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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010


My prayer:
Amazing God, what an amazing day. The mountains on that trail today were unlike any I have ever seen. It was so beautiful! You are so incredible. You made things so gorgeous for us. You created such a beautiful and perfect world. Thank you. You are so generous God.

Thank you for the time with mom. Thank you for a mom who is my best friend, teacher and so supportive. You have truly blessed me with her God.

Thank you for a day of beauty, fun and refilling. I am ready to hit the road running again tomorrow God. There is so much to do and it is all so exciting. Thank you for the assignments you have given me. Thank you for the opportunities to serve you and your people.

God tomorrow is Sunday, the day we get together to formally recognize and worship you together in churches all throughout the world. I pray God your anointed presence and spirit in every service tomorrow. I pray that each service, each Pastor, each servant, each member and each visitor be a blessing to you God. I pray that your will is accomplished and that you teach us what we need to know for this week.

I love you Father. amen.

What God said tonight:
Your so aligned with my purpose right now. I don't think we have ever been more in sync than right now. You can trust your instincts right now because your instincts are my instincts. With all that we are doing right now, trust you instincts.

Continue to do what I have shown you. Don't fall into old patterns. Take what I have shown you, taught you and teach. You were born to teach so teach.

I love you daughter. Today was good for me too. I loved showing you that area, those mountains, that water, those plants. I love seeing how you appreciate it all and love me for it. I love to spend time with you anywhere but I really love to spend time with you out in nature where you can see and be a part of what I created for you. You will always know my love for you when you look at the beauty I created for you. Let it always be a reminder to you of my love.

There is a lot more to say but now is not the time. Rest and be blessed. We will meet up and be back at it tomorrow. There is a lot to do tomorrow, but you won't do it alone. I love you my daughter, my love.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Unique relationship...

My prayer:
Huh, that was different. God, we had this all written out and it suddenly was erased and gone right before I hit publish...guess we will start over.

I love you and worship you God. What do you want to say tonight?

What God said tonight:
The first time through was just for you and specific to what was going on with you. Sometimes, most of the time, those things, those experiences are transferable, many people are feeling them as well, which is why I told you to publish these in the first place. But sometimes, I have things that are really just for you.

I love all of my children. But I also have a unique relationship with each and every one. I loved King David, he was such a worshipper and he had my heart. I worked with and trusted Moses. He and I could talk things out and plan for the next steps of Israel. I relied on Elijah.

I love you all, but our relationships can be different based on who you are and how we know each other. I so desperately want to be close to each of you. I want the relationship we were meant to have. The relationship that Adam and I had in the garden before it all fell to sin. I want that with each of you but it will look different for each of you.

Come and get to know me. Spend time with me. Love me and I promise I will meet you right there every time. Seek and you will find me. Remember playing hide and seek? It is like that, but I am not hiding. I am right here. Seek me, I am easy to find. I will show you and share with you as much as you are willing to take.

I love you daughter. Keep up the fight of faith and rest in my love and care for you. Tomorrow is exciting!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What I fear...

My prayer:
God of the universe and all creation. You are so amazing. Thank you for this day. Thank you for bringing me to this time with you.

God, I find my mind kind of jumping all over tonight. What if I run out of things to say on this blog? But then, it is just my prayers to you and the rest is all you. I never run out of things to talk to you about. What if I mess up the next steps? You have me doing all of this great new and fun stuff with the web site, the book, the training, what if I mess it up and get it all wrong? What if I am just simply not good enough? What if you want me to do something and I talk myself out of it? Life is very exciting right now and I am loving it, but sometimes I get to wondering, what if?

I hate "what ifs" God. They don't do me any good but they are so persistent. What if I don't do anything meaningful. What if I don't help anyone. What if I get to heaven and you show me the millions of opportunities that I missed because I was too busy, too lazy, too scared, too whatever. God, I fear that. I fear letting you down. I fear letting down the people you put in my life. You say 365 times in the Bible, do not fear. I try, but these things scare me.

I love you God and I want so much to do your will and be your hands and feet everyday. Am I good enough?

I love you.

What God said tonight:
You are good enough but not in your own power or your own essence. You can always know that you are good enough because your goodness does not come from you and is not dependent on you. Your goodness comes from me living in you. It comes from the salvation you received when I died on the cross. That is why you can always know that you are good enough to be my hands, my feet, my mouth and my servant here on earth.

You will definitely miss opportunities in this life. I am so busy blessing you, you are bound to miss some of them. But, I don't ever ask you to be perfect. Perfect is boring. I ask you to be you. In being you, willingly choose me. That is what I ask. That is what my makes my heart leap. When you choose me.

