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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, August 7, 2010


My prayer:
Awesome peace maker, healer, teacher, ruler, creator, Father. Thank you for today. Thank you for rest and peace and friends.

God, I am ready for the next thing. I am ready for the next risk, the next thing outside of my comfort zone. Lead me God wherever you need me to go. I am ready to take the next step. Step by step I will get to where you want to go. I love you God and I appreciate the peace and the quiet that you provide in my life. I'm just ready for a little excitement again.

I pray for services throughout the world God. I pray that your Spirit be present and powerful in each service. I pray God that you surprise us, leave us in awe of you God. I pray God that the experience of you be so intense that it makes us all crave to be with you even more, to know you even more, to share you even more and to serve you even more. I pray God that you use me however you need me. I ask God that you help me see the needs and help me fill the needs. I love you God. I remain honored to serve you. Teach us God so that we can know you more. In Jesus name, I pray your will be done in all things.

What God said tonight:
Today was a let down after last night I think. That is why it felt bland to you and you are craving excitement again. It is ok. It is what I expect from you. I made you and know you better than you know yourself.

I hope you don't let it discourage you this time though. You know the next new thing is always right around the corner for you. I know you can't take the mundane for long, so I have new surprises set up in advance for you. This week is going to be full of them.

Rest when there is time to rest so you can move when it is time to move. You need to learn the value of rest. You need to understand the cycles, the seasons of life better so that you can achieve what is needed in each season. Days like to today are created just to give you the quiet time to prepare. They are valuable and not everyone takes the time for them or has the luxury of them. Learn to appreciate downtime. It is as important as the exciting times although not always as much fun.

I love you and I will call on you tomorrow and every day of your life to serve me. One, because I know I can trust you but mainly because I know how much you love it. Keep an eye out for hidden opportunities tomorrow. Opportunities in unexpected places. I want to surprise you tomorrow. I want to remind you of my sovereignty, but in a good way. You will like it, I promise.

Now, rest in the peace create from this day and trust me to continue to bring new seasons into your life as the need arises and within my timing. I love you and I wrap my love around you tonight. Rest in me sweet daughter and I will love on you forever.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Deep worship...

My prayer:
My God, my everything. I come to you from a place of deep worship tonight. I am in a place of such deep and abiding commitment and worship of you right now. Nothing else matters but you. Nothing else has the least importance other than you. You are my everything in a way that I can't describe but can only feel at a truly guttural level.

Right now, the cares of this world, my problems, my issues, my wants, just fade into oblivion as I experience you and your presence. If anyone ever doubts your existence, it is only because they have never felt your presence like this. You are so amazing God. You are everything. I can't express it in words God. It is almost a gut, visceral thing that I just want to but cannot express how I feel. I cannot express it with words. I am grateful that you see beyond the words and into my heart.

Right now, nothing matters but you. Nothing has any meaning but you. My thoughts, my dreams, my prayers are really nothing right now. It is all you God. It is the simple yet immensely satisfying experience of you. God, the joy of you in my life, the peace of you in my life, the experience of you in my life. You are my heart and my very existence God. I will never be able to fully express all that you mean to me. You are my everything and I love you in a way I didn't know was possible.

God receive my love, covered in the blood of Christ as an acceptable sacrifice to you. Receive me God, covered in his blood that I may be acceptable to you. Receive me tonight God. I am yours!

What God said tonight:
My daughter, how I love you. How I covet your worship. How I love these times of deep connection when the world fades away and it is just you and me. It is so beautiful to me. It is what I hoped for when I first created man. It is the relationship, the intimacy that I hoped for and dreamed about.

Come to this place more often. Don't make me wait for you so long. Come to this place of deep worship regularly so I can fill you, feed you, strengthen you. Don't close me out anymore. Don't make me wait for you to try to figure it out on your own, I never meant for that. I always wanted to be your help, your strength, your provider and your redeemer. I never wanted you to be alone or to try to handle it all on your own. That was your idea not mine.

My plan has always been to fill you. My plan has always been to be your strength, your answer, your peace and your provider. My plan has always been for us to live in this place we are at right now. Not just a place we visit, but a place that we live. Live in this place of worship and relationship that we can just be with each other.

I love you, I covet your attention, I want you, I created you for me. You are bought and paid for with my love and my blood. Don't ever forget who you belong to. You are mine and I will never give you up. I love you and I will keep you in my heart forever. You are my special creation, intended to live in my presence forever.

