My prayer:
Awesome Father, thank you for today. It was pretty great. Sleeping in, great dreams, great movie, great hike, great friends, great message and great food, what more could I ask for?
God you are the answer, always. You are the provision, always. You are the teacher, always. You are the Lord, always. I am really so grateful that I get to be your kid. I am so grateful that I can know that whatever life throws at me, you will be there with the answer. God, we talked about it tonight. What do people who don't know you and don't have you in their lives do? How do they get out of bed in the morning? How did I before I had you and knew you?
I don't know but I am grateful for you today. I am grateful for who you are. I am grateful for what you do. I am grateful that I get to be a part of the miracles that you do everyday. I love you Father!
God I pray over our worship services tomorrow all around the world. God whether it is two people or two million people getting together in your name, I pray that your anointed presence accomplish what needs to be done. God, I pray that we each have a very real experience of you during service. I pray that we get closer to you. I pray God that we are a blessing to you. You are my God and I love you more than my life. In Jesus name, amen.
What God Said Tonight:
Wait on me a minute. You are so often in a hurry. Even today, your sabbath, your rest day, you were running from place to place. Wait a minute. I need you to slow down the pace a bit so I an talk to you about something that I am serious about.
You have given up on a dream that I need you to renew. You have decided it isn't going to happen and I need you to reopen hope. I know it is hard. I know you are afraid of getting hurt. But, I want to do this thing for you. I want to give it to you.
You have to be willing to receive it though. You have to open the door. You closed it because you were frustrated and worried about getting more hurt. You didn't give up on it because I told you to. I did not tell you to give up. I will never tell you to give up. I will tell you to give in to me but never to give up.
Your dreams are real. Your dreams are given to you to help you more fully experience this life. Dreams are as real as the table beside you. Dreams are like the spiritual realm. They don't function under the same rules as the natural world but that doesn' t make them less real.
You will have the things that I have shown you in our dreams. Both those while you were sleeping and those while you were awake. Don't give up. Open up the door again. Please don't give up. I really want you to have this.
Remember when you wanted to give your truck away and you were afraid she wouldn't take it? Remember how rotten that felt to want to give it so badly but worrying that she wouldn't take it? Remember how great it felt when she said yes, she would take it? Multiply that feeling by several million and you might begin to understand how I am feeling.
I am so concerned that you won't receive what I have for you and it is so good. You want this, you need this, open back up the door and trust me to protect you. Trust me to love you enough to make sure that you remain whole. Trust me to bring you only good gifts, but open back up the door.
I love you daughter. I am glad you had a good day and enjoyed it. I look forward to being with you in service tomorrow. Trust my love for you now and forever. I will never bring you a bad gift, ever.
Does God still speak to us? YES! These are conversations with God for more than the last 10 years
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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
The tower...
My prayer:
My mighty and incredible God. How I love and worship you God. You are so good. You provide for every need, even my need to learn and to grow. God please keep helping me to grow and be everything that you want me to be. What an amazing journey this life is.
Sometimes it is all so exhausting. Between the struggles and the joy, between the work and the play, it can all seem like too much. But, when I just shut up and trust you, it all works out. Everything that needs to get done gets done and life goes on.
That's the crazy thing God, no matter how rough it gets, life goes on. Everlasting life is something that I don't think I have truly understood God. That I will live forever with you helps to take the pressure off of today's deadlines.
I guess I am pretty tired tonight God. My thoughts and my prayer are kind of wandering. Before I stop and listen, I need to ask you to help my friends. You know the situations and you know what they need. God, meet their needs. Do your work in their lives. And, more than anything else God, give them a new sense of hope tonight God. Give them a hope to know that you have amazing plans for them and that tomorrow doesn't have to be like today or like yesterday. Thank you God. In Jesus name, amen.
What God Said Tonight:
You have listened to me for many days and nights now. You strive to hear my voice in every area of your life now and that is good. I need you to listen to my heart tonight. I need you to hear what I mean as well as the words. I need you to be sensitive to my Spirit at new level. Sometimes the things I want to tell you are too complex for just words. I talk in circumstances sometimes just for this reason. Sometimes what I need to tell you cannot be expressed in words but it can be expressed through an experience.
I use parables a lot because of that. Sometimes a story about a situation with the emotion and spiritual aspects can say more than words alone.
