My prayer:
What a year God. So much good and so much evil. I normally really appreciate the end of the year and new year's day as a day of reflection, a time for a new start.
I am ready for a new start. I am ready for a fresh view of things. I am ready to look on and think on good things again. I am tired of seeing only the evil and the wrong as I have been these last few weeks.
God, I pray that 2013 be a year of new beginnings and of hope. I ask that you help me to look forward and not look back. I pray that you make me a better person this year than last. I pray God that this be a year of your miracles being seen repeatedly in lives all around me. Financial miracles, healing miracles, deliverance miracles, creative miracles, anything that you want to do God, I am ready. Thank you for being my Lord. I am all yours God, now and forever.
What God Said Tonight:
I have a new season for you my daughter The old things have passed away and behold a new season, a new time is here.
This last year was about growth and about building. This next year is going to be about new things. New experiences, new opportunities, new knowledge, new...everything. I am going to show you a new thing this year. And it will be good.
You haven't had enough new things in your life lately but hat is about to change. Everything is about to change. But don't be afraid, it is all change for your good. Everything will work together for your good and the good of those around you.
I love you daughter. Get ready for a NEW year.