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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, August 31, 2013


My prayer:

Thank you for a wonderful day of rest God. It was just what I needed. I had a good time playing tonight. I don’t do that enough. I am anxious to hear your voice…

What God Said Tonight:

Play is important. Joy is important. Laughter is important. I know that there are many serious things in your life right now but don’t forget to play and enjoy the pleasures I have given you.

Blessings are not blessings if they are not used. Joy is an empty word if it is not expressed.

Enjoy your life.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Never alone...

My prayer:

Wonderful YOU! Thank you God for spending time with me every day. Thank you for being with me always but thank you especially for letting me experience your presence and hear your voice every day.

I would be so lonely and lost without you. I don’t ever want to be without you again. Life is too hard to live it alone.

What God Said Tonight:

You are never alone with me in you. You know me and you know my voice. You have invited me to live inside of you. You keep me first in your life and you always take some time to focus on me, to seek me each day.

That is a recipe for a strong relationship. That shows me that you are invested in our relationship. That is what will keep us close forever.

I love you and I will never leave you. Your ability to recognize that depends almost entirely on you. Seek me and you will find me, every time, I promise.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Identity battle...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. Thank you for today. Just about the time that I am convinced that I have no idea what I am doing and everything seems to be sliding down hill, you bring along an encouragement to let me know I am getting at least some stuff right.

Thank you for the gifts you have given me, the talents and skills. And, thank you for showing me how they can be used to help others and your kingdom. I am glad you made me the way I am, flaws and all. Not that I don’t want to improve and be better, because you know that I do. But, I am happy for the way you have made me.

You are a wonderful Father.

What God Said Tonight:

I am in a battle over you right now. Your enemy wants to hurt you and kill you. He wants to keep you from your destiny. Your discouragement has been directly from him.

I am fighting him off. He can’t have you. You need to stay strong in me.

Don’t believe the lies about you. Believe only what I say about you. You are a king and a priest and you are the head and not the tail. You are redeemed and perfect in my sight and that is all that matters.

Your enemy cannot have you and will not. Hang in there for the duration, keeping your mind set on who I say you are and you will come through stronger and better equipped for the next thing in your life.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


My prayer:

Mighty God. I love you for who you are and I thank you for everything you did today. Now, I just want to hear what you have to say tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

I want you to consider perspective tonight. When you look at the night sky and see the millions of stars, they are beautiful alone and as a whole. You see them as individuals but also as a part of an aggregate.

When you are on one of those stars (use your imaginations) all that you can really see is that star. That star becomes your whole world. You may still see the other stars in the distance but you do not see your star as a part of that system.

Sometimes, the things that seem so big and important that are right in your face are really part of a bigger plan that you can’t see from your perspective. I ask that you always remember that and remember that I have the bigger perspective and I am on your side, always. With those two things settled, you will know you can trust me and you don’t have to live a life of fear and what if.

I love you.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Prepared for success...

My prayer:

My God, you are an awesome God!! I love you. I love what you do in my life. I love how you work EVERYTHING out for my good. And, I love how you work everything together. I truly get to live in victory because you are in my life. That is AMAZING!!

Thank you God for opportunity, timing, blessing, lessons, and amazing people in my life. YOU ARE THE BEST!!! I love you more than I ever thought was possible!!

What God Said Tonight:

Life, your life, is like chain mail. It consists of thousands if not millions of small circles which link together to form a fabric and an armor that keeps you from being harmed. That armor keeps you safe in the battles and allows you to fight. Every day I add more links and they prepare you for what is next.

I will see you protected so you can see and do the future I have planned for you. I have great plans of ultimate priority for you and you must be fully protected to go into it. Your life, your experiences, your struggles, your friends, your mentors, your pastors, your enemies, all prepare you for what comes next. Your life to this point is a preparation for what you experience today. Today is preparation for what you will experience tomorrow.

Your life is a continuum and will never be over. Remember to celebrate the little successes. They lead to big successes.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Hamster wheel in my head...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I would really like to turn off my brain for just a little bit tonight. Too many thoughts, too many things happening, too many things to try to figure out. I need a brain break.

You know your scripture that talks about taking every thought captive? How do we do that? How do we take thoughts captive? Does that mean that we are able to stop thinking about them? If so, I would really like to be able to do that.

I waste so much time thinking about things that I have no control over. And, even when I realize it, I will let that same thought, that same problem just roll around again and again in my brain. It is completely useless and annoying.

Sorry for whining and complaining God. Fact is, you have given me such a wonderful life and blessed me with so many opportunities, I should be jumping for joy not complaining that it is too much. Sorry for the rambling. LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

You cannot stop thinking about something by trying to stop thinking about it. The only way to stop thinking about something is to replace it with something more important to you.

When your thoughts go astray and into areas that you do not want, focus on me. Think of me. Fill your mind with me. That will block out the thoughts that are not producing benefit in your life and will fill you with purpose, and direction.

I am your go to. I am what brings you peace and I am the one who loves you enough walk you out of every storm. Even the ones that you create.

I love you, I love you, I love you. Think about my love for you. Think of what I have done for you. Keep your mind stayed on me and I will clarify your mind. I will give you rest from the hamster wheel in your head. I am your peace and I will not leave you.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Off track?

My prayer:

Well God. Here was another day that did not go according to my plans but worked out pretty wonderful anyway. That seems to be happening a lot lately. Maybe I should stop making plans? I guess I could try but you know that would be hard for me. Maybe it is just important to be flexible and ready to switch to your plan when it is different?

I don’t know God. Truth is I have very little of this thing called “Life” figured out and I am almost constantly looking for clues and reassurances that I am in your will for my life. That is all I really want, to live in your will. As long as I know you are charting my steps, I can walk through anything.

I love you God. Please keep me in your perfect will for my life. For your sake, for others’ sake and for my sake. Thank YOU!!

What God Said Tonight:

Why this doubt coming in tonight my daughter. You know that I guide your steps. You know that I am a light unto your feet and a lamp unto your path. You now that I have a plan for your life and that plan is good. You know the promises I have over your life. Why are you doubting that tonight?

My plan has not changed. My will has not changed. You seek me and you earnestly seek my will. I have told you that when you seek me you will find me. You know the promises, both from my word and from my direct promises over your life. I have a plan and a purpose for your life that will change the world. That has not changed.

Trust me, if you start down a path that is out of the will I have for you, I will let you know and I will not be subtle. I love you and I am on your side. I want to see you victorious and I will do everything I can to give you an advantage. One of the things I do to give you that advantage is to let you know when you are off track. Listen to me always and I will warn you when you start to veer.

Trust in me to be big enough to work out he plan and the details. Listen to me and I will tell you what comes next. We are in this together and I will not leave you to figure it all out on your own. I have sent you the Helper, my Holy Spirit, just for this reason. We will go in together.