You are building a tower. The tower is not very strong yet but it is building both up and out. It is new and you can still see the underlying structure. It seems almost raw and fragile but if you try to knock it over you will see just how sturdy it is. It is made up of many bands, many sinews. Each of them are people, relationships, experiences in your life. You are building a strong tower.
You will want this tower in the days to come. You will find protection in it and you will find a platform to speak on it. Right now it doesn't look like much. It is still mostly raw materials and mud. But some day people will come from miles around to see your tower. You will always point to the tower and say, "See what God did." That is part of why the tower is so good. You will never take credit for it and for that reason it will never be torn down. Your tower will stand forever. It will be monument to me and I am pleased with it.
I am sorry to be so cryptic tonight but as I say, some things need to be felt and experienced more that just heard. Listen with your heart tonight and you will be able to see the tower. I love you daughter and will never ever stop.
My mighty and incredible God. How I love and worship you God. You are so good. You provide for every need, even my need to learn and to grow. God please keep helping me to grow and be everything that you want me to be. What an amazing journey this life is.
Sometimes it is all so exhausting. Between the struggles and the joy, between the work and the play, it can all seem like too much. But, when I just shut up and trust you, it all works out. Everything that needs to get done gets done and life goes on.
That's the crazy thing God, no matter how rough it gets, life goes on. Everlasting life is something that I don't think I have truly understood God. That I will live forever with you helps to take the pressure off of today's deadlines.
I guess I am pretty tired tonight God. My thoughts and my prayer are kind of wandering. Before I stop and listen, I need to ask you to help my friends. You know the situations and you know what they need. God, meet their needs. Do your work in their lives. And, more than anything else God, give them a new sense of hope tonight God. Give them a hope to know that you have amazing plans for them and that tomorrow doesn't have to be like today or like yesterday. Thank you God. In Jesus name, amen.
What God Said Tonight:
You have listened to me for many days and nights now. You strive to hear my voice in every area of your life now and that is good. I need you to listen to my heart tonight. I need you to hear what I mean as well as the words. I need you to be sensitive to my Spirit at new level. Sometimes the things I want to tell you are too complex for just words. I talk in circumstances sometimes just for this reason. Sometimes what I need to tell you cannot be expressed in words but it can be expressed through an experience.
I use parables a lot because of that. Sometimes a story about a situation with the emotion and spiritual aspects can say more than words alone.
You are building a tower. The tower is not very strong yet but it is building both up and out. It is new and you can still see the underlying structure. It seems almost raw and fragile but if you try to knock it over you will see just how sturdy it is. It is made up of many bands, many sinews. Each of them are people, relationships, experiences in your life. You are building a strong tower.
You will want this tower in the days to come. You will find protection in it and you will find a platform to speak on it. Right now it doesn't look like much. It is still mostly raw materials and mud. But some day people will come from miles around to see your tower. You will always point to the tower and say, "See what God did." That is part of why the tower is so good. You will never take credit for it and for that reason it will never be torn down. Your tower will stand forever. It will be monument to me and I am pleased with it.
I am sorry to be so cryptic tonight but as I say, some things need to be felt and experienced more that just heard. Listen with your heart tonight and you will be able to see the tower. I love you daughter and will never ever stop.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Like the sunrise
My prayer:
Awesome, amazing, incredible God. I love you God, so very much. I worship you God. You are my everything. Everything I need and everything I want. I have complete satisfaction in you God. Thank you God for a blissfully uneventful day! After this week, it was nice to have a day where nothing bad or unexpected happened. God, I am just happy to be in your presence tonight. What is on your mind? I sit at your feet and I am here to listen.
What God Said Tonight:
Walk with me, sit at my feet, listen to me. You and I are making a great relationship better just by being together. There is a great art in just being together. No expectations, no pressure, just being together.
When was the last time you were just content to be with someone. Not because you needed or wanted anything from them and not because you wanted to give them anything but just because being with them was so much better than being without them. That is how it is with you and me. Sometimes, it is good to just be together because being together is so much better than not being together. No pressure, no need, just resting together, enjoying each other and loving each other.
I love that you have come to understand the value of being together for no purpose other than to be together. We were meant for this. I created you to be with me. We will be together for all eternity. I will never leave you. You can count on me everyday for the rest of your life. I will always be with you. I will be with you in the good times, the bad times and the neutral times.
I am glad that you got rested today. There are more challenges ahead. But the one promise that you can count on unequivocally is that I will ALWAYS be with you. When you feel me and when you don't, when you hear me and when you don't, I am ALWAYS with you
My plan for you is so great. Your future is so amazing. My love for you is greater and brighter than you can fathom.