Receive me and my love tonight. Let me fill the emptiness created by life in this world. Let me make you whole. Let me be the water, the oil, the sustenance in your life. I am everything you need, let me be your everything all of the time. You need never live another moment in want if you just lean on me. Now and forever my love, you and me, now and forever.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A chance...

My prayer:
Awesome ruler, mighty God, creator, teacher, love of my life, I praise you God. I am yours and I am fully committed to you. You are everything I will ever need. You are the breath in my lungs, you are water and food to my body, you are my very sustenance. Without you is not even an option. I am sold out God. I pray for the courage and strength, the wisdom and understanding to do what you want me to do when you want me to do it.

I pray God that no opportunity be lost. I pray God that you make me the blessing in other peoples' lives and never the curse. God I pray that you help me to always encourage and never tear down. I pray that others lives are better because I am in it.

I pray your blessings over the amazing people in my life. You have filled my life with such incredible people. God, let me be as much of a blessing to them as they are to me.

God, I can't get that news story out of my head that said a young father beat his son nearly to death. He said he was teaching his two year old son to box and then hit him fifteen times in fifteen minutes. The young boy at the time of the news report was in critical condition and not expected to live. I don't know how to pray over this God, but I need to give it to you. God I need you to take on this and other situations like it. How can we do this kind of thing to each other?

Most people are so wonderful most of the time, but then things like this happen. What happens God? Why do we turn on each other? Why do we hurt the people we love? Why do we hurt the weak, the defenseless, the children? This is not a new problem. I don't know how to pray about it. I want the father to be healed, changed and saved by you, for himself and so he doesn't do this again to someone else. I want the young boy to be with you either in this life or the next. If you have a different life, a better life for him, I pray that you heal him. I pray for the mother God, she wasn't mentioned in the news story, but I pray your help and strength for her. I pray God that this be a wake up call for someone so that they don't follow that same path. God my heart hurts for this family so I give them to you, the great comforter.

I love you Daddy.

What God said tonight:
My peace I give to you tonight daughter. I love you and ask that you rest in me.

People are complicated. They can be so wonderful when they are doing what I have intended for them to do. They can also get way off track really easily. Good people can make really bad decisions that have irrevocable repercussions.

People that don't have good intentions can wreak crazy havoc in this world. Some are so taken with satan that they cause pain wherever they go. But even those people, if you go back far enough you will find the hurt that makes them hurt others. Abuse, pain, hurting are all seeds that grow more abuse, pain and hurt. Anger is a seed that breeds more anger. The more this type of thing is around, the more it multiplies and grows.

The best weapon, the best defense is love. Love is always the answer. Love is not soft and love does not allow it to be taken advantage of. Sometimes, love is the bravest and hardest thing to do. Who is going to love the serial killer? And, if no one does, is there any hope at all for him? If there is no hope for him, we can never expect him to change and he will continue to kill until he himself is dead and in the grave. I don't accept that outcome.

You have to love in the face of evil. You have to love in the face of pain and abuse. You have to love from the place of strength. Loving does not mean that you allow yourself to be abused. You protect and remove yourself as needed to be safe but as you do, love. Pray and love no matter what. That gives everyone a chance. Don't ever take away someone else's chance at a new life because you weren't willing to love.

I love you daughter and send you a double blessing for tonight and tomorrow. Your life is precious and about to change again. LOVE YOU!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My first love...

My prayer:
Well God, there certainly was a lot of change today! I love you and I just want to hear from you tonight God. What is on your mind? What do you want to talk about tonight?

What God said tonight:
My turn huh? Ok, I want to make sure you know some important truths. I want to make sure you know who you are and the impact you have. I think that sometimes you are worried that you won't make a big enough impact. You need to see it from my perspective, one soul is the whole world to me. If all you accomplished in your whole life is to lead one person to live for me, your life would be worthwhile.

I love you. I know I say it a lot, but you need to hear it. I think you forget sometimes that love and how amazing it really is. I think that sometimes you get complacent in the love and forget how amazing it was the first time you felt it. We have been together so long now, you sometimes expect it to be there and forget to be in awe. Not always, but sometimes.

It is so important that you truly know my love for you. It is the only way that you can love others the way I need you to. I need you to show them my love. You can't do that if you take my love for granted. I could take the love away for a minute to remind you of what it was like, but I don't want to. I love you so much that not loving you, even for a second , is unthinkable. So, I just need you to reflect, to think about it for awhile so you can regain the awe and appreciation for my love and my presence in your life. Return to your first love sweetness.

