My prayer:
Ok, so what was up with today? Every time I turned around it looked like something really rotten was going to happen, and it did, but then something happened to make it ok. ALL DAY. It was so odd. I am sure you are teaching me something in it all. A string of non-stop coincidences usually mean you are working.
Is it just to let me know that you can take care of things even after 'all hope is lost'? I so often ask for your help to prevent the bad things in life but maybe you want to make sure I know that you can take care of it even when the worst happens. There is probably a lesson in there about patience too...
I love you. Thanks for taking care of everything today.
What God Said Tonight:
Sometimes, 'late' is actually on time for the greater purpose.
Like the detour in the car this weekend. I needed you somewhere else. Like the buses and trains today. My schedule is not always the same as yours. And, while I might be late on your schedule, I am always on time for my schedule.
Remember to get on my schedule and you will be a lot less frustrated. I love you.