I am like the sunrise. You don't ever have to think about the sunrise; it is always there. You don't ever have to wonder if tomorrow there will be a sunrise. Even when there is a storm and the sun is completely covered, you still know there is a sunrise. You can't see it, you can't feel it but you know it is there and will always be there. That's what I am like. You can always know that I am there even if you can't see me because of the storm. Even when you can't feel my warmth, you can KNOW that I am always there with you.
Rest well tonight. We will do more tomorrow. But thanks for just being with me tonight. I love you my daughter.
Awesome, amazing, incredible God. I love you God, so very much. I worship you God. You are my everything. Everything I need and everything I want. I have complete satisfaction in you God. Thank you God for a blissfully uneventful day! After this week, it was nice to have a day where nothing bad or unexpected happened. God, I am just happy to be in your presence tonight. What is on your mind? I sit at your feet and I am here to listen.
What God Said Tonight:
Walk with me, sit at my feet, listen to me. You and I are making a great relationship better just by being together. There is a great art in just being together. No expectations, no pressure, just being together.
When was the last time you were just content to be with someone. Not because you needed or wanted anything from them and not because you wanted to give them anything but just because being with them was so much better than being without them. That is how it is with you and me. Sometimes, it is good to just be together because being together is so much better than not being together. No pressure, no need, just resting together, enjoying each other and loving each other.
I love that you have come to understand the value of being together for no purpose other than to be together. We were meant for this. I created you to be with me. We will be together for all eternity. I will never leave you. You can count on me everyday for the rest of your life. I will always be with you. I will be with you in the good times, the bad times and the neutral times.
I am glad that you got rested today. There are more challenges ahead. But the one promise that you can count on unequivocally is that I will ALWAYS be with you. When you feel me and when you don't, when you hear me and when you don't, I am ALWAYS with you
My plan for you is so great. Your future is so amazing. My love for you is greater and brighter than you can fathom.
I am like the sunrise. You don't ever have to think about the sunrise; it is always there. You don't ever have to wonder if tomorrow there will be a sunrise. Even when there is a storm and the sun is completely covered, you still know there is a sunrise. You can't see it, you can't feel it but you know it is there and will always be there. That's what I am like. You can always know that I am there even if you can't see me because of the storm. Even when you can't feel my warmth, you can KNOW that I am always there with you.
Rest well tonight. We will do more tomorrow. But thanks for just being with me tonight. I love you my daughter.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Beauty in the struggle...
My prayer:
What a mess today was God! Thank you for reminding me all day that the struggles and problems were not as bad as they could have been and that nothing happened that isn't fixable. Thank you God for helping me to to be able to laugh at the ridiculousness of how everything just went wrong. It was about the time that I dumped the entire full diet Coke onto the passenger side floor of my car that I realized that this was one of those days that I could either get REALLY frustrated or I could just laugh and know that tomorrow would be better.
I don't think I could have realized that even just a few years ago. Thank you God for all that you have taught me. Thank you for always stepping in and reminding me of the lessons you have taught me. Thank you for the reminders and thank you that I don't have to get stuck in the struggle as often as I use to.
I love you God, so much! I ask God that tomorrow be better than today. I pray God that you help me to be better tomorrow than I was today. I pray God that you always help me to be better tomorrow than today for as long as there is a tomorrow.
What God Said Tonight:
Perspective is a pretty amazing thing. No matter how bad a thing looks, from a different vantage point, it is not so bad. Take my death for example. When the disciples heard that I was going to be beaten and killed they got very upset and started saying that it couldn't happen. I had to stop them because from my perspective, although the sacrifice would be painful, it would also be my greatest gift and provide a way for my children to come back to me. To me it was beautiful. To them it was tragic.
Find beauty in every situation. I will turn every situation for you good, so find the good in it. Find the beauty in it. When you struggle, not only do you learn something but it gives you one more thing that will help you help others. That is the beauty in each struggle.
I love you daughter. I was with you today and talking to you all day but the best part was you were listening. Even in the deepest frustration, you were still listening for me and you were still turning to me.
That is the key to getting through any problem no matter how big. Listen and turn to me. I have the answer for every problem. Learn to listen in every situation so you can have the answers that you need when you need them.
