My prayer:
Amazing Father. No questions, no requests, no needs tonight. I just want to be in your presence and hear your voice. There is nothing better in the universe than your presence and your voice. I love you.
What God Said Tonight:
Crowds of people all around. The air is filled with praise. The energy is palpable. But, what I treasure is the small voice of the humble child who calls out my name. I don't need fanfare and I don't need a show. I need hearts that are true and souls that are committed.
I need your truth, whatever it might be. It is in your truth that we can find our true connection to each other. It is the same with all relationships. The more of your truth that you share in a relationship, the closer and more intimate the relationship is.
Your relationship with me is no different. The more you share with me the truth of who you are and where you are, the closer we become and the better I can help you. Our intimacy is reliant on your ability to let me see your truth.
I love you now and I always will.