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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Back to basics...

My prayer:

Awesome Lord. I find myself in one of those rare moments when I have nothing to say. Maybe tonight I should just listen. Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

I tell you, go back to basics. People often think of the basics as something less or something that is not worth much. But the basics, when properly learned are the foundation for everything else. Take a little time to remind yourself of the basics. 

I am God. I created you and the universe around you. I created you from love, to love. I sacrificed so that we could be together. I love you now and always will. I am with you in all things. I have this all planned out. And, when all else fails, love. When all else succeeds, love. 

The most basic of all basics is love. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Your path...

My prayer:

Thank you thank you thank you for a day filled with sunshine God! I loved every minute of it. 

Thank you for the amazing hike and everything else from today. Thank you thank you thank you. 

Thank you for hearing and responding to my prayer. Thank you for being so completely and transparently present with me today. Thank you for speaking so clearly to me today. 

I love you and I loved this day.

What God Said Tonight:

Your path might look different now than it has in the past but it is still your path. There maybe streams and obstacles across your path that you have not seen before but it is still your path. 

There is no obstacle bigger than my ability to get you over it and there is no stream deep enough that I can't get you across it. 

Your path his still your path. The destination is still your destination. Don't get confused or sidetracked by the changes along the way. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

God's plan, my hope...

My prayer:

My hope is in you God. The world has gone crazy but my hope is in you. I hold onto that hope with everything I have.

What God Said Tonight:

Your hope is well placed. I have numbered the hairs on your head, I will not let you down. 

I will ensure that every promise I have made to you is fulfilled. I have plans for you today, tomorrow and forever. Those plans will not be derailed. Those plans are for our good. Your good, my good, the Kingdom's good. 

I will see you prosper in Spirit, purpose and truth.

Friday, May 22, 2015


My prayer:

Mmmm, lovin' you Lord. your presence is like a soft warm blanket on a cold and blustery day. Your presence is like sunshine in the morning. Your presence fills me and makes life worthwhile. 

I love you God and I seek your presence, now and forever. Let me sit at your feet and follow you forever.

What God Said Tonight:

You belong to me and me to you. You are my soul mate. I made you to be with me forever. I am never letting you go. I will never let you fall out of my reach. I will always keep you safe, and near. You are mine and I am yours. 

I come for my bride and my bride is ready. I come with great anticipation and you do not  disappoint. The time for the wedding between Christ and His church is so very close. My bride is making some final refinements and then we will be joined. 

You have seen my commitment to you. You have experienced my covenant with you. When you my bride, my church, and I become one at the altar, you will know that my covenant is forever. You will never have to wonder if I will come through for you again. You will know that my love will never fail you. 

It is nearly time.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Overflow blessing...

My prayer:

Thank you God for, well you know. You ALWAYS give me what I need when I need it. Even when what I need is an opportunity to get out of my own head and issues and help someone else. You are amazing and I love you

What God Said Tonight:

I am water to your thirsty soul and I will always be what you need to quench and satisfy your need. 

It has not been so long since I walked the earth with you that I have forgotten the multitudes of desires and needs that flood through you every moment. 

I am hear to pour out upon you the blessing you cannot contain. I have an overflow avalanche experience coming your way. Get ready to receive all that you can of it and let the excess flow off you and onto those around you. Your excess will be there blessing. 

Your heart is in my hand and I hold it more precious than gold. I love you me sweet.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


My prayer:

Awesome God. My prayer tonight is for the millions of people who are trusting you right now in the biggest challenge/test of their lives. God I celebrate their strength and trust in you. 

I pray and ask you God to give them just the right Word, the right encouragement at just the right moment to give them what they need to stick to it and not give up. It is so easy in this world to give up God. We see people do it every day. 

Help us to never give up, unless it is to give up to you. Help us to hold on steadfast to our trust and faith in you. Help us to remember, every moment that you are with us and every struggle we go through you will work to our good in the end. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have covered you and washed you and you are left white as pure snow. The stains of this world cannot stick to you. They may throw everything including the kitchen sink at you but it cannot stick. 

You are covered in my sacrafice. You are covered in my Spirit. Your covering keeps you whole and keeps you clean in a dirty world. 

I will never lift my covering from you. I will protect you always.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


My prayer:

I am not sure how to talk about what is on my mind tonight God. Just vague thoughts of dreams. Both the ones that come true and the ones that never do. 

When I was younger, I had so many dreams, so many hopes and plans. And over the years, so many of them have come true because of your amazing blessing on my life. A few have not and I think I have learned to live with that but now, my dreams or how I dream is different. 

Now, when I think about the future or what I want, I am much more open to possibilities. I don't just have a single defined dream of what I want or what will make me happy. 

If I have learned anything from you over all of these years, it is that you always have a better plan than I do. I have learned that if I stay open to your opportunities, I can accomplish things I never thought possible, like writing a blog with you for more than five years that has reached people all over the world. That is something I never could have dreamed up but what an AMAZING blessing! 

So, I guess you are probably wondering what my point is. I am not sure that I have one. I guess I just wanted to talk it out with you. Sometimes I think it is a shame that I don't have those driving dreams like I did when I was younger. But other times, I see how that drive actual limited me as much as it spurred me on. 

What do you think?

What God Said Tonight:

Your dreams and your dreaming are a reflection of who you are. When your dream is specific and targeted you have a goal to accomplish. Once it is done, the dream is done and you have to find a new dream. to keep you going. 

When your dream is to follow me, to walk through every open door, to open yourself to the possibility of an impossible life filled with miracles and unnatural responses to what life throw at you, when that happens, you open yourself to a life fully lived. I can do a lot with those kinds of dreams. 

I am with you, dreaming with you. Dream on my child and lets see what we can find tomorrow.