Every day is a lesson and every lesson is a step to another level of satisfaction and maturity in me. Stay close to me and I will take you to such great heights you cannot imagine. I love you so much. You are mine, beautiful, wonderful and all that I hoped you would be. Rest now, recover. You are safe in my arms.
What a mess today was God! Thank you for reminding me all day that the struggles and problems were not as bad as they could have been and that nothing happened that isn't fixable. Thank you God for helping me to to be able to laugh at the ridiculousness of how everything just went wrong. It was about the time that I dumped the entire full diet Coke onto the passenger side floor of my car that I realized that this was one of those days that I could either get REALLY frustrated or I could just laugh and know that tomorrow would be better.
I don't think I could have realized that even just a few years ago. Thank you God for all that you have taught me. Thank you for always stepping in and reminding me of the lessons you have taught me. Thank you for the reminders and thank you that I don't have to get stuck in the struggle as often as I use to.
I love you God, so much! I ask God that tomorrow be better than today. I pray God that you help me to be better tomorrow than I was today. I pray God that you always help me to be better tomorrow than today for as long as there is a tomorrow.
What God Said Tonight:
Perspective is a pretty amazing thing. No matter how bad a thing looks, from a different vantage point, it is not so bad. Take my death for example. When the disciples heard that I was going to be beaten and killed they got very upset and started saying that it couldn't happen. I had to stop them because from my perspective, although the sacrifice would be painful, it would also be my greatest gift and provide a way for my children to come back to me. To me it was beautiful. To them it was tragic.
Find beauty in every situation. I will turn every situation for you good, so find the good in it. Find the beauty in it. When you struggle, not only do you learn something but it gives you one more thing that will help you help others. That is the beauty in each struggle.
I love you daughter. I was with you today and talking to you all day but the best part was you were listening. Even in the deepest frustration, you were still listening for me and you were still turning to me.
That is the key to getting through any problem no matter how big. Listen and turn to me. I have the answer for every problem. Learn to listen in every situation so you can have the answers that you need when you need them.
Every day is a lesson and every lesson is a step to another level of satisfaction and maturity in me. Stay close to me and I will take you to such great heights you cannot imagine. I love you so much. You are mine, beautiful, wonderful and all that I hoped you would be. Rest now, recover. You are safe in my arms.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Darkness or light...
My prayer:
Awesome God, my father, teacher, healer and provider. God, my thoughts and emotions are kind of all over the place tonight. So much so, I think I just want to shut up and listen to you.
I find it so amazing (not in a good way) that yesterday I can be so assured of your guidance and direction in my life and tonight be filled with doubt. Doubt about where I am going, who I am, if I have any value. Whoever first said, "you can't trust your feelings" really knew what he was talking about.
So, instead of listening to me whine, complain and wallow in my own self doubt, I want to hear what you have to say tonight God. What is on your mind and you heart? I love you God.
What God Said Tonight:
It isn't really important you know. Your feeling, your doubt, your worry, all of it doesn't add up to much in the scheme of things. Regardless of all of that, I will accomplish my will in your life, because you asked me to. I will have the final say. I will lead you into a great future, and no amount of doubt, self criticism, or insecurity is going to stop me.
I am your God. I am your Lord. I AM. My sovereign will is in charge of your life. So, you can choose to remain in this dark place of self doubt that you have landed in tonight. Or, you can get up, shake it off and walk into the brilliant light that is the life that I have ordained for you.
It truly is that easy. It is a choice like any other choice. What do you want? Do you want me or do you want darkness? I already know the answer but you need to understand that is truly the question you face tonight. If you choose to remain with the self doubt and the dark criticism on yourself, you are choosing darkness. If you choose to remember all that I have promised you and all that I have said about you, you choose me and you choose light.
Remember that you are the head and not the tail, you are above an not beneath, you are more than a conqueror, you are destined to succeed, you are the apple of my eye and you are etched in the palm of my hand. You are the beloved of the most high God. You are the servant of the God of the universe. That is who you are.
Will you choose to believe it or will you choose to believe the lie. Will you choose to believe me or will you allow yourself to drown in your own emotions and the lies for the devil? Make your choice. It is an easy choice when you look at it clearly.
I love you so much daughter and I can't allow you to spend one more minute in the place of darkness. Come with me back to the light and the future and promise I have for you. Do not be discouraged. You are mine.
Awesome God, my father, teacher, healer and provider. God, my thoughts and emotions are kind of all over the place tonight. So much so, I think I just want to shut up and listen to you.
