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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Under control...

My prayer:

A million thoughts are running through my head tonight God but none are worth talking about. Maybe I can just listen tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

I have things under control. Even the things that you forgot to ask me about. I have it all under control.

Nothing is happening that  does not result in my promises being carried out. Nothing can stop me or the plan that I have. No evil, no force of will, no surprises can stop me. I know everything that can and will happen and I have prepared for them.

Does it not make sense to trust me, the one who has already seen how things turn out, instead of trusting your own ability to see, plan and do?

I will lead you. I will guide you. I have so much more for you. Your life is not over. Your life is about to head to a new level of greatness. Trust me to get you there.

Monday, August 24, 2015


My prayer:

SO many things went wrong today God, it was almost comical! And yet, at the end of the day, sitting here with you, it is so clear that nothing that went wrong left any permanent damage. None of it really mattered in the bigger scheme of things.

Thanks for being there every time I called on you today. Thank you for helping me keep my least mostly. Thank you for helping me to find the laughter in the midst of total frustration.

What God Said Tonight:

An obstacle is not a "no" from me. I will tell you no when you are headed down a road that will harm you. I will not always clear the path.

Sometimes fighting through the obstacles gives you the strength you need to achieve the goal.

Like a baby bird in it's shell. Working to break through the shell makes it strong enough to stand on its own two feet once it is out.

Don't curse the obstacles. Thank them for giving you strength to stand once you are out.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

God's view of the problem...

My prayer:

Thank you awesome God for the insight today. I really needed it. I was very confused.

I don't know what it is about going for a run or a hike but something about it clears my mind and spirit in a way that lets your voice come through so clearly. Things that complete confound me throughout the day become crystal clear by the end of the run. I should probably run more often, maybe seven or ten times a day!

Can't wait to hear what else you have to say tonight God. You are wonderful. Thank you for always having the answers and always being there for me.

What God Said Tonight:

Things are always more complex than they look and simpler than they seem.

You see the issues in someone else life and the answers seem so clear and so easy because problems always look easy from the outside looking in. The opposite is true when you are looking at the problem from the inside looking out. When you are in it, you see more complications that are even there. It is magnified due to your viewpoint.

I take you to places, times, activities that help get you out of the middle of the mess, just for a minute, so you can see it for what it is. Not the simple view of an outsider but not the complicated view of the center of it.

I give you my view. When you get that, everything else seems easy. I lend you my eyes to see things for the truth of them. I love you.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Firmly rooted in God's heart...

My prayer:

What and unusual day God. Not bad, but unusual. It seemed like plans, or making a plan was not really a part of the day. That is weird for me.

I am grateful for the peace of today. I am grateful for the rest. I am grateful for the trail run and the health and strength to do it.

I am grateful that you, as always, were with me throughout the day, guiding, leading, and being my peace. I love you so much God. Anything you are a part of, I want to be a part of. Anything you want to do, I want to do it with you. Your presence, your love, is worth more to me than all the gold in the world.

You are my everything and you never let me down.

What God Said Tonight:

I have found a time and a place that is perfect for what you were designed for. I have lovingly prepared and taught you. I will gently move you into this new position that I have created and found just for you.

I have a perfect place for all of my kids. A place made for them and them alone. Life is a journey to find and stay at that place. That place is firmly rooted in my heart.

I love you.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

All in...

My prayer:

I gave this day every last thing I had God. Physically, mentally, emotionally, I am all drained out. But, spiritually, I am hungry as ever to hear your voice and to spend time in your palpable presence. What is on your mind tonight sweet Father?

What God Said Tonight:

I am in you and you are in me. That is something that is said a lot but I want you to truly understand it.

I have been invited into your life and your heart. When you did that, I took up residence in you. I made your body, your mind and your spirit, my home. As the years have gone by. As you have grown and learned and strove to know me better, I have become more embedded in you than ever.

I have covered your sin and washed you clean...yes, that is true. But I have also, made your bones my tabernacle.

I do this because it is the only way I know to be in relationship with you. I am all in. I don't hold back.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Life outside the lines...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. This day sure had its share of challenges. I did the best I could and I hope it was enough.

Seeing that truck accident this morning really threw me.In the blink of an eye his and possibly his whole family's lives were changed. It reminded me that we really never know what is going to hit us next.

Father God, I ask for your healing, comfort and help for the man in the accident and for his family. I thank you that you are always with me and that with you, I can face any challenge, life changing or not.

What God Said Tonight:

It is not in you to quit but sometimes it is the right choice. Sometimes, when something is not working, the best and kindest thing you can do is step back.

You can come back to it later but for now, move on. Time is too short to live within the lines. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


My prayer:

What great lessons on perspective today God. Everything is relative. The things that make me happy, the things that upset me, the things I think are so wrong can all be lined up against someone else's experience and suddenly that thing I was so certain about, doesn't seem so bad or so wrong or so great...comparatively.

I know we have been talking a lot about judgement and how it is not my place to judge and that sounds really easy. But, in reality, I am judging everything all the time. I have opinions all of the time. How do I stop that? Do I need to stop that? I think maybe I do, especially when you point out so poignantly to me that my opinions can fall apart when compared to what someone else is going through.

But, how?

What God Said Tonight:

Judgement is mine. I am the final and only judge that matters.

I have placed in you discernment. I have placed in you curiosity. I have placed in you a deep desire to know truth. I am your truth.

I will not let you go before your time. Your training and proving ground is here and now. Your future depends on your understanding of me.