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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Perpetual goodness...

My prayer:
Another amazing day filled with your favor God! Thank YOU!! I love these seasons where everything seems to be working. Everything is blessed. There were so many amazing things that you blessed me with at work today God! You are blessing me to overflow again and I LOVE IT!! It is also exhausting and I am really ready for some good sleep tonight. 

I do have one worry or thought. When things are all going so wonderfully, part of me is always thinking, when is it going to end? You have taught me that the only things that don't change are you and change itself. Everything, everywhere is changing, except for you. That is a very comforting thought when things are hard and not going well. But, in seasons like this where it is all so good, a part of me wonders, when it will all change and what will be the turning point. 

Even as I am typing this God, I am feeling like I am being ungrateful and I don't mean to be. I LOVE what you are doing in my life. But I love it so much, I am afraid what it will be like when it changes. Forgive God for my doubts and forgive me for complaining when things are better than I could hope for. Cover me in your blood God and keep me whole. 

What God Said Tonight:
What would you say if I were to tell you that you can live a life of perpetual goodness? It sounds too good to be true but it is not. The more you look away from your circumstances and the more you look at me, the better you are able to live a life where "good" is defined by who I am and my presence, not by what happens.

I can, do, and will continue to bless you and pour blessing on you. But I need you to always maintain an  attitude that looks to me to define how your day went. I need you to come to me everyday and ask questions. Any day that I am in your life is a win and I can turn any circumstance twoard your good. 

I love you daughter and don't want you to spoil this amazing time wondering when it will be "over." You are my child and you are therefore destiend to an eternity of blessing. It may change the way it looks now and then, but I will bless you all the days of your life. Go sleep, there is more tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


My prayer:
Days like today God are too good to exist outside of you and what you do for me! Too good to be true, but it is!!! You are awesome God. Thank you for today. Thank you for ridiculous favor. Thank you for putting me in positions of influence. THANK YOU GOD!!! 

And, now, with only two hours of sleep from last night and a very full and wonderful day, I am ready to pass out but have to hear your voice first. I have to know what my amazing Father has to say. What is on your mind God?

What God Said Tonight:
It is my great pleasure to bless you. I enjoy seeing you blessed. I am encouraged that you always remember to thank me and that you give me the glory for it. Don't ever forget where your blessing comes from. The second you do, satan jumps in and pride swells up and before you know it, you have fallen to pride and to sin. 

It can happen in the blink on an eye. I love to bless you but it can be dangerous too. That is why it is easy for me to bless new children, those who have just come to me. When people have newly come to me, they are so fresh, they remember how bad it was, they know that they don't deserve anything good and they are so grateful for all that they receive. 

Sometimes, when we have known each other for awhile and you get accustomed to being blessed, it can spoil you and make you pretty horrible to live with. The insurance against that is simple gratefulness. Remember that all blessings come from me and they come from my love, not because you "earned" anything. 

I am with you now and forever and love you more than I can say. I have more blessings for you. Can you contain them? Probably not but I am bringing them anyway. I love you sweet daughter. Be blessed and be a blessing forever and ever,  plus one day.

Monday, November 14, 2011


My prayer:
All knowing God. You were so right. Something changed today. Status quo was not enough anymore today. 

Amazing God, thank you for healing Mom today. Thank you God for hearing our prayers so quickly. Thank you for the physical assurance of your healing power. Thank you God. This life would be so much harder without her in it. 

Your miraculous power is so amazing. I know not everyone realizes it, but your miracles are real and they are for today. I believe that you work in my life in little ways every day. But i also believe and experience your crazy awesome miracles on a regular basis. I know that you can provide for me out of your riches in glory and I see it in a bank account that doesn't go down even when I spend money. I know that you heal and I see it when I pray over Mom, friends, others, myself and the sickness runs away like a scared puppy. And, so much more!!

There are the miracles that I have heard about but haven't seen yet like raising from the dead and the jewels that appear out of no where. I want to see both of those God. I want to marvel at your power and be able to tell everyone about it. I want to see and experience it ALL! You are so amazing God. Don't hold back, show me everything! please.

What God Said Tonight:
You will see every miracle that you have faith enough to see. My miracles are surrounding you every day. You see the ones that you have faith enough to believe. The others, those that you don't yet have faith to believe, you either do not notice or you find a "reason" for their happening. 

Experiencing my miracles is not magic. It is faith, belief, and awareness. I am all around you every day. My miracles abound. Open your eyes and see. Believe with everything that you have that I am God and I can do ALL things. There is already so much happening around you but you will need to watch for it. I will help you see. 

I love you my miracle.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Changing seasons...

My prayer:
Magnificent and awesome God. Today was absolute luxury and rest and I thank you for it. I don't deserve you God. I don't deserve the blessings you give me. I don't deserve any of it but I am so grateful for it and for you. Life is worth living because of you. I love and thank you God. I don't always understand what you are doing and why you are doing it, but I am learning to trust you anyway. 

God, I pray and ask as we go into this new week that your will is fully accomplished. I pray God that you guide and lead me. I pray God that you make me a blessing to those around me. I pray God that you tell me the assignments you have for me clearly without ambiguity. I pray God that you help me to be and do everything you have for me this week. I thank you God that destine me to succeed. I thank you that I am like a tree planted my water and that all that I do shall prosper. God, I pray that this week be everything you want it to be. I love you Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, God!