I find it so amazing (not in a good way) that yesterday I can be so assured of your guidance and direction in my life and tonight be filled with doubt. Doubt about where I am going, who I am, if I have any value. Whoever first said, "you can't trust your feelings" really knew what he was talking about.
So, instead of listening to me whine, complain and wallow in my own self doubt, I want to hear what you have to say tonight God. What is on your mind and you heart? I love you God.
What God Said Tonight:
It isn't really important you know. Your feeling, your doubt, your worry, all of it doesn't add up to much in the scheme of things. Regardless of all of that, I will accomplish my will in your life, because you asked me to. I will have the final say. I will lead you into a great future, and no amount of doubt, self criticism, or insecurity is going to stop me.
I am your God. I am your Lord. I AM. My sovereign will is in charge of your life. So, you can choose to remain in this dark place of self doubt that you have landed in tonight. Or, you can get up, shake it off and walk into the brilliant light that is the life that I have ordained for you.
It truly is that easy. It is a choice like any other choice. What do you want? Do you want me or do you want darkness? I already know the answer but you need to understand that is truly the question you face tonight. If you choose to remain with the self doubt and the dark criticism on yourself, you are choosing darkness. If you choose to remember all that I have promised you and all that I have said about you, you choose me and you choose light.
Remember that you are the head and not the tail, you are above an not beneath, you are more than a conqueror, you are destined to succeed, you are the apple of my eye and you are etched in the palm of my hand. You are the beloved of the most high God. You are the servant of the God of the universe. That is who you are.
Will you choose to believe it or will you choose to believe the lie. Will you choose to believe me or will you allow yourself to drown in your own emotions and the lies for the devil? Make your choice. It is an easy choice when you look at it clearly.
I love you so much daughter and I can't allow you to spend one more minute in the place of darkness. Come with me back to the light and the future and promise I have for you. Do not be discouraged. You are mine.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Guide you always...
My prayer:
God, my God. You are so amazing. I never get tired of reveling in your presence. I never get tired of being with you God.
There are times, like now, when your plan, your guidance, your direction seem so clear in my life. When everything, good, bad and indifferent, seem to be working together seamlessly toward a path and a goal that only you really understand. Everything working together for the same purpose. Everything coming together and achieving more than I could ever imagine.
God thank you for your plan on my life. Thank you for working everything for my good. Thank you God that even those things that were meant to hurt me, you turn them for my good. I give you all the glory and all the honor God. Every good thing that is happening, everything that is getting done is only because of you. I promise not to forget.
I love you God. Thank you for being my guide, my trainer and my father. I will trust you and follow you forever.
What God Said Tonight:
"I will guide you always" is a promise that I intend to keep my daughter. I will guide you always. You don't have to figure out this life on your own. I am here, just continue to follow.
When you follow me, do it the way I tell you to, it is so easy. I have literally made a way for you. I have a plan on your life that I have been dreaming about since the beginning of time. Your purpose was born long before you were. Your place, your calling, your job, whatever you want to call it, has been waiting for you. Waiting for you to be ready. Waiting for you to let go of the world and trust in me. It has been waiting and now you are here.
I will absolutely continue to work everything for your good. It is another promise and I am the promise keeper. I will not let you down. I will fulfill every promise I have ever made. I won't forget a single one. Even the more obscure ones. Even if every single person on the earth forgets about that promise, I will fulfil it anyway because I am the promise keeper.
I will never leave you and we will do this thing together. I love you my sweet daughter. Rest for another packed day tomorrow. More good stuff to come!
God, my God. You are so amazing. I never get tired of reveling in your presence. I never get tired of being with you God.
There are times, like now, when your plan, your guidance, your direction seem so clear in my life. When everything, good, bad and indifferent, seem to be working together seamlessly toward a path and a goal that only you really understand. Everything working together for the same purpose. Everything coming together and achieving more than I could ever imagine.
God thank you for your plan on my life. Thank you for working everything for my good. Thank you God that even those things that were meant to hurt me, you turn them for my good. I give you all the glory and all the honor God. Every good thing that is happening, everything that is getting done is only because of you. I promise not to forget.
I love you God. Thank you for being my guide, my trainer and my father. I will trust you and follow you forever.
What God Said Tonight:
"I will guide you always" is a promise that I intend to keep my daughter. I will guide you always. You don't have to figure out this life on your own. I am here, just continue to follow.