When you have a choice between the world and me and you choose me. When you have a choice to spend time with me or go to bed early and you choose me. When you have a choice to turn on the tv and you choose to worship me. Those are the times I am most proud and most ga-ga over you.

Keep choosing me, I will keep bringing the opportunities and together we will change the world. It is written. I love you my pet. Rest again in me to prepare for tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


My prayer:

Awesome Father. I love watching your divine plan work out. I love how random decisions that I make end up being opportunities that you provide.

God you are so perfect, so incredibly perfect. Everything really does work together for the good of those that love you and are called according to your purpose.

I don't mean to sound surprised. It's just some days like today really show that off. Thank you for putting me exactly where I needed to be to help and love on the people you had for me to help and love on. God, I don't really have much else to say tonight. What is on your mind? What can I do for you tonight?

What God said tonight:

You have already done for me today when you were obedient, alert and loving. Remember, your job is to show up. I will take care of the rest. Your job is to be available, I will bring the opportunity.

You are walking into a precious time, a powerful time, an awesome time. You don't see what is ahead, but I do and know how much you will love it. Just a few more days, a few more minutes and you will see what is next. You will see the next assignment. I can't wait to see your face!

I love surprising you. I love how you remain in awe of me. It easy for people to get complacent and forget how wondrous this life with me is. Most of the time, when you get there, to the place of complacency, you fall into old habits. That is when the trouble comes and you are reminded how good life is with me.

This is a cycle that you don't have to go through if you don't want to. You can stop that cycle just by remembering me. Just by keeping in front of you the wonder of life with me. Remember to hope with anticipation. Remember to love with all that you are. Remember that this life has a purpose greater than you and you are living you that purpose every day.

You are so deeply valuable to me. I will pursue you forever my daughter. Wherever you are wherever you go, I will be with you and will pursue you. It's better when you don't run away, it gives us more time together. Go and rest now. You are my heart.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Best Christmas present ever...

My prayer:
Mighty God, today was better. Thank you for opportunities to pray, bless, encourage and celebrate today.

Thank you for hearing the healing prayers today and thank you in advance for the good reports we are expecting later this week. Thank you for being a healing God. You didn't have to do that for us. You didn't have to provide healing for us, but you did.

God I love seeing you heal people. I love how it just messes with our "reality." I love the words, "We can't explain it but..." How many times have we heard that from doctors now?

God, I just want to appreciate you tonight. I want to just bask in your presence and love on you for a bit. You are so amazing and beyond words. You are my everything God. You are the reason I get up in the morning and my last thought before bed. You are the maker of my dreams and the one that makes them come to pass. You are my encouragement. You are my teacher. You are my provider. You are my Lord and in charge of my life.

I love you God, body, soul and spirit. Everything I am is in love with you. You are my hope and my future. You are my present and strength. You are my everything. I pray my love, my worship is a sweet fragrance to you tonight God. I pray that it blesses you. I pray that you hear all that I say and all that I can't find words to say. What do you want to say tonight?

What God said tonight:
Today was fun. You did recognize opportunities much better today and you will do even better tomorrow.

There remain some areas of conflict in your life. Conflict is counterproductive. Things can't move forward effectively if there is a tug of war going on. I need you to spend some time identifying those areas of conflict and look for resolution and reconciliation.

Do what you need to do to make it right. Forgive if you need to forgive. Ask for forgiveness if you need to be forgiven. Find a way to move forward in concert, not in conflict. As you clear out conflict, you will find a new unity and a new power in unity.

You are so precious to me. Your worship and love is like fine jewels to me. I love when you take time to love me just to love me. I want you to know that my love for you never changes. It does not come and go. I never take my mind off you. You are the first thing, the middle thing and the last thing on my mind every day. You are the reason that do what I do.

I died for you, I took the whip for you, I suffered ridicule for you, I conquered hell for you. All for you. All for your brothers and sisters. Make sure people understand what I did for them. There was no point if people can't or won't receive the salvation, love, forgiveness that I have provided.

It's like buying the best Christmas present ever and not having anyone who wants it. No one who is willing to open it up and see how amazing it is. Will you open the present for people? Will you help them to receive what I bought for them? It is my greatest need of you on earth. Do it in love. Let them see my love through you.

Remember to always ask, never take for granted that they already know me. Always ask.

Thank you my faithful daughter. We are ready for the next level.

Monday, August 30, 2010

No limits...

My prayer:
God, there is no one like you. You are perfect in everything that you do and everything that you are. Your plan is perfect, your will is perfect, your timing is perfect. Sometimes I don't recognize that when I am in the middle of something but that doesn't make it less true.

