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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The secret of patience...

My Prayer:
Incredible Father God!  You are so amazing!  God I want to thank you for your patience with me.  You told me to start the new fan page for praise reports and answered prayers almost a week ago and I drug my feet a bit and almost talked myself out of it.  I decided that no one would want it or want to post on it. 

But then, I started thinking about every time that you have told me to do something that I have delayed doing and I knew I would be stuck right there until I did what you had told me to do.  So, today, I did it and you are already blessing it and spreading your word! 

Why do I doubt?  Why do I delay?  When am I going to learn?  I am asking you these questions but they are really the questions that you should be asking me.  But, you don't.  You just wait on me to figure it out.  You wait for me to realize that you have already taught me about this and even then, you let me choose.  God you are awesome.  What amazing patience you have.  

Thank you for teaching me.  Thank you for your patience.  Thank you for giving me room to learn and figure it out.  You are awesome God!  I really need to come up with some other words to describe you but my vocabulary simply isn't big enough.  Please don't ever give up on me God.

What God Said Tonight:
Why would I give up on you?  You are my daughter and my creation.  I know your potential.  I know your future.  It is easy to be patient when you know the end from the beginning.  It is easy to be patient when you know how it will all work out.  I know already every struggle you will face.  I know every battle you will try to fight.  I know every victory and every blessing in your life. 

I have all the patience in the world because I have an eternity with you.  You are still thinking of time in a worldly way and that is when you get impatient. But I see time for what it is.  I see time as an imperfect yard stick in a vast never ending existence that has no end.  How can you measure something with out end?  You can't.  There are no borders on time with me so time itself, as a measurement, has no meaning.  We have all the time we need. 

That does not mean that I don't have a schedule.  There are a series of events that need to happen.  I have laid them out for you.  Each and every one will happen and will happen "on time" according to my will.  But I am in charge of the timing.  Just as I am in charge of the timing in your life.  Once you realize that and stop fighting it.  Stop rushing some things, stop delaying other things and get into the river of my will and timing, your life will be much less stressful. 

I love you daughter and I promise, I will NEVER give up on you. NEVER.  Rest in my blessing for you tonight.   

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pain and suffering...

My Prayer:
My God.  My interest is you tonight.  I come with no agenda, just curious as to what is on your mind.  Thank you for another great day with great opportunities.  I love you God.  Speak to me?

What God Said Tonight:
I hear the cries of my people throughout the world.  I understand that this life is hard, painful and it seems like the suffering is more than you can take at times.  I would love to wipe away the terror.  I would love to wash away the pain.  I see you covered in dirt, in blood and I know your fear. 

I don't know that I can ever explain how it got to this point.  I have told you about the original sin that invited sin into this world and into your life.  You have heard it so many times, it has become just a story.  There was something more significant in that moment though that you do not yet understand. 

There is a grave responsibility that comes with knowledge.  As an adult, you gain knowledge you did not have as a child and with that knowledge comes responsibility.  The sin of eating of the tree of knowledge came with responsibility.  It was a responsibility that I never wanted you to have  It is a responsibility that requires that your actions have a cost.  Your sin has to be paid for.  For those who have received me, that sin is covered by my sacrifice.  So many have not received that redemption though and as a result, the wages of sin, death, run rampant in this world.  Destruction appears to rule at times. 

You won't be able to understand it yet, someday you will. Someday, there will be no more war and no more pain. Someday there will be no more suffering.  In that day, when we win, we will live in great peace and joy.  We will live as I always intended.  We will live in the light and the joy that I had planned in the beginning. 

In the meantime, live under my covering.  Let me protect you from harm, let me heal you from the pain, let me clean you from your sin. You live in this world but you are not of this world.  You are of me and my kingdom.  You belong to me.  You do not belong to the filth that surrounds you at times.  You are mine, now and forever.  I love you daughter.  Let me take care of you.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


My prayer:
Mighty all knowing God.  Father, I have been thinking a lot about choices today.  Choices seem so important.  Even choices that seem like small choices at the time can turn into great opportunities or missed opportunities. 

I was talking to a young woman today who was talking of how she use to ask you about everything, even what gas station to go to.  And, when she did, there was always something amazing waiting for her there.  It just highlighted what I have been thinking.  Our choices are so important. 

God, what if I made different choices and missed out on all of the amazing opportunities you have brought me?  On the flip side, what decisions have I made that unknowingly kept me from opportunities that you wanted me to have?  A pastor I know once said that he thought that judgement day for Christians would be watching all of the missed opportunities in our lives. That you would show us all of the things we could have had, done, and experienced if we had chosen your will for our lives in everything.