When you follow me, do it the way I tell you to, it is so easy. I have literally made a way for you. I have a plan on your life that I have been dreaming about since the beginning of time. Your purpose was born long before you were. Your place, your calling, your job, whatever you want to call it, has been waiting for you. Waiting for you to be ready. Waiting for you to let go of the world and trust in me. It has been waiting and now you are here.
I will absolutely continue to work everything for your good. It is another promise and I am the promise keeper. I will not let you down. I will fulfill every promise I have ever made. I won't forget a single one. Even the more obscure ones. Even if every single person on the earth forgets about that promise, I will fulfil it anyway because I am the promise keeper.
I will never leave you and we will do this thing together. I love you my sweet daughter. Rest for another packed day tomorrow. More good stuff to come!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
My prayer:
Awesome Daddy. God how I love you. You are my everything. God I love that you love me no matter what. I love that you provided a way to love me even at my most unlovable. God, that you loved me so much that you provided away to cover every mistake, every ugly part of me just so you could love me without reserve. Just so we could be together forever. God, that is love. That is what matters.
I am feeling a bit rejected tonight God. Why is that I tend to focus on the people who reject me more than the hundreds and thousands of people you put in my life to love me? I should know by now that not everybody is going to love me, but a part of me is still not ok with that. I just get to thinking, what's wrong with me? Or maybe it isn't me. I don't know.
God, I pray that you change anything in me that needs to change. I ask God that you help me to focus on your love for me and the love of people you have put in my life. I pray God that you help me learn what I need to learn from the people who don't like me, don't want me around and heal the hurt that causes in me. Help me God to love no matter how they feel about me. Help me to always reflect your love.
God help me not to unknowingly reject others. God help me to always see that inner value that you have placed in each person. Help me to see them with your eyes. God, help me to never make anyone ever feel like I do tonight. I love you God. Thanks for listening.
What God Said Tonight:
Rejection is hard, but always remember, they rejected me too. If they rejected me, what makes you think they won't reject you too?
Your prayer is right, you need to focus on the love not the rejection and you need to always love in spite of it all.
Remember when I was on the cross. In the midst of ultimate betrayal, all I could feel was love. My whole purpose in going through it was because of love.
You don't need people to accept you, to love you in order to love them. You
don't need it because your love is not dependent on them. Your love is dependent on me, and, I will never run out of love.
You are going to see a lot more rejection in your life. You will see a lot more love too but you will see a lot of rejection. You need to decide to always respond in love. Give people their space, but never stop loving. I have put in you the love that never fails. You will hurt, but love anyway. I love you sweet daughter and I tell you dear, love anyway.
Awesome Daddy. God how I love you. You are my everything. God I love that you love me no matter what. I love that you provided a way to love me even at my most unlovable. God, that you loved me so much that you provided away to cover every mistake, every ugly part of me just so you could love me without reserve. Just so we could be together forever. God, that is love. That is what matters.
I am feeling a bit rejected tonight God. Why is that I tend to focus on the people who reject me more than the hundreds and thousands of people you put in my life to love me? I should know by now that not everybody is going to love me, but a part of me is still not ok with that. I just get to thinking, what's wrong with me? Or maybe it isn't me. I don't know.
God, I pray that you change anything in me that needs to change. I ask God that you help me to focus on your love for me and the love of people you have put in my life. I pray God that you help me learn what I need to learn from the people who don't like me, don't want me around and heal the hurt that causes in me. Help me God to love no matter how they feel about me. Help me to always reflect your love.
God help me not to unknowingly reject others. God help me to always see that inner value that you have placed in each person. Help me to see them with your eyes. God, help me to never make anyone ever feel like I do tonight. I love you God. Thanks for listening.
What God Said Tonight:
Rejection is hard, but always remember, they rejected me too. If they rejected me, what makes you think they won't reject you too?
Your prayer is right, you need to focus on the love not the rejection and you need to always love in spite of it all.
Remember when I was on the cross. In the midst of ultimate betrayal, all I could feel was love. My whole purpose in going through it was because of love.
You don't need people to accept you, to love you in order to love them. You
don't need it because your love is not dependent on them. Your love is dependent on me, and, I will never run out of love.
You are going to see a lot more rejection in your life. You will see a lot more love too but you will see a lot of rejection. You need to decide to always respond in love. Give people their space, but never stop loving. I have put in you the love that never fails. You will hurt, but love anyway. I love you sweet daughter and I tell you dear, love anyway.
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