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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014


My prayer:

I am filled to the brim with thankfulness and gratefulness tonight Lord. Thank you for the extravagant blessings of today. Thank you for the peace. Thank you for the friendship. You are so very good to me. I wish I had more ways to say thank you. Maybe I can try a few different languages...Merci, Gracias, Danke Shain, Spaciba, Konichiwa...I think that is all that I know. But, know how much I love and appreciate you sweet Lord!

What God Said Tonight:

I have opened the floodgates of heaven on your life., Get ready for more. I have chosen this season to pour out on you because you have poured out on others. I don't need you to do anything for me but I love when you bless people on my behalf. 

Blessing and being blessed are all part of a circle of circumstances. One begets the other and vice versa. I am getting ready to pour out on you a blessing that you cannot contain. Truly, it is already on the way. 

I love you. Peace be with you as love is in you.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


My prayer:

Well today sure did not go like I thought it was going to but it sure was wonderful. 

Thank you God for directing my steps and opening opportunities for me to be a blessing. Thank you for friends who remind me what is important and what really doesn't matter. Thank you for the praise report of healing. 

Thank you for introducing me to Fred who has such a beautiful heart. He wasn't worried about his own situation (even though it looked pretty rough) but wanted to make sure that the young man he met earlier in the day was taken care of. 

God, there is something so beautiful about a generous heart that does not worry about themselves but gives to take care of others. Thank you for showing me that today.

What God Said Tonight:

It is generosity, grace, mercy that make an intolerable world tolerable. It is those things and love that make a world full of sin bearable. It is those things that take a world that is damned and lift it out of destruction into hope.

I came because I believe in generosity, grace, mercy and I am love.

These are the things that will win this world back from the edge of evil. These are the weapons you can go into battle with. These are the things that will build a future worth living for.

I love you sweet child.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Total peace...

My prayer:

I am at peace tonight God. Total peace. The only thing left that I need for today to be perfect is to hear what you have to say tonight. I love you God.

What God Said Tonight:

Life does not have to be as hard as you make it sometimes. Trust more, worry less and know that I have it under control. If you can do that, no circumstance will ever get you tied up in knots again.

I really am bigger than any problem you can have. Trust me to know the way through and to know the way out. I am always here. I am always on your side. I always win.

You know I love you. Remember it always.

Friday, December 26, 2014


My prayer:

Thank you for a wonderful day God. Cold, wet and snowy but wonderful! 

Looks like we have several really cold days ahead and that always puts me in remembrance of the many people without homes. It breaks my heart and reminds me again how blessed I am. Thank you for my warm and safe home. 

God, I ask that you open my eyes to the opportunities to help. I pray that you provide for them, keep them safe and warm. 

I ask these things in Jesus name.

What God Said Tonight:

I am your shelter in the storm. I have provided and will continue to provide. I will not see my children begging for bread. 

I see you and your heart. When you give to the least, when you give to those who cannot do for themselves, you are giving to me. When you offer a blanket to someone who is cold, you are offering it to me. When you pray for someone who is sick, you are praying for me. I receive each kindness and act of generosity. I see each and every one. 

Your kindness, your generosity always has an impact. You don't always get to see it. you don't always realize the impact you have. One day you will. One day I can show you the lives you have touched. 

For now, be alert to opportunities to be kind and generous. Look for opportunities to bless. You will be blessed in return, I promise. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas love...

My prayer:

Happy Birthday Jesus! I sure did enjoy your birthday celebration this year! Thank you for peace, joy and a beautiful Christmas snow. I love you so much. For all you do and all that you are, I celebrate you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

I loved the day and I loved seeing you love each other. 

I have said it many times before but the world will know my children by their love. You can only love like a child of God, when I am in you. You can only love without judgement and without resentment if you have the grace and mercy of the most high God within you. 

Let your love shine and show the world who you are and who I am. 

I love you. Today was wonderful!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Can't get enough...

My prayer:

God, born of a human woman. I guess we are not the only people who have that story. But we are the only people who can say that baby grew up and sacrificed His life so we can be saved from ourselves. And, you are the only one who can say He was resurrected from the dead after defeating death and satan.

That is a history that cannot be matched.

Because of you I have life, now and forever. Because of you, I am washed clean of all sin. Because of you, I am redeemed and my relationship with Father God is restored. Because of you, I am healed and whole. Because of you, I have hope no matter what the circumstance. Because of you, I am loved.


What God Said Tonight:

I have you carved in the palm of my hand. I have you wrapped in my heart. I have you safe within my arms. 

I came to earth for many reasons. One was to know you better. To live with you. To walk among you. I cherished that time with you. 

When I left. When I no longer walked on earth, I sent my Holy Spirit so that you would never have to know life without me again. I sent my Holy Spirit so you and I could always be together. Walking together, talking together, experiencing life together. 

I am in you and you are in me, forever. 

Truth is, I can't get enough of you. You, my children are so amazing, I don't ever want to leave. Not only do I promise never to leave you, I don't want to ever leave you. I love you so very much.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Family of God...

My prayer:

I don't have a lot to talk about tonight God. Mainly I am grateful to be here, now, with you. 

What God Said Tonight:

I am alive and well in the hearts of my children tonight. I am the core of their salvation and their love. I am the center of their purpose. I am a part of my children and they are a part of me. 

My children number more than you can count. I love them all. Some have yet to learn to love me. 

I bask in the sound and fragrance of your prayers tonight. I receive them as a sweet fragrance. I hear the prayer of your heart. I hear the prayer of my Spirit in you. I hear you. As, I know you hear me. 

Let's go into this celebration as the family that we are. Let us forget the things that come between us and focus on the thing that ties us together. You, all of you, are mine and I am yours. That is what I want you to remember, especially over the next couple of days. 

I love you, so very much.