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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Don't give up on love...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am not looking for any life lesson or even any blessing tonight. I really just want to be with you, feel your presence, and hear your voice. 

What God Said Tonight:

With all things equal in the world, there is one thing that will always transcend. Love. Our love, the love you have with others. 

Reach for the love, seek it out, don't give up on it. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017


My prayer:

I am hoping for good things this week God. I am hoping for opportunities. I am hoping for joy. I am hoping. 

And, if none of that happens, I still have you and that is enough. You are the source of every good thing so as long as I have you in my life, I have hope. 

What God Said Tonight:

Hope is good. Hope is the internal understanding that where you are, who you are, and what you have is less than what I intended for you. Hope is the recognition that I have more for you. Hope is the fuel that makes tomorrow possible. 

Place your hope in me and you will never be disappointed. In the end, you have everything that I planned for you. Live in the hope and understanding that I have more for you.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Hidden fruit...

My prayer:

What a great and restful day God. Thank you for slowing down my world today. And here tonight in your presence, in your peace, this is a slice of heaven.

I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

A rocky desert may see;m to have no life in it but if you look closely, life is abundant but not apparent.

Sometimes, that is true of your life. You may not see the life and the fruit of your life apparent but it is there. The hidden life is no less important than the showy apparent life. The scorpion is no less impressive tan the lion.

I love you. Recognize all of the fruit in your life.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Pockets of joy...

My prayer:

I am thankful for so many things this Thanksgiving evening God. What a great holiday this is. A day set aside just to be thankful and be with people you love. I really love this day. We have had a lot of great Thanksgivings together. The years of the huge outreaches downtown feeding thousands of people were amazing. But, these quiet ones are pretty great too. 

Thank you for providing for me God. Thank you for the privilege and blessings you have given me. Thank you for teaching me and talking to me. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you most of all for loving me. Thank you for the millions of things you do every day for me, most of which I have no idea you have done.

What God Said Tonight:

Doves perched on a phone line waiting for the breeze to come. Sun setting and turning the sky orange. Joy can be found in the smallest things when you are looking for it. 

I will always leave little surprise pockets of joy waiting in your life. Remember to look for them. Remember to enjoy them. They are for you. 

This life can be so very hard. Find the pockets of joy to ease the pain. I love you and I am always always here for you.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


My prayer:

I have lots of questions and thoughts running through my mind tonight God. But, I am kind of tired of me. I am really just interested in hearing you. I love you. I am amazed by you. You are my everything.

What God Said Tonight:

Patterns and pictures are all around you. Sometimes you think that they mean something and they do not. Other times, you do not recognize the pattern, but it is there. Your wisdom will not get you very far. My wisdom will lead you to great and wondrous places. 

Lean on my wisdom, not your own and you will not go wrong. 

You know me. You have read and heard my words for so many years. Know my voice now as I say, this is not an ending. This is a beginning. This was priming the pump for a great outpouring. 

This is in my purpose and my wisdom will walk you through it. I love you, now and forever.

Monday, November 20, 2017


My prayer:

Well, I am not sure how to feel about today. I got some news that was unexpected and did not fall in line with what I had thought you had told me. At first, I was pretty disappointed but after a little bit, I am not sure why, but I knew it would be ok. Somehow, I had total peace that it would be ok and that while the denial seemed definitive, the truth is I don't know everything that happened today, nor do I know what will happen tomorrow. 

I am grateful for your peace that truly passes all understanding. To know, down to my most inner being, that you are and will take care of me, is such an amazing comfort. Thank you.

What God Said Tonight:

Wait for tomorrow. Wait and see what I will do. Your steps are ordered by me and you walked in each one of them perfectly. It does not make sense now but it will someday very soon. I will reveal all to you as soon as I can. 

Thank you for trusting my will in your life. You will see great favor and joy. I love you.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Holiday decorating...

My prayer:

A weekend of celebration, fun, and hope...I am exhausted! But happy! Awesome God, as we go into this week of Thanksgiving, I pray that we all remember the multitude of blessings that you have showered on our lives. There are struggles, absolutely, but there is joy, peace, love and you. You are the greatest blessing of all. 

What God Said Tonight:

Your life is being frosted with sparkle and shine right now. Just in time for the holidays, I am decorating your soul with the joy of me. 

I love you and my love will sparkle on you, drawing people to me and filling your life with abundance. Look up at the sparkles falling down on you. Like the most beautiful snow on a quiet mountain top. 

I love you.