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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Who do you work for?

My prayer:

Agape God. Today I had the chance to step out of myself and see my culture through someone else's eyes and it was not so pretty. So much intolerance, violence, misunderstanding, and cruelty. I know there was a lot of good in between but why do we treat each other so badly? Seems like we are doing satan's job for him. 

I love you God. Help me to love people better, treat them with kindness, and give rather than take.

What God Said Tonight:

You are right to recognize that you are doing satan's job for him when you hate, steal, and destroy. You are his instrument when you do those things. When you lie, you become his servant. You spread the word for him. 

It is harsh and I know you don't want to think about it but it is true. 

When you love, treat people with kindness,give and care for people, you are being my agent. When you speak the truth, you are spreading my word. You make choices every day on who you work for. 

Think of that the next time you get angry and you want to act out of hate. Remember who you are helping when you do that. I love you very much and I promise, there is always another way.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Who wants it...?

My prayer:

Mighty god. I am falling asleep at teh computer again. Super tired from a full day but a day is not complete until I get to end it with your voice. What is on your mind tonight God? Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

Do you know how sometimes  when you give someone a gift, and they don't accept it? It may be because they think they don't deserve it. It may be because they are worried about what is in it and they don't want to commit to keeping it until they see it. It may be because they don't want to be indebted to you. There are a thousand reasons for not receiving a gift. I have heard them all. 

I have the gift of salvation fr anyone who wants it. I have the gift of healing for anyone who wants it. I have the gift of redemption for anyone who wants it. I am looking for people who want it. I am looking for people who are tired of sitting around and watching their lives go by, without direction and without purpose. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Love is the key...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. What a wonderful end to a rather blah week! Thank you God. I love soaking in your presence. I pray God that everyone of your kids gets to experience that amazing presence of getting alone with you. There is nothing better. I am all yours God.

What God Said Tonight:

I am the maker of all that you see. There is nothing that is on the earth that I did not make. You are here because I made you. You are a product of my intense love and desire to have someone to love. I created you for love and to be loved. I created you that you would love me and love the people around you. 

Love is the key, the center, the reason for it all. Love is worth any price. I paid for our love with my life. I redeemed our love with my resurrection  I treasure our love beyond measure.I am your Father who loves you.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

God's deal...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have typed and deleted the beginning of two prayers now God. Every thing that I think of to talk about tonight is coming out whiny and that is not worthy of you and is not who I want to be. Sounds like I need to change my focus. 

Let's talk about you. Let's talk about how amazing you are. Let's talk about how you provide for absolutely everything I need. You bring me peace when I am stressed, joy when I am sad, healing when I am sick, knowledge when I am ignorant, and favor...always. 

Why do you treat me so good? I definitely do not deserve it. Thank you for being a God that is big enough to handle anything and everything.

What God Said Tonight:

You and I have a deal. In the past we called it a covenant. I made you, I love you, I redeemed you, and I have claimed you as my own. You are my child You are the apple of my eye. You are wonderful in my eyes. 

You don't have to deserve my love. My love is. You don't have to earn my favor. I favor you because you are mine. 

Here is our deal. You proclaim me as your God, do your best to follow my path for your life and I will make sure that you are taken care of forever. That is it. Pretty simple but it covers everything. 

I love you so much. Rest and know that I am God and that is enough.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Uniquely peculiar...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I am feeling out of place tonight. Sometimes, like tonight, I realize that there is no one really like me, that I am different, weird, or as you might say, peculiar. Most of the time, I am happy being unique but, sometimes, like tonight, I just feel isolated. 

In some ways, we are all the same. We are all your kids. We all have struggles and we all have joys. But, in the particulars, in the choices we make, we are different. Those differences can separate us and can make me feel alone. 

Anyway, this too shall pass. Just wanted to tell you about it. Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

Different is good, not bad. Unique is important, not something to be ashamed of. I have made you each unique. I have a unique plan on each of my kids lives. I have a specific job for each of you to accomplish. 

Life would be so boring if everyone was the same. You would also not be able to accomplish much. There is only so much that any one person can door be good at. If you were all good at the same things, we could only ever do that one thing well. Having each person with their own strengths and weaknesses, we can, as a team, accomplish so much more. 

Appreciate the differences and understand that each difference has a purpose. You are exactly as I made you. When you put yourself down, you are insulting my daughter and I will not allow it. Go and rest, knowing that you are perfectly and wonderfully made, just as you are.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


My prayer:

Amazing God. I literally have nothing to talk about tonight. Not something that happens very often. You can usually count on me for some stray thought at least but tonight is going to have to be all you. I love you SO MUCH!

What God Said Tonight:

What if I had nothing to say too? What would you do? You can sometimes get complacent with me and with hearing my voice. 

I love you and I love the closeness we have but don't take it for granted. Complacency is like cancer to a relationship, any relationship, even ours. 

I will always be here for you, loving you, taking care of you, but that doesn't mean you should stop being amazed by it. When you do, you open up the opportunity for our enemy to come in and steal you away with promises of excitement and pleasure. 

I promise, I will never take you for granted. I will always appreciate you and the time we spend together. I will always want to spend more time with you because I am so crazy about you. Spend at least a moment every day reminding yourself of how amazing our relationship is. 

Monday, October 15, 2012


My prayer:

Best Monday ever God!! Thank you for all of the great news today!! Thank you for your favor!! Thank you for the little and the big pleasures today God!! You are awesome God and I am grateful for your blessings on my life!!

What God Said Tonight:

Give and I will give it back to you, multiplied. You gave, I gave back, multiplied. That is how it works. You know it, you have read it, you have seen it, you have experienced it. Whenever you give, I will give to you, multiplied. That is the simple truth of commerce in my Kingdom. 

Love you daughter and I am celebrating with you tonight!