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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, March 2, 2013


My prayer:

What an interesting and full day this was God! I should be exhausted but I am not. I saw for the first time tonight where we might be able to go with The Rock Church. I saw that we just might be able to provide an atmosphere to connect people to you in a real way that is definitely not "church as usual." That gets me excited God! 

I realized tonight that I had allowed myself to get a little numb to you and the miraculous life you have for us. I lost a spark somewhere along the way and I want it back. I don't want to do things for you because of what I remember. I want to do things for you because of who you are. I don't want to just remember your glorious miracles. I want to live in the midst of them every day! 

You have promised us so many things and I want EVERY ONE OF THEM. Not just because I am greedy for the things of you but also because I want to show the world that it is possible. I want the world to know that your promises are real and they can have them in their lives. It is not just a story or a nice idea. It is the almighty powerful miraculous life that you have given us!

What God Said Tonight:

Looks like the spark is back. Your Pastor tonight said it well. Every forest fire begins with a spark. You have been reignited tonight and you will burn for me. Your light will be seen around the world. Your life will be a testimony and your love will make a way for you. 

I love you and I have carefully constructed you and your life for this time. You are right where you need to be, doing what you need to do, surrounded by the ones I have chosen and you will see my miracles in your life daily. 

Burn bright my child. I will breathe on your fire and you will see it rage. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Visit with the King...

My prayer:

Mmmm, your perfect peace God. What a difference a day, worship and prayer makes! I am at peace within myself and with you. Your presence is sweet. I rest in you tonight God. No worry, no stress, no  anything except the precious peace that comes from you. 

I love you!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I am washing you and soaking you in my presence tonight to prepare you and restore you. 

You know how the bride is washed for her wedding and then treated with oils and perfumes? You know how Esther was prepared for her visit and time with the King? You are being prepared for your visit with the king. The  King has been waiting and your time is nearly here. 

You have been prepared and you are ready. You will have favor with the Kind. He will see your heart and you will see his. You need not worry. It is ordained. I lov eyou and I am with you now and always.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


My prayer:

Awesome God. I hate conflict. I know that conflict can be good and can stimulate growth but I hate it. I hate how it feels. When I have conflict in my life, I just want to fix it and make it go away. 

I had a lot of conflict in my life today and it left me really stressed out. The work out helped tonight but I am still just a bit on edge. 

You said it best, blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God. Peace is so much better than conflict. God, help me be a peacemaker.

What God Said Tonight:

Peace, true peace, peace that comes from me is not reliant on the situation. You can be in the middle of a storm and have peace when you are concentrated on me. 

Being a peacemaker means you bring me into every situation. My presence will bring peace. Remember when I was in the boat and told the storm, peace, be still? The storm obeyed but I had to have peace within me first before I could command peace on the situation. The same is true for you. You must first have peace within you. Then you can speak tot he stormy situations and command peace into them. That is how an effective peacemaker works. 

In my presence is perfect peace.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thought control...

My prayer:

Hi God! Today sure wasn't what I expected. One of the things that I love about living life with you is that it never gets boring, You are always changing things up and then making them work out even better than what I had planned. I need help remembering that sometimes though. When all my plans for the day are slowing going down the drain, I need to remember more quickly that you are in charge and not worry about it. 

Kind of like how I have been worried about filing the tax form for the 501c3 because I had not done it before. I have been worried about that for three months thinking it was going to be really difficult, what if I don't have all the documents I need, what if I don't understand what they are asking for, what if...fill in the blank. Then today, I go on line and realize it is SUPER easy. All that wasted time in worry. 

I would like to remove worry from my life. It serves NO purpose. From now on I am a WORRY FREE ZONE! I refuse to worry because you are in charge of my life. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

Your mind is your own and you have more control over your thoughts than you realize. The idea that thoughts control you is a myth. It is a myth that is encouraged by your enemy so he can use thoughts against you. 

You know how I tell you to take every thought captive. I never tell you to do something you can't do. Take every thought captive and rule over your thoughts. Don't allow thoughts that are not of me and not edifying to you. Simply tell them to flee. Then concentrate on good things. Concentrate on me. I promise, it is possible. 

It is time that you switch the paradigm and make sure that you are in charge, not your thoughts and not your emotions. Your spirit man  will rise up and take the lead. I love you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Simple, not easy

My prayer:

Wonderful God. Thank you for a day full of your grace, mercy, and protection. You are really wonderful and I know I don't appreciate that enough. It is awfully easy to get accustomed to you working out the details of my life. But, every once and awhile, I stop and look how you truly work all things together for my good and I literally stand in awe. My jaw drops and all I can do is thank you. Thank you amazing God!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Walking out the life I have planned for you is not always easy but it is always simple. I will guide you always and I will not lead you into temptations. I will deliver you from evil. All you have to do is say yes and take a step forward. Simple but almost never easy. 

I may ask you to do thins that don't make sense to you. I may ask you to take a step out on water. But, if you say yes and step out, I will always make sure you don't sink. I will make sure that you live out the amazing destiny I have for you. 

If you say no and you don't step out, I can't give you all of the things that I want so deeply to give you. I will still love you. I will always love you. But in order to get you all of the blessings I want to give you, I need you to say yes and step out. Trust me and I will not let you down.

Monday, February 25, 2013

I just want to love you...

My prayer:

Sweet Father Lord. You are wonderful and I am very grateful for the worship experience of your presence tonight. Thank you for reminding me how precious our time together is. Thank you for letting me feel your presence and your love. There is NOTHING better than your love! 

Your love drowns out every worry, every fear, every sickness, every rotten thing in this world. Your love overpowers and smashes each and every one. I barely remember life before I knew  your love. I just remember it as dark and meaningless. 

God, I hope at some point today I was a blessing to you. 

What God Said Tonight:

Tonight was wonderful because there was nothing between you and me. No sin to separate you, no worry to distract you. Your mind was clear and ready to receive what I wanted to show you. 

I really just want to love you. That is the thing. Everything I do and everything I am just wants to love you. People over the years have confused it with so many other things, so many rules, but the truth is, I just want to love you. 

Forget everything once and awhile and just let me love you. My love will heal and restore you like nothing else. Sweet dreams my love.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Want vs. need...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am not sure what to pray about tonight. Everything I think of sounds pretty whiny even before it comes out of my mouth. There is so much to be grateful for but I have not been very good at focusing on the good things today. 

Thank you for the rest today God. It was not what I had planned but was apparently what I needed. 

Ok, I am going to shut up now. Everything that comes to my mind is a complaint tonight. I would rather listen to you God than get caught up in my own thoughts. What is on your mind tonight God. Your thoughts are not my thoughts and I am VERY grateful for that. 

What God Said Tonight:

You didn't want what you got today but it is what you needed most. Sometimes I need you to trust that I know best. I know what is coming so I know what you need today. You had your plans for today but they were not plans that were going to prepare you for what is coming next. My plans for today were what you need for tomorrow. 

You pray all of the time that you want my will accomplished in your life. Sometimes that means that you don't get what you think you want. Sometimes that means stepping out and doing something that you don't want to do. Other times, that means staying home when you want to be out doing things. 

I am in charge and will stay that way until you or unless you change your mind. But know that I make decisions based on what is coming. Not just on what you need today but on what you will need for tomorrow. I love you daughter. rest and know that you are well prepared.