You are my very own. I love you more than words can express and I will never leave you. You are so important to me. Every hair on your head, every thought in your head, everything you do, everything you feel is fascinating to me. I am constantly fascinated by you. You are my daughter, my creation, my bride and I love you. It is important that you know this as well as you know your own name.

Trust me and I will take care of your every need. Working toward a goal is good. Working for me is GREAT! I love you in every piece of my heart. Stay well and whole.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Little things...

My prayer:
Lord God of all creation, awesome Father. Today was a tough one again. Not because of anything that happened really. It was a pretty uneventful day. However, my attitude was not good. Forgive me God for being irritable, discouraged and impatient.

Thank you for friends that were praying and friends to make me laugh at my own silly self. Whenever I start to doubt, whenever I start to think that this life right now is all there really is, that is when my attitude goes south. But, when I think about it, nothing stays the same. Everything is constantly changing. Even the rocks are changing every second. Some changes are more noticeable than others, but everything is changing. God I pray that you help me to get that in my heart. Please remind me of that when I start to doubt, when I think nothing is ever going to change.

My life I think would be easier if I could just learn to be satisfied with the status quo instead of always wanting the next thing. I know you told me you designed me that way, to always look for the next new thing and it can be really exciting when there are new things happening. But days like today, where I was truly just going through the motions, trying not to bite any one's head off just because I was so irritable at the sameness, these days are hard.

Ok, now I feel guilty for even saying that God. When I look at my life compared to some others, my "problems" are nothing. When I look at my past and the things I have been through, today was less than nothing. There is no condemnation in you God, so I know the guilt comes from me and not you.

Is it ok when I bring you the comparatively little stuff? It is little but it is also a struggle. It seems like the little things are just eating away at me right now God. Little problems with my car, little things said about me, little changes in relationships. God I need help with all the little things that are building up. They feel like an avalanche about ready to gang up on me and bury me.

I love you God. I know that you can handle any problem no matter how big or how little. I love you and am so grateful that I can bring anything to you. Thank you for listening and showing up in my life.

What God said tonight:
Your life is insignificant in some ways and vastly important in other ways. It is hard to understand but every thing that you go through is important because you are going through it. It may be "easier" or "harder" than what your brother is going through but it is your experience of the thing that matters.

Each thing you go through will be the next thing I use in your life to bless you and bless others. I won't ever waste an experience. You have heard it preached that I will never waste a hurt and it is true. I love you to much to let you go through pain, struggle and trials without giving you and the people around you a benefit from it.

You are the greatest testimony I can have. Just your day to day life. Nothing special but more precious than all the jewels in the world. You are not important in yourself but you are a lighthouse for me and my word. You are a lighthouse than shines me out to the world. What could be more important or more meaningful than that. Being a lighthouse for the Lord of all creation. That should make you feel pretty special.

You are going through that season of waiting and you know from experience it doesn't last forever. You know it is a matter of time before I bring you the next new thing. We are moving and getting things done at such a fast rate these days. We have to. Time really is running out.

I love you daughter. Learn from today. Use today to bless others and you will see it as the blessing it was meant to be for you. I love you and have more to do with and for you but there will inevitably be some down time now and then. Rest is as important as action sometimes.

Don't ever hesitate to bring anything to me. Little, big, no matter. They are all the same to me. I want you to be happy and fulfilled. I want you to be blessed. It is my desire that everyone is saved and living for me. It is my desire that you live a life that I called you to in every aspect. The promises on your life remain. There is no change. It just may not happen the way you thought it would. Can you be open to me doing it my way? Good, now rest, tomorrow is full of more changes.

Monday, August 2, 2010


My prayer:
My Father, my home, my God, I love you. God I lean on you. I call on you God to meet every need. My needs, my family's needs, my friends' needs and your kingdom's needs.

God, there are so many needs in this world. Right now there are floods killing thousands, fires killing thousands, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes all killing and destroying. God, it is too much to even really think about sometimes, and that is just the natural disasters.

In addition to that is the everyday extreme poverty of people who have no food to eat, no roof over their head. They have so little God and they are in every country in the world. They could easily be me.

God, when I think about it all, I get overwhelmed. I want to help. I want to do something that will make a difference, but it is all so overwhelming. So, tonight, I am doing the one thing I know to do that can actually help. God I pray that you step in and help. I pray God that you meet their needs out of your riches in glory. God I lift them up to you and pray that you see and meet them right where they are. I send your provision to them God. You can change their situation. I pray God that you step in and provide a way out.

