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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

God's options...

My prayer:

So grateful for the healing change you have made in me God. Your healing power never ceases to amaze me. You heal us physically, emotionally, spiritually.  In a world that seems hell bent on making us ill and hurt I have a God who is heaven bent on seeing us whole and healed. 


What God Said Tonight:

The difference between living life as my child and living life on your own is not about the things that happen to you. It is about the options of responses you have to those things. 

When you are my child and you get sick, you can call on my healing power and have assurance that you will be healed. When you are hurt you can come to me for comfort and healing. When you are not living as my child, your reactions are limited to those you can do on your own.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The web...

My prayer:

Ok, so I wrote an entire post, you had some really cool stuff to say about miracles. Then I go to publish it and your whole part is deleted...Seems like maybe that one was not meant to go public?

Well, let's see what happens when we try again...

What God Said Tonight:

One thing to always keep in mind is that this current experience of yours is bigger than what you realize. Each situation occurring in the world right now is actually a small piece of a much bigger web. 

This is a unique time in the history of the world and of my people. There is truly nothing that is insignificant and everything has intertwined meanings. 

I don't expect you to understand it all but I do expect you to trust me. I will tell you when it is time to act. I will tell you when it is time to move. If your ears are trained on my voice, you need not worry about a thing. 

I will guide you always. I will love you always.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Take out the trash...

My prayer:

Ok, today was a pretty rough transition back to 'normal life'. I am exhausted and just about everything on me hurts. I do not like 'normal' God. 

I pray for your supernatural intervention in me. Renew my mind, my body and my spirit. I pray for wisdom God. If there is some cause of this that I can do something about, please let me know so I can change whatever needs to be changed. 

Please help Jesus. I don't know if this is harder to deal with just because last week was so wonderful or if it is hard to deal with because it is that bad. Regardless, I need you help and healing power. 

Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

It is 'take out the trash' day. There are some things that you have discarded but you have not fully let go of. Take it to the curb and let me take it away. Once and for all it is time to let go. 

You are who I made you to be. You are a child of God. You are not someone who has to live damaged any more. You are renewed and restored in my name. You are strong and whole through my grace. Jump up with me. 

You are going to a new level. It is one that you couldn't reach with the heaviness of the old hurt. Now that you have let it go, you can soar with me. 

I love you.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Dream big...

My prayer:

Content, excited, tired, happy, not a bad mix. I know I keep saying it, but thank you God. I really needed this week. I hope and pray I can keep this renewed joy for awhile, or maybe forever. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have more blessings for you than you can receive. I have more joy than you can contain. I love you more than you can know. 

You see, as big as you can dream, I dream bigger for you. 

I love you. I am with you. I will bless you, all the days of your life.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

In the midst of God's joy...

My prayer:

I have nothing to ask for tonight and everything to be thankful for. You are amazing and I am grateful!

What God Said Tonight:

The joy of me is your strength. When you can tap into my joy, when you let it inside of you, it makes you strong. It makes you invincible. Let my joy strengthen you, fill you, and light you up. You are made to live in the midst of my joy. 

I love you child.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The good and the bad...

My prayer:

I am so very grateful tonight God. Thank you for the change of scene, location with new things to do! It is great to have a new perspective for a minute. You pour out your blessings on me. THANK YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

At any given moment, there is joy, pain, peace, strife, blessing, cursing, rain and sun somewhere in the world and somewhere in your life. The choice that is yours, the thing that is in your control, is which you will focus on. 

I will guide and direct you to all the things you need to do. I will take care of the rest. 

In the meantime, choose your focus wisely. If you want to experience the good, focus on the good. If you want to experience the bad, focus on the bad. I promise you, in every bad situation there is some good and in every good situation there is some bad. It is simply how this flawed world is. 

It won't always be that way. There is a time coming where joy and peace will reign. In the new heaven and the earth, it will not be the same. Until then, make your choice.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Don't fight alone...

My prayer:

I trust you God. I trust you to do what you have said you will do. I trust you to guide and direct my life. I trust you to heal us. I trust you to deliver us. I trust you to save us. 

You do not change and every promise you have made will be accomplished.  Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

I am t;he rock and the cornerstone. I do not burn in the fire. I am made stronger by fire. 

Your trials and your tribulations will not conquer you if you are leaning on me. Don't ever try to tackle them on your own. I did not make you to fight alone I created you to fight as my child, under my protection and my banner.