God, today was a bit of a hit to the self esteem. I am not very happy with me today. I think the problem was that today was too much about me. I am not sure that I blessed anyone today. I was wrapped up in everything going on and trying to keep up with it all and now I sit here tonight feeling kind of empty. Like I missed the point of today.

God, I don't want another day like this. Help me to see the needs around me more clearly and be moved to help, even when things are busy, even when things are exciting. The whole point of everything you are doing in my life right now is to create opportunities to bless people and bring them closer to you. If I forget to bless the people in my everyday life in the process, that seems like a huge mistake.

God I ask for your forgiveness for my self centeredness and pride. I pray God that you help me tomorrow to do better. Thank you for providing for my forgiveness through your grace and your mercy. Undeserved grace and mercy. In the name of Yeshua, amen.

What God said tonight:
Sweet daughter your are forgiven and washed in the blood of my sacrifice. I love you and appreciate you recognizing the source of your emptiness tonight. I know you will not believe this right now, but you were more of a blessing than you realize; but, you did get in your own way today too.

Tomorrow will be better. You have learned and will do better with that knowledge tomorrow. My child, I am so proud of you when I see you learn. When I see you grow. Never be satisfied with the status-quo. There is always more to learn, to do, to be.

You have no limits on your life. You can go as high as you allow yourself to go. I have placed potential in you that is still waiting to be realized. Keep learning and growing each day to realize all of the potential I have placed in you.

Don't let the day stop you from reaching your future. Put it behind you and move forward. Looking forward and not back is the key now. You have learned what you needed to from your past, it is time to step into your future. I am not just talking about today, but in general. It is time to stop looking back and move forward with all that I have put in you, all that you have learned.

The future, the promise is in front of you, not behind you. Make bold choices based on the foundational teaching you have in you and you will be very satisfied.

I love you as always, now and forever. Look to your future and the one thing you can always be sure of is you will find my love there.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I will provide...

My prayer:
Mighty God, awesome Lord, maker of all that is. I have looked forward to this time all day.

God, so much can happen so suddenly. Your suddenlies are pretty amazing. When I look at all that happened, all that you did, all that moved forward from last Sunday to this That is really all I can say, wow. You put me in awe God.

I love when things are moving so quickly. I love seeing you move mountains. I love seeing your power making changes in this world to conform to your will.

God I pray as we enter a new week that you continue to guide me, you continue to show me what to do, you continue to equip me to do it. God the favor that you have on my life right now is so wonderful. Thank you for that favor.

I pray God that as you are moving my dreams forward that you bless the dreams of those around me. I pray for breakthroughs in the dreams, visions, and plans that you put into us God. Teach us what we need to know, position us to be in the right place at the right time, make us aware of opportunities as they show up and help us to see how we can help make each others' dreams come true. God I pray that you show me how to help make dreams come true for others this week God. Show me the opportunities to bless, encourage and love on people in a way that is meaningful to them. God, make me blessing to those in my life. Let your love, light, joy, peace and grace shine through me to their lives.

I love you God and stand in anticipation of what you want to do next. Your will be done God.

What God said tonight:
My daughter, you know you are holding back tonight. Not everything is so wonderful. Don't forget that I already know so you may as well tell me. That way we get to deal with stuff up front and not let it fester.

The unspoken prayer of your heart tonight is an old one. You already know the answer to that prayer. I send you my peace to know that you will be in the exact position to receive all that I have determined should be yours and you will not want. You will not die alone. You will not be without, anything.

I love you so much. This is the beginning of a new week that will have all the highs and lows, the ups and downs that you have come to expect. We will do some great things this week, there will be some things that seem stuck, there will be some things that seem to fail.

Through it all you must remember and know that I am Lord. I am the great I AM. I am God The Father. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. There is no god above me and there is no plan, problem, blessing or curse that is too big for me. I am bigger than anything that ever was or ever will be. I am the great and mighty God that created it all.

This week I want you throughout it all to concentrate on the vastness that is me. I need you to remember who I am and my reach and power that is limitless. You must remember this, not for my sake but for your sake.

Don't hesitate to bring me anything. I am here for you. You are my purpose and my reason for existing. I created you as the object and the product of my love. My love is the most precious commodity in the universe. That makes you made of the most precious of the most precious.

Remember your place, your position. Remember that none of that place and position is due to anything you have done or not done but is the sole result of my grace. I am sovereign. I am God. Remember and trust me in that sovereignty. I will not let you down.

I will put all of my power and all that I am behind you to move the dream forward. You can count on me to be with you every step of the way. When you need encouragement, I will provide it. When you need help, I will provide it. When you need money, I will provide it. I will provide out of my riches in glory.

Be the blessing I created you to be. Remember to love more than you are loved. You are my precious and sweet daughter and I am with you all the way.