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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, September 18, 2010


My prayer:
My Lord, God Almighty. I am not sure what to pray tonight. I am kind of at a loss for words. Today was good. Thanks for the sleep last night. It really helped. Thanks for the help getting everything done today. Thanks for being with me all day.

God tomorrow is Sunday where we all get together to worship you and learn more about how to live our lives for you. God I pray for something new, different, more tomorrow during church services. God I pray that you begin showing up in ways that no one can deny that you are you and no one can deny your power.

I pray God that you help me to serve wherever and however you need me tomorrow. I thank for the opportunity to serve you and your people. I pray God for a clean heart and a focused mind so that nothing interferes with my ability to serve you, worship you and learn more about you.

I pray God that your presence is so real that people leave their service tomorrow changed and ready to do something new for you. I pray this God in the name of Jesus Christ who saved me. Love you God.

What God said tonight:
For someone who didn't have much to say, you ended up saying quite a bit.

I want to begin showing up in new and unusual ways. I want to start really surprising people and shake them out of their complacency.

It is hard to surprise people in this generation. They have seen so much, real and imagined. They have experienced so much, they tend to be jaded or closed off to the possibility of the miraculous. They tend to think everything is a hoax, a scam and they aren't going to be taken in by it. If me showing up and knocking down a building around people would get their attention and let them know I am God, I would do it. But that doesn't move people.

People only believe what they see working or not working in the lives of the people around them that they know and trust. That is the only thing that truly moves people to come to me and to trust me. That is why you can't be silent. That is why you must continually tell people and let people see me work in your life. Let them see our relationship. Let them see how living for me is so much better than anything else. That will convince people. Not another miracle.

I will continue to do miracles because I am the God of miracles. But I don't expect the miracles to convince people I am God. I expect your life to do that. I expect our relationship to do that. Make sure they can see it. I love you daughter and look forward to being at service with you tomorrow. It will be good. I have a surprise for you, a good one!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Letting go...

My prayer:
Incredible God. How can you be everything to everyone all the time? You continually amaze me with how you are everything we need. Everything that everyone ever needed, needs or will need. I mean, really, I can't wrap my mind around it even though I know it is true.

The God of everything is everything to me, to us. You are more than my mind can comprehend. You are more than my heart can hold. You are more than I ever knew you could be.

God, I trust you, love you and lean on you. Thank you for this week of intimacy, closeness with you. Thank you for time to focus on you and what you want to do. God, I pray for rest tonight. I am so tired but haven't really slept all week and it has caught up with me. I pray God that you give me rest tonight. I love you God.

What God said tonight:
Sleep happens only when you can let go. You need to let go. You have been holding on to some things that no longer serve you well. Please let them go. For your sake, let them go. You don't need them anymore. What I have for you is so much better but I can't give it to you until you truly let go. Release it in my name and walk into your future and your blessing. Leave it behind and don't look back. Don't be Lot's wife. Don't look back. The future is so full. Don't look back and miss what I am going to do.

Thank you for your obedience and your heart willing to learn. You will continue to learn all the days of your life. You are a perpetual student of me and I love that about you.

I know this is short tonight, but you do need to sleep. Now that you let go, sleep will come easy. Sleep will be sweet. You will wake up rested and ready for anything I throw your way. I love you my dear. Sleep well. Sweetness, let me whisper in your ear tonight that you may sleep. Let my peace reside in your heart. Let my love blanket you. Let my hand be your pillow. I love you so much. Rest in me.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

God's way...

My Prayer:
Lord, God, Jehovah, El Elyon, God of everything. How are you tonight God? What is on your mind?

I love you so much. I am so grateful for today and all that you do. Thank you for your favor, for amazing friends, for health and for being with me all day. God I thank you for all of the prayer requests that you are about to fulfill. I thank you for what you are about to do. I thank you for being you.

Now, it's time to focus on you and what you want to say and do. I'm here God. Speak to me.

What God said tonight:
It's not a time to get caught up in what us supposed to happen and how it is supposed to happen. I have a plan that is not necessarily your plan. I need you to be ok with me doing things my way, even when it doesn't make sense.

You know the outcome. You know that we win. You know that you will prosper wherever you are. But how we get there is not what you have thought. How we get there is on my terms.

