My prayer:
Right here, right now with you, there is peace, contentment, joy, and comfort. There is nothing better than your presence God. It really is the only place I ever want to be for the rest of eternity. In your presence.
I love it here. I love you.
The world goes crazy and I know you have heard my prayers for the needs of my friends throughout the day. But, now, here with you, I ask that you receive my love. Receive my worship. I pray that you get even a sliver of the joy from being with me as I get from being with you.
What God Said Tonight:
I am with you. I sacrificed my son so I could be with you. I paid the ultimate price so I could be with you.
I love you more than you can ever know. I will do whatever I have to do to make sure we are always together. There is a plan for all humanity that is based on the simple principle of creating ways for us to be together. It is the most important thing.
My time with you is more precious than gold or diamonds. I love you.