What God Said Tonight:
The seasons are changing again. The things that seem normal and right today will not seem so tomorrow. I am calling you up to a new level. I am calling you to a place of greater influence. I am calling you to a place of greater understanding. 

I am calling you. Do you hear me calling? Don't delay. I have much for you to do once you come to the new level and the new season. You know that the changes in seasons, the new levels are sometimes hard but they are always worth it. I promise this one is worth it too. 

I don't think you understand where we are going. I don't think you understand your future. I will continue to you tell you about it as you need it. It is exciting. I can tell you that and I can tell you that it is good. I have such good plans for you. I have prepared you and will continue to prepare you and I am not one to waste my time training someone for  no purpose. 

I love you daughter. Follow and trust me in the new season. I love you.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Live above it all...

My prayer:
God my savior and the designer of my life. I got to reflect today God on how amazing my life is. This life that you designed. I never could have put this life together. My silly little plans were so limited. Thank you God for having your will accomplished in my life instead of mine. I would have missed out on so much! 

God, forgive me for the moments, hours, days that I forget how amazing and how blessed my life it. Forgive me for every time that I have taken you for granted. Forgive me for placing limits on me and on you. I am beginning to get a glimpse of what you can provide if I will just let you. I am all yours God and I love you more than life. 

What God Said Tonight:
Live above the struggle with me. Live above worry with me. Live above the mess that doesn't matter and is only a matter of time before I wipe it away. Live above it with me. 

Yes, you still live on earth but you don't have to live in it. You know how you so often feel during worship. When you can feel yourself puling above and watch yourself and those around you. I can help you live life that way. I can help you to live with a Kingdom mind. I can help you live so that what you see is my hope and my plan, not the barriers and limitations. 

You have to want it though. Ask me and I will give it to you. I love you and I want to give things to you that you don't even know exist right now. We are moving into a season of growth and building. It is time to see so many dreams realized. There is also some restructuring. We need to know where everyone is supposed to be. It is hard but with me all things are possible. Love you my sweet daughter and this next season is a really good one. You are going to like it.

Friday, November 11, 2011


My prayer:
I've have done all I can do mighty God. Your strength never wears out but mine does and has tonight. 

But, I can't imagine going to bed without hearing your voice. Talk to me God and tell me anything and everything you have wanted to say today that I was too busy to hear. 

I love you God and I love your voice. I love how you let me be in a true relationship with you. It is wonderful and you are beyond wonderful.

What God Said Tonight:
I want to show you beauty tonight my daughter. I want you to see all of the beauty around you. You spent much of today focued on the ugly in life. I want to give you the antidote, the beauty in me, in my Kingdom, and the beauty in you. 

See the colors, the light that shines around you even now? I love stained glass. It looks so much like what the spirit world looks like. The light shining through the different colors. It is so beautiful. 

My Spirit is light in the darkness. My light is beautiful and it sends the darkness away. Darkness cannot survive in my light. 

You have a color too. Your spirit has a color of light. Your friends can see it. What makes your light beautiful is it is a mixture of my light shining through you and the light that I gave you when I gave you life. It is so beautiful and it draws people even when they don't realize why they are drawn. 

Look on the beautiful light for awhile tonight. Clear your mind of the ugly and focus on the beauty. I have more beauty for you than there is evil. I will always win out in the end, my light, my beauty will win out in the end. See the beauty all around you and keep it in your heart and mind, to wall off the ugly. 

I love you daughter. I have many beautiful days left for you. Keep focused on the good and your life will be better. I love you, go rest and we will talk more tomorrow.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I am God...

My prayer:
Jehovah Jireh my provider. God, I thank you tonight for a job that I love. It took a lot of years for me to figure it out, but I love the work you have given me. Today was great. The way you bless me is amazing. The way that you make me successful is a blast. I can't wait to see what is next! 

None of it happened how I thought it would or should. All of those years of my whining to you about not being fulfilled, wanting to serve you full time, wanting to be in full time ministry. And now I get to serve you 24/7 and work at a job that pays me well that is a blast and teaches me things that help me serve you better...seems like maybe you had a plan in all of this. 

God, forgive me for every time I doubted that you were going to work things out. Forgive me for every time I didn't trust you. Forgive me for my impatience. I love you SO MUCH!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I love you too my sweet daughter. I have had and continue to have a plan and a purpose for you and for your life. I would not have spent all of this time with you, I would not have taught you all that I have taught you, I would not have taken you through the things you have been through if I did not have a a purpose and plan for it all. 

I am not a God of waste. I use everything. I turn everything around for your good. I can't help myself. When I touch things, they turn to good. When I speak things, they come to be. Everything I touch is blessed. Everything I curse is cursed for good. 

I am God. That may sound silly but I think in this world of virtual reality and beyond reality movies, it is easy to forget that I truly am God. I am all powerful. There is none that is above me. There is none that know more than I do. I know everything, all the time. I have complete power and yet I am love and I will never use that power for anything other than for your good. 

I love you more than I can say to you. Putting my love into words for you is like trying to cram a bed pillow into a coffee cup. It is just too much. Remember how big I am and how powerful I am so that you can know and trust that I will always work things out for you. Remember my immense love for you. Remember that you are mine and I will always make sure that you are blessed in the end. I will always protect you and I will always guide you. It is out of my great love for you that I do what I do. Rest tonight and know that I am God.