I need you and everyone to know that I am God. I am not tied to doing things the way that make sense, the logical way. I can do things however I want. I can part a red sea to rescue my people. I can raise a man from the dead. I can sacrifice my son for your sin. I can do whatever I want. I can stop the sun in the sky. I am not tied to natural laws or man made laws. I am the law.

But I am also love. And because of my love for you, you can trust that even though it is happening in a way that is foreign to you, it is happening for your good because I always have your best in mind. You will see that my way is the better way, but it may not seem that way for awhile. I have a plan and a purpose and the journey of getting there, how we get there, is more important than the destination.

Love my people daughter. Love yourself. Love me. That remains your job. I will take care of the rest but trust me even when it looks bad. Trust me. I love you and I will not abandon you or the plan I have on your life. Live knowing that I am in charge and I will see my will accomplished. I love you tonight and forever.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You are very good...

My prayer:
Awesome God, all powerful God, all knowing God, lover of my soul and heavenly Father. You are so incredible. Thank you for this day of freedom and joy! Thank you for so quickly providing an opportunity for me to use the recent struggle to help someone else. You are simply GOOD! I love you God. What is on your mind tonight?

What God said tonight:
It's a good time and the right season to begin new things. It is the time for you to take all that you have learned and create. You have experienced a lot of things, good, bad and indifferent. All of these will be used to help people.

I know your heart dear and I know that it is what you want to do. Help people. I know how you have tried so many avenues, some more successful than others. We are entering a season where your effectiveness, my effectiveness through you will explode.

You are everything I intended you to be. You are ready to do this. I am sorry that your preparation involves pain sometimes. You are getting so much better and letting go of that pain when it is gone though. That will serve you well. I can not promise a pain free life. I can promise a life where you will always triumph over the pain as long as you stick with me and don't give up.

You are my precious child, my precious gift to myself. I created you to love you. I created you to love me. We are in the middle of our love story and it is good.

You are not everything that you will be but you are everything I intended you to be at this time. Don't envy others. They have been called to their own thing. This is your thing and it is good. When I created the world, I looked at what I created and said "It is good." When I create man, when I created you, I said "it is very good." You are very good. You are covered in my blood and you are very good. You are what I intended. You are my intended.

I love you. Stay faithful and be everything you know how to be. Love how I showed you to love, teach how I showed you to teach. I don't need you to teach what others have taught, that was their call. Teach what I have taught you. Love you, rest tonight, please.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Welcome back...

My prayer:
God, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Thank you for joy and laughter tonight. I needed it. Things, life has been so intense lately. It was so good to smile, to laugh, to just have joy!

Thank you that you always bring me back to your joy, your peace. No matter what happens, no matter how I feel, you always bring me back. I can always find the joy that you have for me, eventually. Your joy is not dependent on circumstances so it can exist in the presence of any situation. THANK YOU!!! I really needed that dose of joy tonight.

I love you God. Living with you in my life is so much better than living without you. You bring purpose, joy, peace, love and so much more that doesn't really have words to describe it. Why do I want to serve you so much? Why do I want other people to know you? There is nothing better than seeing you working in some one's life. There is nothing better than watching you work. There is nothing better than living this life for you God.

I love you so much Father God. You are my everything. Thank you for bringing me through this thing and I pray God that you help me hang onto this joy and this peace. I am so ineffective without it. I am here God for whatever you need or want of me.

What God said tonight:
Welcome back! You were hard to see there for awhile. You were lost in a fog, but I was still with you and would never let you go.

Do you notice that these seasons, the hard ones, the ones that really challenge you don't seem to last as long as they use to? When you bring everything to me, I can act on them quickly and take care of them. When you try to handle them yourself or go other places for answers, they can really drag on.

I know that you wanted to reach out to friends in this trial, which is a good instinct usually. But this time, I needed to handle it. I needed you to lean on me for the restoration. You will be reconnecting soon but in the struggle I need you with me alone.

You are through it. Don't worry that it is lurking around the corner. It is not coming back. You are free. You are moving into a new season of celebration and effectiveness, free of the thing that was holding you back. You will get to see the realization of more and more dreams, your and others.

