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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Out of position...

My prayer:
God you are awesome. This day was pitiful but you are awesome. To keep myself from getting into a pity party, I am going to shut up and just let you talk. What is on your mind? What do you want to say?

What God said tonight:
Was today so bad, really? Think through it, it was a hassle but at the end of the day, you are safe whole, healthy and you have a full stomach, a warm home and people who love you.

Your focus got way off today, that is all that happened. You got so caught up in accomplishing that you stopped experiencing and all you could see was the roadblocks to the accomplishments that you thought were so important. When you do that, you are miserable and so are all the people around you.

Remember your purpose. Did you show anyone love today? Then you accomplished your purpose. Any day you accomplish your purpose is a good day. Any day that you get to end with me is a good day.

Be encouraged daughter. There is more to do but get your focus right. Remind yourself of why we are doing all of this in the first place. It is for my people, the people in your life, the people who don't know me yet. Love and be the blessing I have made you. You can't do that when you have an attitude like today.

You are not giving me enough to work with right now. I need you rested, I need you with a good attitude, I need you to remember your purpose.

I love you and I want you to have every dream that you have ever dreamed about. We will get there but listen to me. Get back in balance. Get back in the rhythm of my work. I love you and I want to be your best in this time. I want you to let me love you, bless you and keep you so you can be the blessing to others that you want to be and that I want you to be.

Keep in mind that there is no greater purpose on earth than to love my people. You have not been in the right position to do my will today. You will do better tomorrow, breathe and let me work through you.

Don't get caught up in accomplishing anything. All of that will come. Get caught up in loving the people around you. You will feel better, they will feel better and everything that you are worried about will fall into place but do your job. Trust me, I trust you.

Monday, September 20, 2010


My prayer:
Mighty and awesome God. You are my home. You are my calm. You are my peace. You are my everything God. I love you so much. I love that I can pour out my love on you and know that no matter how much I give, you will always give me back more. God, your love is limitless.

With people, I never know. I never know if they will love me back, whether I can trust them, whether they are going to hurt me. But you, I can always trust you. I can always know that you will love me back.

God I am so grateful for you. What would life be like without you? Pretty sure I wouldn't want to live that life.

What God said tonight:
You are right, people aren't always trustworthy. They will hurt you, let you down and leave you. But through it all, you have me. Through it all, I will make sure that you never suffer more than I can heal. Through it all, I will make sure that there are people around you to love you.

You can't rely on any individual person but you can rely on people. You can rely on my people listening to me and loving on you. It won't always be the same people, but I will surround you with people who love you all the days of your life. When one person lets you down, know that I will bring another to lift you up.

I love you daughter. Depsite what they might do, love them anyway. Love the people around you whether they love you back, especially when they don't love you back. Those are often the people who need your love the most. Love people who hurt you, abandon you and let you down. I promise that love will come back to you, multiplied.

I know I talk about love a lot, but love is the key. I am love. The purpose is love. The reason is love. True love is never offended, never dies and always heals. Love from the center of who you are and I will protect your heart. I love you and my love will refill you. My darling girl, don't give up.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


My prayer:
God, today was a really good day. Church, a hike, finishing the Prayer and Worship segment for How to hear from God and all of it with you in charge. That's what made it good. You make everything good God.

Thanks for the reminder of the destiny you have for me. I don't understand why it is so hard for me to remember that there is always a point to everything you do. God, I love you and trust you. You were right, things don't seem to be working out the way I thought they would, but I trust you to make it all work out in the end. I trust that your way is better than the way I had all figured out. I trust that you will always lead me, guide me, direct me, love me and bless me.

Thank you for the amazing teachers and friends that you have put in my life that helped me to learn that.

God I pray as I go into this new week that your will is accomplished in my life. I pray God that you give me the wisdom, the patience, the awareness and the skills to meet every need that you need me to meet. God I pray that you make me a blessing to everyone I encounter. God I pray for effectiveness this week. I pray for a greater level of effectiveness this week.

