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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Final chapter...

My prayer:

Incredible God of everything and everyone. You are better than anything and anyone that has ever been. Your love is purer and more powerful than any other love that has ever been. Your sacrifice is more than any of us ever deserved. Your plan is perfect in timing and in execution. You are everything at all times and I love you more than I can ever tell you.

Thank you for who you are and what you do. Thank you for letting me know you. Thank you for loving me.

What God Said Tonight:

I have much to do in very little time. I have need of you and your brothers and sisters. I have need of anyone willing to say yes to me.

I have a plan that will set everything right, finally and forever. I have shared that plan with you plainly and written it out. Now it is time to execute it. Now is the time to gather in the last harvest. Now is the time to usher in the final chapter.

I have waited long enough. It is time to complete this work. I will.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Keep an ear open for God...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. It is good to spend some quiet time with you tonight. 

It was actually great getting back to work today. Vacation was a wonderful break but it felt good to get back and start working everything together again. But, the crazy pace at work does not leave a lot of time to concentrate on you. 

You are always with me and I cannot express how grateful I am for that. I feel your presence and your guidance wherever I go and whatever I do. Without it I would be panicky and lost. But, there is not a lot of time to relax and talk during the day. 

That makes these times each night even more important and more special. 

I love spending time with you, I love listening to you, simple fact is I love you God. Thanks for choosing me.

What God Said Tonight:

Quiet time together is important, absolutely. 

As important though is you always being alert to my voice and my guidance. In the middle of the storm, in the middle of a busy day, in the middle of a traffic jam, in the middle of a celebration, always keep one ear tuned to my voice. 

I often have things to tell you. Things to help you. Things I would like for you to do for your sake and the sake of others. Usually, I will ask you to do things at the time that I need them done. It is easier that way, you don't have to remember. However, it does mean that I need you to always have an ear open for me. 

Be alert to my voice at all times and I will make your life a glorious miracle in action. Love you.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Keep the cycle going...


My prayer:

Thank you for tonight God. Thank you for H's testimony and what you revealed to me through it. I really thought I was just there to show my support but turns out you had some other things in mind. I honestly did not realize that I was holding on to that specific fear that you showed me. I thought I had let go of it a long time ago. But you showed me I had not let go, I had just built up defenses against it. 

Thank you God for always helping me to grow more, to see more, to learn more and to be more of who you intend me to be. Thank you for never letting me stagnate in "good enough."

What God Said Tonight:

I always have something for you. In everything I ask you to do, in every opportunity I bring you, I always have something for you. I am a giving God and I will never ask you for something without the plan to give to you. To love is to give. 

When you give whether it is finances, love, talent, time, forgiveness, or what ever, I will always give something to you. It is the circle of giving the circle of love that I set up from the beginning of time. 

The only person who can stop the cycle is you. If you stop giving, if you stop loving, if you stop forgiving, things get piled up and block you from moving forward. Keep the cycle moving and you will never run out. 

Monday, October 28, 2013


My prayer:

Amazing Lord. What is on your mind tonight? You have been listening to me all day. I think it is time that I listen to you for awhile...

What God Said Tonight:

I have one thing on my mind, all the time. I am always thinking about you, my children. I am always thinking about those who are saved and know me. I am always thinking about those who are still lost. I am always working for ways for us to be together. I am always looking for those opportunities to catch your attention. 

I am always looking for the right time and place to have you approach my children who are lost. I am always looking for new ways for you to reach them. 

I am always thinking of you and how much I love you. I am always thinking of what is best for you and ways to get you the blessings that I have for you. 

You are the object and the target of my love and my affection. I will love you always and my mind is always stayed on you. 

For a short period of time, you may not see that or believe that. For a short period of time, you may think that I have forgotten you. It is not true. I can never forget about you. You are mine and I am yours forever. Trust that even when you don't see it. It is truth.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Our relationship...

My prayer:

I think I am on the edges of understanding something God but I don't completely get it yet. It is about relationships and more specifically our relationship. 

