My prayer:
What if we lived our entire lives as if we believed that the Bible is completely true? What if we believed you when you said, after doing countless miracles, that we would do even greater things than what you had done. What if we were to really believe that ALL things are possible through Christ What if...? What if we believed that we could tell a mountain to move and it would move?
What would this life be like if we, your kids, could really believe and get a hold of your word and believe it to be completely true? I am not sure, but I want to find out!
God, help me to believe that every word of your promise is true, even the crazy stuff. God, I pray for the faith to believe for the crazy stuff! Thank you Jesus!!
What God Said Tonight:
Careful what you ask for my daughter. Are you ready for the crazy stuff? I know you are but you need to now it too because I will show you crazy stuff.
The world of the Spirit does not make sense in the world of the physical. When those two worlds combine, anything can happen.
I am the creator of all things and are therefore sovereign Some people picture me as some great and far away God that rules from on high without feeling and without care. That is not who I am. I am God with you. I am God in you. I am right here. I never left you and I never will.
You belong to me and I will establish you.