  This new thing can be a blessing or a curse depending on if you are ready or not.  I have waited purposefully to give you the best chance of receiving it as a blessing and not a curse.  When you first see it, you may be tempted to dismiss it, but don't.  When you find yourself saying, that can't be for me, stop.  It likely is.  

I have a new thing that will take faith, it will take stepping out.  It won't be comfortable. It won't be easy.  But, if you are ready, it will be a bigger blessing to you and to the world than you can imagine right now.  

I have a bright and glorious future planned for you.  You will do great things in my kingdom, and you will do even greater things if you are ready.  Be waiting  I will bring it to you.  

I love you my sweet daughter.  Rest for another eventful week.  I am here for you every moment of every day and night.  I will never leave you.  I will always equip you for the things I ask of you.  I will never make you do anything on your own. 

I love your dependence on me.  It took a long time to teach you that.  Lean on me, call out to me and always ask for my help.  It is a big part of why I am here and a big part of why I sent my son to die.  I needed to be with you all the time, not separated by sin.  Covered in the blood, I can keep you close at ALL times.  I love you so much.  Rest now and we will do more tomorrow. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Healing miracles...

My prayer:
Amazing God of everything and everyone.  God I remain utter awe of you.  You continue to perform true miracles every day and I love it! Another miracle healing tonight God, well I guess there were probably a lot of them but one that I know about.  

You are so amazing!! God, I am so anxious to hear what you have to talk about tonight, I think I will shut up and listen.  I love you so much God.  You are the purpose and the point to my life.

What God Said Tonight:
Why is so amazing that I would heal my children?  Wouldn't you heal your child if you could? My healing is nothing more than the overflow of my compassion of my love for my children.  I know that it seems miraculous to you and it is.  But truth is, most of the time I can't help myself.  

I want to see my children living in divine health. I want so desperately to see my children free from the disease, the pain that ravages this world right now.  Soon, very soon, it will not be a problem anymore.  When there is the new heaven and the new earth, there will be no more sickness and no more pain.  There will be a life free of those things.  Until that time, I will continue to heal. I will continue to heal the people around you because I know how much you love to see it. I know what it does for your faith.  

I will heal bodies and I will heal hearts.  I will heal your spirit.  I will heal you and you will be strong and ready to face another day.  My love for you is overflowing and the result, the stuff dripping over the edges is healing and joy and peace.  Jump into my bowl of love and you won't ever have to know pain again.  Live in my love and you will be at peace.  There is no pain, no worry, no strife in my love. Live in the bowl of my love. I have more great things for you.