You will be moving back into the dream building business for awhile and you will see new dreams. You will see new visions. Ones that build on what I have already shown you. There is no stopping us now. You are going to see my power manifest on earth. You are going to see things you have only dreamed of. Get excited, it is nearly here! Get excited!

Remember to smile, to have fun. You have a lot of work to do but if you get lost in the work and forget the fun, it won't be worth it in the end. Balance. My joy is yours forever. My peace is yours forever. It is always there for you no matter what. Come and be with me tonight. Spend some time in worship and let me restore you. I love you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Especially for you...

My prayer:
Hi Dad. It has been an emotional couple of days. I didn't think my faith, my belief in your call on my life, your purpose on my life could be shaken like this.

You told me this was coming. You told me there would be a time where it all looked like it was falling apart and you told me to trust you. That the plan is still in place and still moving forward.

I am trying God. I was there about 75% of the time today. 25% of the time, I was convinced that my life was meaningless and it was time to just give it up.

Enough drama. You have promised that you have destined me to prosper. You have promised that I am the head and not the tail. You have promised that no weapon formed against me can prosper. I will trust your promises God. I will trust your promises over my life, my future, my family and my friends. I will trust you God.

You are not a man that you would lie. There would be no purpose in your lying. It would just be cruel and you are not cruel. You are love. God I love you and will trust you now and forever.

What God said tonight:
There you go, pull yourself up girl. You are right, there has been enough drama. Thank you for remembering what I told you, warned you about. This is just another step in the process, in the dream. This too was destined. This struggle, this feeling unanchored and lost, this is part of the growing and preparing for what is next. It's not pleasant but it is necessary.

Your trust in me will be greater. Your love for me stronger, your reliance on me more complete. I told you last night that this is a time for just you and me. Don't worry about being isolated right now. I will comfort you. Don't worry about anything. I really do have it under control. You are not alone. You are in my hands and I will not drop you.

Keep the faith and keep moving forward. Do a little each day and we will get it done. You will be in your future before you know it. It is not time to rest, it is time to act. It is time to move. It is time to do what I have taught you.

Stay strong and trust. We will move forward together and it won't be nearly as scary as you think it will be. I love you so much. I will keep you and protect you. You will be the fulfillment of my dream for you. Don't lose the vision, the dream. I created it especially for you. I formed it with your special gifts in mind to accomplish the thing that only you can. Keep in mind that if you don't do this, no one else will. It is especially for you and it needs to be done.

The heavens are about to open up. You have a great blessing coming your way. Don't give up before it gets here. Love you sweet daughter. We are going to make it through this too.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


My prayer:
God, you know I don't spend a lot of time talking about satan. He gets too much press as it is. But tonight, I am angry. I am angry at his persistent attempts to lie, cheat, steal and deceive. God, I call on you to shut him up.

In the name of Jesus Christ I bind satan off of my life, off of my friends lives, off of my families life. God in the power that you gave me in Christ I cast him into the pit of hell and say he has NO PLACE in our lives. God I pray that you fill us with your Holy Spirit, leaving no room for him or his nasty little demons to return.

God, I pray this in the power that you have given to me. I put it all in your hands God. Thank you God for reminding me of the source of this kind of stuff. Thank you for reminding me that you gave me the ability to take control when he starts his tricks.

Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for always being there for me, even when I don't deserve it, when I get angry at you, even when I know at the time that I have no right to be mad at you. Forgive me God for everything.

What God said tonight:
You are washed clean and whole my daughter. Your anger is justified, just originally it was misdirected. You have it focused correctly now. You know where I say "do not sin in your anger?" You avoided sinning in your anger tonight when you brought it to me so I could show you the source. When you chose to then face that enemy straight on, you did what I would have you to do.

You are in right standing with my word and my desire. We are getting into some tougher areas tonight, but it was time. It is time to meet this threat straight on. He is contained and in place as a result of you taking the authority that I have given you.

You are now free to move forward and enjoy this ride again. You are now free to love and live in the joy that I have provided for you. Keep full of the Holy Spirit. Worship to refill. Keep focused on me. Give no place for the devil to come back in. Give him no room to move back in.

You have some bruises from this one that will need time to heal. I need you all to myself right now. It won't always be like this but right now, I need you to myself. Trust me. Trust my love. Trust me, my love.