I love and praise you God, putting my whole life in your hands freely with no hesitation.

What God said tonight:
I know that you are wondering what is next. I know that you want to understand the why and the how of it all. You will know in time, but trust is what I need from you now. It is like I said on the hike today, or I guess you really said it. I don't need you to understand right now, I need you to trust. I don't need you to have wisdom right now, I need you to say yes.

I love you daughter and I am so glad that we are to a point in this relationship that I can ask for your trust and you can give it so quickly and so freely. That is a lot of progress in not a lot of time.

I will promise you again that it really is all worth it. I promise that some day, it will make sense to you. I promise that someday the why and the how will be clear. But for now, just trust and love.

Today was good, but you worked more than you needed to. Don't forget balance. Don't forget that you need a sabbath. I created that day of rest because you need it.

You will have another busy week. I will help you to rest if you let me. I need you rested to hear me and do my will. I need you to be full and not drained if we are going to get the work done this week. Take your rest as serious as you do your work. Understand that without it, you are less useful to me.

I know how you love me and how you love to serve me. The Martha in you is strong. Nourish the Mary in you my girl. Rest, worship, love and keep me at the center of everything. You know I love you.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


My prayer:
My Lord, God Almighty. I am not sure what to pray tonight. I am kind of at a loss for words. Today was good. Thanks for the sleep last night. It really helped. Thanks for the help getting everything done today. Thanks for being with me all day.

God tomorrow is Sunday where we all get together to worship you and learn more about how to live our lives for you. God I pray for something new, different, more tomorrow during church services. God I pray that you begin showing up in ways that no one can deny that you are you and no one can deny your power.

I pray God that you help me to serve wherever and however you need me tomorrow. I thank for the opportunity to serve you and your people. I pray God for a clean heart and a focused mind so that nothing interferes with my ability to serve you, worship you and learn more about you.

I pray God that your presence is so real that people leave their service tomorrow changed and ready to do something new for you. I pray this God in the name of Jesus Christ who saved me. Love you God.

What God said tonight:
For someone who didn't have much to say, you ended up saying quite a bit.

I want to begin showing up in new and unusual ways. I want to start really surprising people and shake them out of their complacency.

It is hard to surprise people in this generation. They have seen so much, real and imagined. They have experienced so much, they tend to be jaded or closed off to the possibility of the miraculous. They tend to think everything is a hoax, a scam and they aren't going to be taken in by it. If me showing up and knocking down a building around people would get their attention and let them know I am God, I would do it. But that doesn't move people.

People only believe what they see working or not working in the lives of the people around them that they know and trust. That is the only thing that truly moves people to come to me and to trust me. That is why you can't be silent. That is why you must continually tell people and let people see me work in your life. Let them see our relationship. Let them see how living for me is so much better than anything else. That will convince people. Not another miracle.

I will continue to do miracles because I am the God of miracles. But I don't expect the miracles to convince people I am God. I expect your life to do that. I expect our relationship to do that. Make sure they can see it. I love you daughter and look forward to being at service with you tomorrow. It will be good. I have a surprise for you, a good one!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Letting go...

My prayer:
Incredible God. How can you be everything to everyone all the time? You continually amaze me with how you are everything we need. Everything that everyone ever needed, needs or will need. I mean, really, I can't wrap my mind around it even though I know it is true.

The God of everything is everything to me, to us. You are more than my mind can comprehend. You are more than my heart can hold. You are more than I ever knew you could be.

God, I trust you, love you and lean on you. Thank you for this week of intimacy, closeness with you. Thank you for time to focus on you and what you want to do. God, I pray for rest tonight. I am so tired but haven't really slept all week and it has caught up with me. I pray God that you give me rest tonight. I love you God.