I thank you God in advance for mighty testimonies of how you showed up in their lives and saved people, saved homes, provided food, provided shelter. I pray God that you do it in a way that there is no doubt that it is you that showed up in their lives. I pray God that it is so obvious that they have to recognize the awesome power of El Shaddai.

I bind satan off of their lives in the name of Jesus and call on you God to show up and change their circumstance. In this rescue God, I pray that you flood them with your love. I pray God that they know your intense love for them even as they see you move in their lives.

Thank you Father. I love you so much.

What God said tonight:
Sweet daughter, thank you for bringing me this prayer tonight. I will honor your prayer and I will show up in peoples' lives. My power will go out tonight and make a difference.

I will never call you to do more than I have equipped you for. I will never call you to do what I have promised to do. Your part, your responsibility is to recognize the need and bring it to me. I will let you know if there is more for you to do in any situation. Sometimes, I will need you to give. Give money, time, love or things. Your generosity in these times will make a way for you. But right now, I am just glad that you have brought it to me.

There are miracles on their way right now. You may not hear about them but they are on the way. I know you want to hear about them. I know you love to hear the outcome, but tonight is not about the outcome. It is that you trusted me and came to me to take care of burdens that are too big for you to handle.

I love you daughter. Your needs will continue to be met and I will rebuke the devourer in your life now and forever. I love you so much. I love that you recognize that as much as food or water, people need love. Keep loving people for me. Even when they don't love you back. Even when they push you away. Even when they lie about you. You just keep loving and let me take care of the rest. To love in spite of the circumstance is the true test.

I love you because of and in spite of you darling daughter. You are my heart's desire. Be at peace and be well tonight.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's about God...

My prayer:
Awesome Father, I am not sure how to pray tonight or what to say. It was a good day. Great message at Zyxter from Pastor Mark. God, I want to live that real life with you, having all that you say I can have, no hypocrisy and just honest, down to earth living for you. I want to shake off the religion and get to the root of who you are and what you want for my life.

Religion doesn't work long term. But, partnering with you, living with you being active and present in my life does work. I still get discouraged when things don't go the way I think they should, but you always bring me out.

God, there is so much in me that isn't where I know it should be. There is so much more that I need to learn, change, do. Some of it I know and I need your help. Some of it I know and I am working on it. Some of it I know it and I am afraid to do it. Some of it, I am sure, I don't know yet.

God, in this season of pruning off religion and growing in our relationship, help me to know the difference. Help me to see any areas that you want me to work on and show me what you want me to do. God I pray for your help in this not just for me but so I can be what you want me to be to serve your people.

I love the people you have put in my life. They are, each and every one, so incredible. They have such great gifts and they like me, struggle sometimes too. I want to be able to show them you and your help in that struggle. To do that well, I need to get rid of anything that is not productive. Pruning and growing. Huh, looks like I am preaching a sermon to me tonight God.

Thank you for all that you have taught me and all that you continue to teach me. God make me what you intended me to be. Wash me clean in your blood. Thank you for second, third, fourth and four hundredth chances. I love you Daddy.

What God said tonight:
Not a bad "sermon" but remember that serving me has very little to do with what you do and has everything to do with submitting to what I want to do. Yes, you should always strive to do all you know to do to live in my will. It will help you to help others and to live a better life. You will be happier and more fulfilled and the people around you will be more blessed the more you are able to follow my voice, my commands and my word for your life.

All of that being said, no matter how much you do, you will never be "good enough" to accomplish what I have for you to accomplish. You will never be smart enough, strong enough, talented enough to do what I need you to do. If you were, you wouldn't need me.

I need you to lean on me for everything to be sure that it is me that you are sharing and not you. So many talented people have entered my service and they have done some great things but often the focus ends up on their talent and not on me. I see this especially in worship and praise leaders. I saw it in satan. They get so wrapped up in their own talent and others get so wrapped up in their talent, it is easy for them to forget what the purpose was in the first place.

So, in your quest to be the best you that you can be, never forget that I am the the reason, the purpose and the power in your life. Don't give up the quest, but never lose your dependence on me. Never forget that I am what will make the true difference in peoples lives. Trust in me, lean on me and you will see great things, much greater than what you would ever accomplish on our own.

Live in my love for you sweet daughter. Know that my love and my mercy cover you and I will be with you always.