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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, August 2, 2013

My forever God...

My prayer:

THANK YOU GOD!!! What you did for me today was so amazing!! You redeemed my mistake so wonderfully!! You said to leave the closed door closed, I did and you made it all ok. Better than ok, you got all the money back plus a free upgrade!! THANK YOU!!! 

You are so good to me God. I love you and I am in awe of you. I am so crazy grateful that I get to be with you for an eternity. I never have to say good bye to you. Everyone, everything else in my life, at some point I will have to say good bye. Either for a temporary period of forever, I will have to say good bye. You are forever. I never have to say good bye to you. YEA!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I am your forever God. I was, I am and I will always be. My commitment to you, my covenant is for eternity and will never end. My love for you will outlast all existence. I am yours now and forever. 

You only lose me when you walk away away from me. When you choose to say good bye. I don't ever leave and I will be right here waiting for you when you come back. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Rambling with God...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have no idea what to talk about tonight. 

What a wild week. I am grateful that you have gotten me through to nearly Friday. I will definitely need your help tomorrow. Several challenges that I know about (probably lots more that I don't know about). 

God, I am so dependent on you. Sometimes I feel weak because I know I can't do anything worthwhile without you. But you say that being totally dependent on you is a good thing. You tell me that it is when I am completely reliant on you, that we can do the impossible together. And, since I seem to have impossible situations in my life on a regular basis, it is a good thing you are there to make the impossible possible. 

Ok, I am rambling now. I should have stuck with "I don't know what to talk about." Fact is, I am crazy about you and so unbearably grateful for you in my life. My life has no meaning, no purpose, no power, and no joy without you. Love you Daddy!!

What God Said Tonight:

You can ramble with me anytime my daughter. Truth is, I simply enjoy spending time with you. You are the apple of my eye and I am happiest when I get to spend time with my children while they are focused on me. 

I am interested in every thought that you have. I am invested in every desire of your heart. I am a part of every emotion that you experience. When you hurt, I hurt. When you celebrate, I celebrate. 

I love you more than you will ever know. It is a love that goes deeper than actions and will last forever. I will always work on your behalf because you are my beloved. 

You may find yourself doubting most everything in life at one time or another. You will question what is real and what is not. The one thing that you do not ever have to question or wonder about is my love for you. My love for you is more real than the chair you are sitting on. My love for you will last longer than the mountains. My love for you is rooted in our relationship and will only grow stronger and bigger the longer we are together. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Scared and called...

My prayer:

There are times God, like now, where I feel so inadequate. I guess that is the side effect of stepping out in faith for you. When I agree to do things that I know I am not capable of but you have said to do it...SCARY! 

It is so much easier when you prepare me to do something and then I get to use my gifts and skills to make it happen. That is a lot of fun and well within my comfort zone. 

But this, this thing you have me doing, there are so many parts to it that I simply can't do. You have to show up and take care of it or it will fail. And I know you don't want it to fail. I don't want it to fail. It can't fail. It is too important. 

God, I believe without a doubt that you asked me to do this. I know that you destine me to succeed and I am choosing, with everything I know how, to trust that you will work it out. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have never left you and it is all happening on my time schedule. I have everything prepared. Your job is to follow my lead. I will put in front of you each thing that you need to do as you need to do it. I will continue to bring around you the people you need to help. I will make you and this succeed because it is in my heart to do so. 

Are those the assurances you needed to hear tonight my daughter? I am happy to tell you as often as you need it. But me telling you doesn't make it more true. It is true no matter whether I tell you or not. 

I will not let you down. I will see you succeed. I don't call you to things to leave you and watch you fail. I only call you to things that will further my kingdom and build your character. I love you.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Closed door...

My prayer:

So God, I gave up on something today. But, I think it was smart to give up on it. You know I am not a quitter and I hate admitting defeat; but sometimes, it is better to walk away than to try to force something to work that was not created to work in the first place. 

Knowing it was the smart thing to do does not make it easy. I wish I had been smarter to begin with to avoid the wasted time on this thing for the last three months. I wish I would have known then what I know now. I wish I would have spent more time asking you about it and less time asking you to bless it. 

Wishing doesn't change anything but maybe I have learned something for next time. I ask that you help me to remember the lessons learned on this so I don't have to repeat them in the future. I would really rather not ever have to experience this again.