I don't know if he is right but if he is, I dread that day.  As much as I love most of my life, I don't look forward to finding out all of the things I missed because I was stubborn, prideful, self centered, or just stupid. 

God, help me to make good decisions.  Guide me in every decision. Help me to make the decisions that put me smack dab in the middle of your will for my life.  Please don't let me miss what you have for me. I want everything that you have for me.  Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:
Your decisions, your choices are important and it is good that you want to make good decisions, decisions that put you in my will for you .  But, my will is bigger than your day to day decisions. 

You have made a choice to follow me.  You reaffirm that choice every day.  The other decisions may effect the flavor of your day but the over riding purpose of the day, the week, the year, your life is set in place by me with your decision to live for me.  I have been given permission by you to guide and direct your life and I will do that .  I will take each decision that you make and create the opportunity that most directly leads you into the will and purpose that I have ordained for you. 

Every decision that you make to follow my will for your life makes that process easier.  It makes it easier on you because you make the choice and go into it freely.  When you choose things outside of my will for you, a correction has to be made and sometimes that is not comfortable.  But have no doubt, my will shall be accomplished in your life. 

You have given yourself to me and I do not take that responsibility lightly.  Your life is in my hands and I hold it as precious.  I will lovingly guide and direct you.  Seek my counsel in each decision and I will make the way easy for you.  But don't stress too much about it.  When it comes down to it, the only truly important decision is the one you made to live for me.  Everything else is frosting.  I love you daughter.  Don't worry, don't stress and don't fear.  I've got you.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome sabbath God.  Thank you for rest and for restoration.  Father God, thank you for how you take care of me. 

So much of who you are and what you do continues to leave me in awe.  I look around and see how you can take one simple idea and within a few months turn it into a ministry that touches thousands of people throughout the world.  I could not have done that even if I had thought of it (which I didn't).  But here we are, 7 months after the night that you said, why don't you go ahead and start the blog that Pastor Joe recommended, and you have reached over 10,000 people all over the world.  I could have never imagined that sitting in this office on that June night. 

I could have never imagined the book, the fb fan page and the amazing people who post, comment and share.  I could have never imagined the opportunities to speak and to share.  I could have never imagined the prayer requests from all over the world.  I could have never imagined the opportunity to see you work and change people's lives like this! 

You are so incredible.  You truly can do anything.  I stand in awe God.  I can't wait to see what is next. 

I love you Father. Please continue to help me to be the person that can be of most help to you.  I love you teacher.  Please continue to bless and protect my family and friends.  I love you healer.  Please continue to hear our prayers and change our circumstances.  I love you Lord.  Please bless and anoint our worship services tomorrow God so they are pleasing to you and help your people.  I love you.

What God Said Tonight:
I love you too my daughter and I love to surprise you.  I love to show you what I can do with the small sacrifice that you make.  Like the young boy with the fish and a bit a bread.  He gave that small amount and in my hands it fed thousands. 

That is what I can do with your sacrifices.  Sacrifice your time to me and I will multiply it.  Sacrifice your money to me and I will multiply it.  Sacrifice your will to me and I will give you more than you could have ever imagined on your own.  I need you to give me sacrifice so I have something to work with but once you give it to me, I will give you back more than you can imagine. 

I don't ask you to sacrifice so you will have to go without.  I ask you to sacrifice so that I can give it back to you multiplied.  I don't ask you to sacrifice because I need the specific thing that you are sacrificing.  I don't need it in itself, but I need it so I have something to multiply back to you. 

I am a creative God and I can create the entire world out of nothing, out of chaos.  But what I want to teach you about is the art of giving, the joy of giving.  I want you to understand the giving and receiving paradigm that I function under.  It is what the sacrifice of my blood is based on.  It is what the law of Moses was based on.  It is what you need to know to live the full and blessed life that I have for you.  So much is tied up in it.  Learn that giving, sacrificing, is not about losing something but it is always about gaining something. 

I love you daughter.  You are right where I need you to be but don't stop here.  We have a long way to go and it will be more amazing than you can imagine.  Be blessed my daughter.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Get closer...

My prayer:
Awesome God.  I am ready to fall asleep sitting up.  I love you and I am here out of faithfulness to you but I need you to take it tonight.  Thank you for all that you did today in my life, in my friends' lives and for being generally amazing.

What God Said Tonight:
Sweet daughter, you are tired.  I appreciate your faithfulness in coming here to be with me anyway. 

I love that you are willing to sacrifice for our relationship.  That is the point of all of this.  To get closer.  To get so that you know me better than you know yourself.  The more you know me, the easier it is to recognize my voice and to hear me.  The easier it is to hear me, the more quickly I can help you and the more quickly I can let you know when I need you to do something. 