What God said tonight:
Sleep happens only when you can let go. You need to let go. You have been holding on to some things that no longer serve you well. Please let them go. For your sake, let them go. You don't need them anymore. What I have for you is so much better but I can't give it to you until you truly let go. Release it in my name and walk into your future and your blessing. Leave it behind and don't look back. Don't be Lot's wife. Don't look back. The future is so full. Don't look back and miss what I am going to do.

Thank you for your obedience and your heart willing to learn. You will continue to learn all the days of your life. You are a perpetual student of me and I love that about you.

I know this is short tonight, but you do need to sleep. Now that you let go, sleep will come easy. Sleep will be sweet. You will wake up rested and ready for anything I throw your way. I love you my dear. Sleep well. Sweetness, let me whisper in your ear tonight that you may sleep. Let my peace reside in your heart. Let my love blanket you. Let my hand be your pillow. I love you so much. Rest in me.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

God's way...

My Prayer:
Lord, God, Jehovah, El Elyon, God of everything. How are you tonight God? What is on your mind?

I love you so much. I am so grateful for today and all that you do. Thank you for your favor, for amazing friends, for health and for being with me all day. God I thank you for all of the prayer requests that you are about to fulfill. I thank you for what you are about to do. I thank you for being you.

Now, it's time to focus on you and what you want to say and do. I'm here God. Speak to me.

What God said tonight:
It's not a time to get caught up in what us supposed to happen and how it is supposed to happen. I have a plan that is not necessarily your plan. I need you to be ok with me doing things my way, even when it doesn't make sense.

You know the outcome. You know that we win. You know that you will prosper wherever you are. But how we get there is not what you have thought. How we get there is on my terms.

I need you and everyone to know that I am God. I am not tied to doing things the way that make sense, the logical way. I can do things however I want. I can part a red sea to rescue my people. I can raise a man from the dead. I can sacrifice my son for your sin. I can do whatever I want. I can stop the sun in the sky. I am not tied to natural laws or man made laws. I am the law.

But I am also love. And because of my love for you, you can trust that even though it is happening in a way that is foreign to you, it is happening for your good because I always have your best in mind. You will see that my way is the better way, but it may not seem that way for awhile. I have a plan and a purpose and the journey of getting there, how we get there, is more important than the destination.

Love my people daughter. Love yourself. Love me. That remains your job. I will take care of the rest but trust me even when it looks bad. Trust me. I love you and I will not abandon you or the plan I have on your life. Live knowing that I am in charge and I will see my will accomplished. I love you tonight and forever.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You are very good...

My prayer:
Awesome God, all powerful God, all knowing God, lover of my soul and heavenly Father. You are so incredible. Thank you for this day of freedom and joy! Thank you for so quickly providing an opportunity for me to use the recent struggle to help someone else. You are simply GOOD! I love you God. What is on your mind tonight?

What God said tonight:
It's a good time and the right season to begin new things. It is the time for you to take all that you have learned and create. You have experienced a lot of things, good, bad and indifferent. All of these will be used to help people.

I know your heart dear and I know that it is what you want to do. Help people. I know how you have tried so many avenues, some more successful than others. We are entering a season where your effectiveness, my effectiveness through you will explode.

You are everything I intended you to be. You are ready to do this. I am sorry that your preparation involves pain sometimes. You are getting so much better and letting go of that pain when it is gone though. That will serve you well. I can not promise a pain free life. I can promise a life where you will always triumph over the pain as long as you stick with me and don't give up.

You are my precious child, my precious gift to myself. I created you to love you. I created you to love me. We are in the middle of our love story and it is good.

You are not everything that you will be but you are everything I intended you to be at this time. Don't envy others. They have been called to their own thing. This is your thing and it is good. When I created the world, I looked at what I created and said "It is good." When I create man, when I created you, I said "it is very good." You are very good. You are covered in my blood and you are very good. You are what I intended. You are my intended.

I love you. Stay faithful and be everything you know how to be. Love how I showed you to love, teach how I showed you to teach. I don't need you to teach what others have taught, that was their call. Teach what I have taught you. Love you, rest tonight, please.