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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, February 4, 2018


My prayer:

Awesome God. You are my everything. With you, all things are possible and all things are good. Thank you for your promise that you will always be with me and I will always be with you. 

What God Said Tonight:

Weakness is not a result of powerlessness. Weakness is not recognizing who you are and what privileges you have in me. 

A strong Christian is one who understands my grace and my mercy. In that, there is great healing. In that is great strength. 

I have given you power over darkness. I have given you forgiveness and healing. I have given you salvation from the wages of sin. I have given you all that you need. 

Your strength comes from recognizing what is already yours. I love you, now and forever.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Fruit trees...

My prayer:

I am really enjoying this week full of good news God! It has been awhile since I have experienced a true season of blessing but we are in it now and I really love it! Help me to be a blessing to others as you have blessed me. I pray that your blessings multiply out of me.

What God Said Tonight:

Fruit is the result of many other things coming together. There is planting and nurturing. There is pruning and trimming. Then, after a long time period, you begin to see fruit. 

Now the good thing is that once a tree begins to produce fruit, it is very likely to continue to produce it. The first harvest is the most difficult to get. But from then on, as long as you keep the tree healthy and the roots deep and nourished, you will see regular fruit. 

Your blessing is your fruit. Keep yourself well rooted and nourished and you will see the fruit continue. I love you. 

Thursday, February 1, 2018


My prayer:

Thank you God! What an amazing day of validation, recognition, and success! ALL GLORY TO YOU GOD!!! You make me succeed. You prosper me. You turn all things for my good. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!

I love you SOOOOO much!

What God Said Tonight:

Sweet daughter. You are precious and wonderful. You do not need need man's affirmation but I was happy to sere it for you today. 

Enjoy and rest . Tomorrow will have new challenges and new opportunities. The rewards often last shorter than the work but I will always see you rewarded. I will give you favor with man. I will also bring you to true success in Christ. 

I will show you that your true worth is in who you are and not what you do. This is something we talk about a lot but I have not seen it fully manifest within you yet. 

But, do not worry, it is on its way. You are on a path to great spiritual truth that will change every experience you have. You are growing to a point where love is an expectation of your every breath and not something that you are searching for. You are coming to a time where there is truly nothing missing and nothing lacking. You Shalom is nigh. 

I love you, now and forever.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Time is precious...

My prayer:

I am sorry God that I have not posted very regularly this week. I have been so worn out that when evening comes around, I can't keep my eyes open. And, there are still two more days to get through before there is a break. 

Thank you for getting me through this week. While I have been exhausted each night, every morning you wake me up and I am ready for a bit more. You are my strength and you are my support. Let me lean on you for a few more days.

What God Said Tonight:

Lean on me forever my child. 

Your time is not wasted or thrown away. Your time is precious to me. You are precious to me. Our time together in the quiet corners of the night is precious to me. 

Rest in plain site if you have to. 

Monday, January 29, 2018

We win...

My prayer:

Today was a much better day than what I thought it was going to be. Thank you for your healing and your help. I would be so lost without you. 

I am yours now and forever God.

What God Said Tonight:

It is not a surprise that you were successful today. I have detstined you to succeed. Not just to do ok but to truly succeed in everything you do. 

You may have set backs and you may lose a battle or two but my child NEVER loses the war. In the end, we win.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Circular thoughts...

My prayer:

I am not excited about going back to work tomorrow. I am going to need your help all of this week. Guide me, direct me, and let people see your love through me. I know without a doubt I can't do it on my own but I also know that all things are possible through Christ.

What God Said Tonight:

Thinking about a thing over and over does not get you results. My healing power brings the change. My love makes you whole. 

When a thought refuses to leave your mind and it is not doing you any good, remember to pray. Ask for my help. Ask for my healing and love to come in and fill the holes that those thoughts are circling around in. 

I am your God, your Father, your brother, your friend. I love you more than life. See what I will do for you.

Friday, January 26, 2018


My prayer:

Thank you for the warning God. I got to celebrate the victories for a few hours but then, right in front of me, was the next challenge. I am trying to see it as the next opportunity for victory but I am having a hard time not letting it tear me down a bit.

Dear Father, I pray for wisdom and strength. Help me to learn what I need to learn from this. I am tired of this lesson and I am ready to learn it for good. Show me what I can't see. Change what I can't change.

Thank you.

What God Said Tonight:

Your life is not your job and your identity is not dependent on your circumstances. You know this but sometimes it bears reminding.

I love you. I have made you a a royal priesthood. I have created you and covered you in the perfection of my son. Your self image is more rightly a reflection of the daughter I created. It is the glory of God. It is the reflection of my love.

See yourself as I see you. I will work out he rest. Know that  my covering will keep you whole and holy.

I love you now and forever.