Each time we meet, each time that we talk, you are getting to know me better.  There will be a day when we are so close it will remind me of my days with Adam before the fall.  I want that day to day closeness with you.  I want you to hear me no matter what.  Whether you are busy or calm, whether you tense or relaxed, whether you are in need or at peace, I want you to hear me. 

There are times when I need to tell you something, something that you need to know for the very situation at hand. I need you to hear my voice clearly, for your sake and for mine.  You are going to see great things with me.  We will do great things. But to do them we have to be closer than we are right now and that only happens by spending time together.  I want you to know me as well as you know yourself, maybe even better. 

So, thank you for coming tonight even though you are tired.  You can rest now and I will give you rest.  You will awake refreshed and ready for a new day.  You will wake up strong and raise up on wings like an eagle.  I love you daughter. Sleep well but stay in my presence always so you can know me.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ordinary miracles...

My prayer:
Mighty God, I am not sure what to pray about tonight.  You as always are awesome.  You took care of me and everything I needed today.  It was a busy day but an ordinary day. I am not complaining; ordinary is good now and then.

Thank you for an ordinary day where nothing bad happened and everything went generally smoothly.  Thank you for work to keep me occupied, challenged and paid.  Thank you God for taking care of me again today.  Thank you for amazing people in my life. Thank you for the inspirations on how to document and share the testimonies of your answers to prayers.  It is going to be awesome!

I love you God, what is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
It is in the ordinary that the extraordinary becomes visible.  It is the backdrop of the ordinary that allows the extraordinary to shine through.  Do not despise the ordinary.  It, like everything, has a purpose. 

It is the ordinary that is the fabric of life.  The memorable events are the highlights, the flair.  But is is the ordinary day to day that is the base and fabric that holds it all together. 

I love you daughter.  I cradled you today and kept you safe.  I kept you from the many pile- up accidents on the highway this morning.  I kept you from unknown assaults on your character.  I kept you from creating situations that you would regret in the future.  Sometimes the miracle is in what didn't happen.  Sometimes the gift is in the ordinary.  Sometimes the praise report is that nothing happened.  It could have been so much worse. 

Recognize me in the showy miracles but recognize me in the ordinary miracles.  Recognize my power in the things that don't happen as well as in the things that do.  I love you daughter and I will always take care of you.  Enjoy this ordinary time because it is a miracle.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Healing miracles...

My prayer:
Awesome God!!!! THREE MIRACLE HEALING PRAISE REPORTS TODAY!!!! Look at you go God!  You are such an amazing healing God. 

Thank you for healing the respiratory issue with my friend this morning, thank you for healing my mom's GI thing tonight and thank you for healing my fb friend's mom who was in the ER. 

YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! Your healing power is AMAZING!!! I love to see you heal people God! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!  God I love you.  You thought of everything.  Not only did you provide a way for all of my sins to be forgiven but you didn't stop there.  You also allowed yourself to be beaten to heal my diseases, to heal our diseases.  You didn't have to do it but you did. Jesus, you were beaten beyond recognition.  Some translations say you were beaten so badly that you were not even recognizable as human.  I am so sorry that happened but I am so grateful that you paid the price. 

And Jesus, as long as I am alive, you did not pay the price for nothing.  I will continue to pray and receive your healing power for myself and for others.  I will continue to call on you to heal us God. I will continue to praise you God and I will continue to be beyond grateful for every time that you heal us.  YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!  I know I keep saying that but there is no other word I can think of that expresses how, well, how amazing you are!!  I love you God.  Thank you again.

What God Said Tonight:
Sweet daughter I love to see you happy.  I love to see you celebrating.  Healing is in my DNA so to speak.  I am made of love. I am love and being love, the natural result is healing.  Love is the power behind the healing. 

Love is the most powerful thing in the world.  It can create and heal.  It can also be distorted and become something other than love.  When that happens, it can cause more pain than you can imagine.  Keep your love pure and holy sister.  Allow your love to heal and not harm. 

I love to heal people too mostly because of how it builds your faith.  There is something about being healed when you are sick that makes you believe anything is possible.  The problem is, not everybody remembers the miracle after they are healthy for awhile.  It is good to write the miracles down and have a memorial of them. I like the thought you have been circling around about a place to post praise reports to strengthen people's faith and hope.  Go ahead with that, it will be good. 

I am with you now and forever.  I will hear you when you call me and I will answer.  I am your God and your Father.  I am your teacher and your protector and yes, I am your healer, and I always will be.  You my sweet daughter continue to grow and move and do all that I have called you to do.  You are going to love what is coming next.