What God Said Tonight:

Situations are complicated and just because you choose to walk way from something that is not working does not mean you give up, necessarily. Sometimes following my will and my best for you means walking away from things and situations that you thought you wanted. 

You so often pray that I open every door that I want open in your life and I close every door I want shut. This, my dear, was a closed door from the beginning. It just took you a few months of banging your head against it to convince yourself it was truly closed. 

Leave the closed door behind, no regret, no guilt and move forward to the open door in front of you. I will guide you and direct you. I will show you the open doors. 

But, please do not go back to the closed door and bang your head against it any more. It is closed for a reason. Not because you or anyone else did anything wrong but because I have a better way for you. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Listen more...

My prayer:

All knowing God. We are all, me very much included, trying to figure out this thing called life. We are trying to figure out what to do, when to do it, how to do it. We are trying to understand our purpose and your plan for us. We always have more questions than answers. But you have all of the answers. You know the end from the beginning. 

That is why I seek you so continually on everything. I have a brain and I try to use it to the best of my ability but I also have a teacher who has the answer key to the test. I understand that you can't tell me everything whenever I ask. Then I would never learn or grow and I would still be an infant spiritually. But, I sure do appreciate when you do answer. 

I am so grateful for all the times you told me to turn left, do that next thing, don't do that other thing, and to love always. Your daily or near daily assurances of being on the right path are truly precious God. Without that, during the times in my life that I have not been able to hear you, I am truly frightened. Life without your guiding voice is nearly intolerable. 

Thank you God for your voice, your direction, you wisdom and your help.

What God Said Tonight:

I am your ever present help. 

You are right, I don't always speak. Sometimes I want you to think things through, step out in faith, try it out on your own. However, that doesn't happen nearly as often as you think it does. Most of the time, I am talking to you and trying to help but you are not listening. You are distracted by the situation or the worry. Worry is a big part of what keeps you from me in the midst of challenges in life. 

When you come to me, worship me, rest in my peace, I can sweep away that worry and you can hear my voice. Worry is a load clanging thing that keeps you from hearing me. 

There are other things that keep you from hearing me. Don't let the distractions and worry rob you of the wisdom and help I want to give you. Life is hard but it does not have to be as hard as you think it does. 

Listen more, worry less, and you will see the way out much more quickly. 

Love you... rest now. We will talk more later.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Whole again...

My prayer:

Amazing God. I love you and worship you. I am in awe of who you are and how you love me. Life is crazy right now but you are my peace. I come into your presence and I find peace, joy, hope, love, and comfort, every time. 

I may not have all the answers but I have you and that is better than having the answers. You are wonderful and all that I could ever need. I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

I love you too my daughter and I want to see you completely restored. 

My children have been relying on patches to heal their hearts, their bodies, and their souls for too long. I want to completely restore you. Patches fail, eventually. They leak and they fail. I will see you completely restored so that you are like new. 

I love you and I will see you whole, with nothing missing and nothing lacking. That is what I want for you and that is what I will give to you if you will accept it. Come to me and let me make you whole again.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Be brave...

My prayer:

Miracle working God. I don't think I will ever stop being amazed at you and how you work everything out. Thank you for the new perspective tonight. Those things that I was seeing as failures and disappointments are really nothing more than preparation for what you are going to do next. 

Now, I have heard hundreds of sermons with that theme but there is a real difference between hearing it and living it. 

I pray for your guidance and help to let go of any lingering bitterness and disappointment. God, I declare right now that I will refuse to let disappointment hold me back from the future you have for me. I refuse to allow anything to get between me and your best for me. I am all yours and I want all that you have for me. 

What God Said Tonight:

There is more that I have to teach you my daughter. There is more that I have to show you. You have taken a step tonight and it is good but there is more. 

I have waited for the right time and the time is now. You are about to be released into a future and a hope that you have not yet imagined. I will not let you be hurt, I will protect you but you will have to be courageous. You will have to be wiling to risk failure. You will have to be willing to step out when you don't see the ground in front of you. 

I know I am asking a lot. I would not ask it if I did not need it from you to go where we need to go. I have called you for a purpose and a plan and this is it. 

There are many tomorrows that we will walk together and there are many challenges but the first step forward can only occur when you let go of yesterday. Your past is your preparation and is your base. It should propel you into your future, not hold you back. If it is holding you back, you are holding onto it. 

Let go of the things in the past and reach forward for what I have for you. You will not be disappointed. It is better than what you have today and it is better than what you have imagined. Be brave and step out with me.