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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I am...

My prayer:

Today sure started rough God but it ended a lot better than it started. Thank you for giving me friends who will pray for me when I run out of words. Thank you for giving me friends who remind me how important our lives for you are. Thank you for being in me and in my life. I would not want to do this without you.

What God Said Tonight:

I am a friend that sticks closer than a brother. I am you light in the dark. I am your rescue from torment. I am your peace in every storm. 

Lean on me, trust me, know that I am with you and I am working it all for your good. Everyday. Every night. I am here with you working it out. 

I have never yet lost and I never will. It is good with you. My Spiit is good with you.

Monday, May 11, 2015


My prayer:

Awesome God. I have a lot of questions running through my head tonight. Most of them start with "why..." I somehow think that if I could just understand why things are the way they are, I could deal with them better. But, when I think about it, that is not always true. Just because I know what the problem is, does not mean I will know or be able to effect the answer. I don't know. Just tired and discouraged tonight God. 

Help me to be a better person. Help me to be a bigger blessing to the people around me. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I am less interested in what you do than I am why you do it. I am all about the "why". The "why" of things show your heart. It shows the core of a situation. It shows the purpose behind the action. 

Don't ever give up on asking why. 

Do understand that sometimes, the answer to why is not something I can give you right now. I will always reveal it to you, eventually. But sometimes, I need you to believe, to trust, to follow even though you don't know the why, yet. 

Your trust in me is what fills in the time between the question "why" and the answer. I love you.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Bad mood...

My prayer:

I had a really rotten attitude all day God and I don't even know why. I have a whole lot to be grateful for but for some reason, that didn't seem to matter today.

God I pray for wisdom and help to turn this attitude around. This is no fun for any of us!

Thank you Jesus for understanding and loving me even at my worst.

What God Said Tonight:

I can handle your worst my child. I faced down and defeated the prince of darkness on his home turf. I can handle a bad mood from you. 

You don't ever have to hide anything, from me. I am the one safe place. I am the one who will never turn my back on you. As long as you keep coming to me, with whatever you have going on, I will be here for you. 

I will rejoice with you when you are happy and I will cry with you when you hurt. I will hold you while you rage and I will rest with you when you are done. 

I love everything about you and will never turn away.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Following God...

My prayer:

Very little about today turned out the way I planned it but that makes life a bit more exciting. 

I am realizing more and more the joy of not planning, of going with flow and following you wherever you want to go. It really is a better way to live. 

When I try to plan everything out, more often than not, something goes wrong, I get frustrated and I miss out on what otherwise could have been good. But, when I relax and let you take the lead, I can see every twist and turn as one more opportunity for you to show me something new and exciting. 

I like this way a lot better!

What God Said Tonight:

In the battle to come, I need soldiers who can follow. I need leaders who can follow. Your life, you training ground, is teaching you how to follow until it becomes a natural way of living. 

Following me will never get you lost. Following me will never let you down. I am a light unto your feet and a lamp unto your path. I am the way. 

Follow me and find your way in any situation. 

I love you sweet child.

Friday, May 8, 2015


My prayer:

Thank you for a pretty wonderful day God and thank you for getting me through such a crazy week. You are clearly watching over me and I am SO GRATEFUL! I am looking forward to the weekend with you.

What God Said Tonight:

My favor has not yet begun to track you down. I have so much more for you. 

You have been blessed but you have not yet been highly favored. I have that in store for you. I have that waiting in the wings. 

The timing is not right now but it is not far into the future either. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


My prayer:

Driving home tonight God, there were so many serious car accidents on the road. It seems like an epidemic lately! And as I sat in another traffic jam as a result of an accident, frustrated and just wanting to get home, I looked over at the car that was totaled and got a whole lot of perspective. That person was just trying to get home too. That person never made it. That person, I pray is home with you tonight God. 

Thank you for your protection. I pray that you continue to watch over us, your children and keep us safe within your wings. I pray for the families of those who perished tonight that you give them peace and hope.

What God Said Tonight:

Shattered lives, like shattered glass, can be very dangerous. The broken shards if left alone, will cut and damage anyone who comes near. 

However, you can take those shards, carefully rearrange them and make them into a beautiful mosaic. You can make them into something more beautiful for the breaking than it was unbroken. 

I am the great artist. let me take the broken shards of your life and arrange them into something beautiful and new.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


My prayer:

Hanging in there God, semi-sucessfully. Thank you for your help today. Thank you for being my Dad. You always watch out for me and swing things in my favor.

I ask for your continued help and your grace and mercy for when I get it wrong. 

Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

I love boats. They are great metaphors for getting through life. You can rest in them as then slide over the swells and drops of your life. You can rest safely above the danger as long a you stay in them. The only danger is if you let the water that is supposed to be outside, get inside. A little won't cause real damage but if it builds up, it can take you under. 

You can think of the boat as your faith in me. As long as you stay in there, you can ride out any storm. However, whenever you let in the doubt, the bitterness, the world lifestyle you run the risk of sinking. The more you let in the farther you sink. 

Keep your faith in me strong and "dry" and I will carry you through.