There are preachers who focus mainly on what we, your kids, need to do to live a life with you. It is kind of like self help but the Bible is our instruction manual. You gave us a lot of advice and guidelines and truth is, they are good. When I am able to live my life according to those rules, my life is usually better. 

Then there are the preachers who preach about your Holy Spirit and the power of your anointing. These lessons focus on how, when we are able to partner with you and your power, we see actual miracles in our lives on a regular basis. This is true too. I know that when I rely on your Holy Spirit power, I see amazing miracles in my life and in the lives around me. When I rely on your power, I can do things that I could never do on my own. 

I think you started to show me today how both of things can be true but I want to talk through it with you and see if I am getting it or if there is more to understand. What I think you were telling me today is that it is all about our relationship. Like any relationship, if both parties are not fully engaged and participating in the relationship, the relationship will suffer. 

In our case, you have shown me the things that I can do to live the best life I can. So that is what I can do to hold up my side of the relationship. Then you bring your power, your Holy Spirit anointing. When put together, there is nothing we can't accomplish. 

Also, like any relationship, it is not perfect. There will be times when I let you down and don't do what I should be doing. There will be times when I think you should do something a certain way and you won't do it that way. But, what is perfect about our relationship is that there is always grace. There is always forgiveness and mercy. We can always restore the relationship because its base is real love. 

So, that is what I am did I do? Love you God!

What God Said Tonight:

Not bad. You are listening again which is good. You are looking to understand the things in your life that don't make sense and that is good. I have more to teach you. 

I have more grace and love go give you. Your focus has been on what you can do for so long that you have missed out on the full understanding of my grace and my mercy for you. 

The one thing that you are missing is that while there is work involved in any relationship, there is also great joy. There is also love. There is also comfort and peace in being together. 

You have an assurance in our relationship that you will never have in any other relationship. You have the assurance of eternity You have the assurance that there is NOTHING that can separate us. You have the assurance that every time, no matter how many times, no matter how bad the offense, I will ALWAYS forgive you. I will also show you grace and mercy. That is the covenant of my blood that I shed for you. 

Once you get that in your heart, you will live in a new level of joy and peace and love that you have not known before. I am yours and you are mine, now and forever.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Wants and needs...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Today was odd. Sometimes I think that it is not good when I have too much time to think. 

When I am running at 100 mph just to keep up with everything I am doing, I have to really focus my prayer, my faith toward just those things that are most important. Versus days like today when I had time to let my mind wander to things that are not productive.I got caught up in my "wants" God, which are not always good for me. 

I pray God that you fulfill every need in my life and only those "wants" that agree with your will for my life. I love you God. Save me from my own wayward thoughts.

What God Said Tonight:

I have a vested interest in you and your life. I have invested a lot into you. You have invested a lot into me and my Kingdom. We are on the same side working toward the same goals. 

I want you to have more than your basic needs. I want you to live in the glory of my kingdom as a first son, a prince and heir of great, the greatest fortune. I have great plans to prosper you beyond what you have already seen. I will prosper you in every area of your life. You will have abundance. You will want for no good thing. I promise. 

I love you. You are precious to me and I will never forget you or leave you behind. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Strong rope...

My prayer:

Amazing Father. Awesome teacher. Incredible savior. 

My life is wonderful because you are in it and in charge. It is really that simple. 

People wonder why I work so hard and spend so much time getting to know you and getting close to you. The answer is very simple. The more of you in my life, the better my life is. The better my life is, the better I can make other peoples' lives. The better other peoples' lives are, the better the world is. 

I love you so much God. Thanks for loving me first and loving me more!

What God Said Tonight:

We are woven together like a strong rope. We are still separate as are the cords of the rope; however, we are so woven together it is hard to imagine one without the other.

It makes you strong. It makes you beautiful and it makes you blessed.

Don't ever stop seeking me. Don't ever stop trying to know me. There is always more to know and we can always be closer today than we were yesterday.

The closer you get to me, the more miraculous your life. Things that use to tie you up in knots that you could not find a solution for, disappear in my presence as we get closer.

I love you and I am yours forever.