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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Clear path...

My prayer:

Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me...I once was lost but now I am found, was blind but now I see. 

Praise you God for your grace, your mercy, your salvation and your love which is the power behind it all. LOVE YOU!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have a road for you to travel in this next season. It will be a clear path. You will not see very far into the future of where it is going but you will be able to know definitively that you are on the path. It will be clearly marked and clearly different from everything around it. 

That is how you will know it is the path that I have designated for you. The fact that you can't see where it is headed, I hope that will excite you instead of frighten you. You need not fear as I am in control and will never lead you somewhere that you are not meant to be. I will never lead you into hurt or failure. I will show you the next few steps but I can't show you the destination yet. It is over the horizon and it is magnificent. 

Trust me, as I lead you.Don't look back. When all I am showing you is the next few steps, you will need to keep your eyes pealed on the future. Your past is behind you and gone. But, today, you are here and you will walk on the path of a clear design.

Friday, September 27, 2013


My prayer:

Wooohooo!! Friday night with my awesome God!! What a great night God!! You are amazing and wonderful and I love you like crazy. You make everything worthwhile. You are my reason for living and my reason for smiling. 

When people ask me how I am doing, I often tell them "perfect!" A lot of people are surprised or confused by that. But the thing is, in you and because of you, I am perfect all the time. Whether I am growing in the middle of a struggle or whether I am rejoicing because of your latest blessing, I am perfect because you are in me and you are in my life.

Thank you God for your perfection!

What God Said Tonight:


Thursday, September 26, 2013


My prayer:

Howdy God! Seems like the subject of "choices" is coming up a lot these days in my life. People trying to make the "right" choices, trying to make the choice that is your will for their lives. 

Looks like I might have a big choice coming up. And, truth is, I have made my choice. There is no way that I can say "no" to this opportunity and live the rest of my life thinking "what if..." But this choice comes with risk. It means walking away from a some really good things in the hope for great things. It means trusting people (not so easy for me). 

God I ask for continued guidance. Show me the path you have for me and give me peace to follow it. Help me hear you above my own desires and will. Help me to choose your best for me. Help me to choose what is best for you.

What God Said Tonight:

You already know. You have been prepared for this time and for this choice. You have been taught, guided, directed, and worked into position for this time and for this purpose. You are whee you are meant to be. 

You will have to sacrifice some things. You will have to give up what you have built to receive what I have built for you. It will take great faith and it will take great trust but it will result in great reward, for you, the people around you and for my Kingdom. 

It is time and only you can decide. Step into the future I have for you or stay where you are. 

If you stay, I will still love you. I will be sad that you are living with less than what I have for you but I will still love you. I will still guide you. I will still bring you new opportunities. 

If you step out, if you trust me, if you move into the season I have prepared you for, you will know great satisfaction. You will be a conduit to world changing activities and you will be more than blessed, walking in your destiny. 

The choice, as always is your s and my love for you does not change based on your choice. Think carefully, choose carefully and I will be with you no matter what. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


My prayer:

Thanks for the surprises today God! Most of today was not what I thought it would be but it all turned out good. 

That really describes living a life for you and with you in me. Most things don't turn out how I think they will but they all turn out good. Your plans, your ideas, are always better than mine. You give me the desires of my heart, I think of ways of going after those desires, you provide them in ways I never could have imagined. Guess that is so I never forget who the blessings come from.

Love you God! Love what you are doing in my life! Love the blessings and favor that you have over me! Love living under an open heaven! Can't wait to see what you do tomorrow!

What God Said Tonight:

Being blessed should never surprise you. It is your God given inheritance to be blessed. I have the blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob on your life. I have chosen a Joseph path for you and you will reap the benefits that he did. 

You are and adopted and beloved child of the most high God. Chosen, set apart, made holy, and righteous. Your destiny is to walk in my favor. Favor with man and favor with me. 

What should surprise you is when you don't see that favor working in your life. When you don't have blessings showering down on you. That should be the time that you are surprised and looking for what went wrong. That is when things are out of order. 

My children have become so accustomed to living with less that the wrong things surprise them. 

I love you and I want you to have exceeding, abundantly, and above for all the days of your life. Be blessed, always. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

No words...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. I have no idea what to talk about tonight and you know that doesn't happen very often! 

Thank you for the favor for the new contract today, that was AWESOME! Thank you for the amazing people you have put in my life. Thank you for providing everything I need, physically, spiritually, emotionally. You remain wonderful and amazing. I love you!

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes, we don't need words my sweet child. Sometimes we just need love. 

Receive my love tonight as I receive yours, and, that will be enough.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bring me out...

My prayer:

Awesome God you know my struggle today. You know my battle which I have not yet won. I don't have an answer to this one God. I don't know what to do. All I know is to rely on you. You are my answer. You are my crutch. You are my salvation and my healer. I surrender to you God and say, have your way. 

I trust you to bring me out because I don't have any other choice. I either give up or I trust you and giving up is not in my nature. I leave it in your hands God.

What God Said Tonight:

I am going to bring you out. I am going to heal you. I am going to make a way for you that you cannot see. 

I am your God, your healer, your salvation and your redeemer. There is no better way than my way. 

Your trust is not misplaced. Your trust is in the only thing that cannot fail, my love. 

You will see the other side of this thing. You will see the way out. And then, looking back, you will see a purpose in it. 

I love you and I will not leave you here. Change is coming.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

God's guidance...

My prayer:

Wonderful God. Sitting here tonight and I am realizing that I have been so busy just trying to keep up with all of the amazing opportunities and just everyday life that it has been awhile since I have asked you what you want me to be doing. Or, even more importantly, what do you want me to stop doing? Guide me, lead me, show me what you have for me.

What God Said Tonight:

It is not so much about what you are doing or not doing. It is more about how you do what you do. What I care the most about is your character. I care about the condition of your heart. I care about how well you are loving and being loved by those around you. I care about how you are treating those around you that I have put in your life. 

When you are doing whatever you are doing, are you loving me and loving the people around you? Are you showing the love that I have put in you? Those are the questions that matter most to me. 

Turn left, turn right, go forward or stay put, whatever works for you but do it in love. Do it with a spirit of love and mercy and make sure you are a blessing in the middle of it.