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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

All that I need...

My prayer:

God I crave your presence. I crave the intimacy with you that transforms me and my life. I crave time with you. 

Being in your presence is what makes life worthwhile, what transforms me and what fuels me. No matter how I get there, whether in worship, whether in prayer, whether in quiet reflection, whether in the middle of an intense run, in a service, in the middle of the chaos that is life. No matter how I get there, here, with you, the end result is miraculous and addicting. 


What God Said Tonight:

Come here and find your rest. Find your rest in me. Find your joy in me. Find your peace in me. Find your life in me. I have within me all that you need and it is all yours. 

I will not be stingy. I will not withhold from you. I will bless you to overflow. I will love you forever. I will see you healed and saved as a result of all I did at the cross. 

I know things feel like they are spiraling out of control but that is just because a change in regime is coming. The king of he underground who has been sitting at the headgates of earth for years is right now watching us. He is making his last ditch efforts to confuse the world and keep you from living eternity with me. 

But, even now, even in this time, I have all you need. Lean on me, receive my love and know that I am God and I am on your side, always. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Follow God...

My prayer:

We made it!!! Craziest week ever, so much to do that had to be done, no way in the world it could all get comes my God, the God of the impossible, and here we are, Friday night and EVERYTHING that needed to get done is done. Thank you for ALWAYS taking care of me and the people and the things I care about. Thank you for taking care of mom today God. Thank you for healing her. Your healing power never ceases to amaze me.

What God Said Tonight:

I have a plan and purpose on your life. Never forget that. 

I love you, no matter what, but I chose you for a purpose. I chose you for a distinct plan. I need you to follow my will and my direction to accomplish my will and the purpose I have for you. Don't follow my direction because you feel you have to. Follow my direction if you want to. I only take on willing help. 

But, if you do, if you follow my will and purpose for your life I can promise you satisfaction as you have never known. I can promise success beyond your wildest dreams. I can promise you fulfillment that will never cease. I can promise you that we will do it all together. 

Come, follow me, if you want...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

It was worth it...

My prayer:

My  God, your an awesome God you reign, from heaven above, with wisdom, power and love, my God your an awesome God! You do the miraculous every day in my life and I am SO GRATEFUL!!! I live a blessed, favored and miraculous life because of you. Not perfect, you know me, I always want more of you, but SO GOOD! Thank you Jesus!!

What God Said Tonight:

I do know you my sweet daughter. I knew you from before you were born. I created you specifically for this time and this place, knowing all that you would struggle with and knowing the beauty that would come of your victory. 

It was worth it. You may not see that fully now, but one day, when you see the lives that were blessed through your testimony and from your life, you will know it was worth it. 

That is something I hope to show everyone of my children some day. There will be a day when they each get to see the lives they blessed. There will be crowds and crowds of people. You do not understand your influence. You do not understand how one kind act of love can ripple out to effect so many. Thousands, millions, billions and more. 

You reach is infinite in me. Your power is immeasurable in me. I love you so much. Be encouraged tonight that all that you go through, the good the bad and the ugly is blessing others in your victory. Spread the word.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Strength in numbers...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. I am sitting here tonight completely exhausted but so grateful for all that you are doing. I am especially grateful for the people that you bring into my life. Such amazing, talented, and courageous people! Different cultures, different likes and dislikes, different languages, different goals, but all people, your people trying to live this life the best we know how. 

I lived so many years not recognizing the value of community. I get it know God and it is wonderful! The best part of all is when we gather our community around you, when you are the center and the purpose for our community. That is when things get really beautiful and interesting. LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

There is nothing in the world that is stronger standing alone vs. standing in company. A tree standing alone can be blown over by a wind. But put many trees together and they will hold each other up in the strongest winds. 

You are stronger when you have people around you. You can withstand a bigger storm without falling because of those around you. And, that community, that support, is never one sided. As much as you get from them, they get the same from you. A true relationship gives as much or more than it gets. That is where the strength comes in. 

Be strong in your life through me and your friends. With that combination, you can get through ANYTHING. Love you!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

River of God...

My prayer:

God of peace. I pray and ask for your peace tonight. SO much to do, so many commitments, so many opportunities, so many challenges, SO MUCH! It is wonderful and overwhelming right now.

I ask for your help to get it all done. I pray for your wisdom as to what to say no to. I pray for your strength to do what needs to be done. And I pray that your love continue to shine through me even though I am running like crazy. Help me to remember to love through it all. 


What God Said Tonight:

I am with you and on your side always. 

This is a season but it is only temporary. You will get through this and you will have a testimony to share. You know it is true, we have been here before. 

Breathe deep, listen to my voice, and keep my peace in your heart. You are on a path to an amazing destination and I will see that you arrive on time, fully prepared with all things completed that need to be done. 

Relax into my current for your life. We are in the rapids right now. We will come through it unscathed and meet the lazy river before you know it. 

Love you so much. I will not let you down, ever.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The enemy's path...

My prayer:

Awesome Father. I spent so much of today trying to drown out the enemy's voice, I can't wait to just concentrate on your voice tonight. He is so annoying and deceptive. Sometimes he leads me down a path of thought before I even realize it is him. Then, all of a sudden I look around and wonder how I got there!

I am ready for the day when you send him to the lake of fire, never to return. I am truly sick and tired of him. 

Uggh! Enough about him. Let's talk about you. Let's talk about your day and your challenges. Let's talk about your victory. Let's talk about all of the good things in life, and after, that I get to be a part of because I belong to you. 

Father, drown out the voice of the enemy and speak your sweet voice in my heart tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

I can drown out the voice of he enemy with a whisper. One whisper from me is more powerful than the loudest shriek from him. 

But you have a part in it. You choose what you listen to and what you hear. I know that he will try to deceive you. I know he will try to take you down path of destruction and he may even succeed sometimes; but, at that moment when you look around and realize where you are, call out to me and I will always come to get you. I will always rescue you. You never need to be afraid because I am always your way out of any situation. 

I will rescue you and I will love you. I will heal you and I will restore you. I will always bring you home, the second you ask me to. Every time.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Crisis of confidence...

My prayer:

Awesome Father. I am having a crisis of confidence tonight. You know that is not often a big problem for me but the last week or so, maybe a bit less, I have just felt off. 

I have been here before and it almost always means you are taking me to a new level, that I am growing. And, as uncomfortable as growth and change is, I am never sorry by the time it is done. I am always grateful for what you have done to change me, mature me. 

But this part, the part where I am not sure what is going on, how I am supposed to react, what I am supposed to do, this part is scary. I am trying to change how I think about it. I am trying to recognize it as an exciting opportunity and that works for short periods of time. But then, something happens or nothing happens and I am not sure what to do. Then I am right back to feeling lost and unsure.

I don't like it but maybe that is the only way to really grow?

I ask for your help God to take me through this, teach me, grow me, and get me to the other side in one piece. God I pray for your mercy for when I get it wrong. 

What God Said Tonight:

Who makes you succeed? Who positions you for greatness? Who has a plan for your life and the plan is good? That is all me. I will see you victorious in all that you do. 

Yes, this is a time of growth because I need you to have more of me in you for this next stage. I need you to walk in a level of authority in me that you have not experienced yet. So, I will stretch you a bit. it may not be comfortable but you know I won't stretch you so much that I break you. You know that I will take care of you in the middle of this. 

This is one of those times that I need you to put one foot in front of the other, trust me, walk through my open doors, turn from my closed doors and do your best. It will be plenty good enough because I am in you and I have already planned this all out. My plans never fail. 

I love you daughter. That will need to be enough for you, for your confidence, for now. You are worth it because you are mine.