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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

God said "no"...

My prayer:

Father God. Thank you for healing me today. I don't know what that thing was that tried to take me down but prayer and an hour sleep and I am feeling great again! You are amazing and wonderful God. 

This is another busy week (or at least a busy schedule, you are in charge of what actually happens and what doesn't). I will definitely need your help to do all that is on my plate this week. 

I also need some help facing the truth. I have held on to a particular dream for a long time and I think I am finally able to see the truth and let it go. But, it has been a part of me for so long, it is not going to be easy to let it go. I ask God for help in letting go of the fantasy and I pray that you replace it with a new dream, a new vision, that is in your perfect will. 

What God Said Tonight:

A dream is not a dream if it becomes real. I think what you want help with tonight is to let go of hope. That is not really what I do. 

I am the God of hope. I am the God of making the impossible possible. 

You can and should make choices about the things that you hope for and the things that you don't. But, that is your choice. I can help comfort you in the waiting. I can help bring you new dreams. I can help giving you new visions of what could be with me in your life. The sky is the limit. We can do anything you want. 

But don't ask me to take away your hope. That is something I cannot and will not do.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

New snow...

My prayer:

Today was really wonderful God. Thank you. Thank you for the reminder of good things and people in this world. You are an awesome God and I am so grateful for you in my life. I could not make it one day without you. I wouldn't want to try. You are glorious, wonderful, amazing, and I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

You know how the world looks all fresh and new after a snow storm. Everything covered in white. The reality of what is under the snow is not changed, bu the snow makes it look fresh and clean. 

That is what today was. A blanket of snow to make you able to look at the world again. The snow will melt but it will nourish the ground that it soaks into. That nourishment will result in new grass in the right season. 

Goodness, sinks in and brings new growth. Let the goodness in your life soak in and grow some new things in you. I love you daughter. Sleep well.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Evil will end...

My prayer:

God, it is too much. That is all that I have been able to think all day. It is just too much. Now we have people shooting babies. Walking into elementary schools and shooting our little kids. It is TOO MUCH! Too much evil. Too much pain. Just too much. 

I know we are in the end times and I know that you warned us that we wouldn't want to be around during that time. But, we are. And, I don't know how to deal with this latest atrocity. 

I pray that you help the people effected by this latest evil. I pray that you help us as a country. I pray that you help us as a world. And most of God, I pray that you end this as soon as possible, bring the new heaven and the new earth and send evil and its father to the pit of hell. 

What God Said Tonight:

The world is infested with evil and I will eradicate that evil. It will not last forever. There is an end to it. I have a way out of this evil and that plan is unchanged. 

Trust me, hang on to me, don't let go. It is the only way through this to the other side. 

I love you. I will comfort you, all of you. We will get to the other side. It will be glorious. Evil will end. I promise.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

God's will...

My prayer:

Wow, what a day God. It is hard to keep up with you sometimes! I LOVE IT!! Help me please to know the right opportunities to follow. The ones that you have for me God. I know they are all your ideas but if some are for me and some are for other people, let me know. It all is a bit overwhelming but super exciting too!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have made you lie down in green pastures. Be in peace, be still and know that I am God. 

I won't bring you things that I don't want you to do. But, it is your choice. I have never forced you in anything and I never will.  

I am the God of peace. Where my will is, there is peace. Where my will is, there is rest. Where my will is, there is ease. Follow my peace and you will always be in my will. 

Following my will is simple but not easy. You have to make the choice. That is the hardest part. you have to make the choice even when that choice seems impossible. Once you choose, I can take over and make it happen. But, I can't, I won't move until you choose. 

I love you no matter what you choose. I will be with you no matter what you choose. I will guide you no matter what you choose. But, your choice will determine your future. No pressure... :) 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Going home...

My prayer:

Too tired to pray but never too tired to listen. Love you God. What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:

When you think of going home, what do you think of? 

One day you will know what home really is. It is not a building or a town. It is not a place or even people. Home is a state of mind and a state of spirit where you are in your right purpose. 

Everything on earth may disappear. You may look across the landscape and see nothing and no one, but if you are still in your purpose from me, you will be home. 

When you are home, you can relax. When you are home, you can kick your shoes off. When you are home, you know you belong. You are home in my purpose for you. I love you and I want you to know it and feel it tonight. 

I am your home. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The size of the problem...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am letting the little hassles of life get to me tonight. Sometimes, those little hassles are the ones that make me the most crazy. It is like ants nibbling away at me. When something big happens, some major event, I know how to pray and how to fight that. But these little annoyances pile up. None of them are worth worrying about on their own. But when they pile up, they start looking like an insurmountable mountain that isn't even worth trying to get over. 

Ugggh! Sorry for the whining God. Thank you for letting me bring everything to you no matter how small. Thank you for always listening and always helping. I trust you and leave the little things in your hands.

What God Said Tonight:

There are no little things. There are no big things. All challenges, all sin, all things are the same to me. I am the creator of the universe. So, everything is manageable to me. When you cry out to me, it does not matter the size of the problem. They all look small to me. I can flick them away without any effort. 

Now, there are some things that you will learn and be better off if you go through them. Not every lesson is fun but they are useful to help you be the best person you can be. You asked the other night for me to help you be the best you that you can be. 

Welcome to lesson number one. You are a royal priesthood regardless of whether you are talking from the top of a castle or from the gutter in the street. You are my chosen one. You are chosen to do great things. Don't get stuck in doing things the way they have always been done because they have always been done that way. Break free of the constraint of yesterday and, relax in right relationship with me. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Talking with God...

My prayer:

I really don't know what to talk about tonight God. Lots of little thoughts running through my mind but nothing worthy of bringing to you. When I stop to think about how awesome you are and that you are willing to listen and talk to me whenever I come to you...I mean, that is crazy! You, the creator of everything, Lord of heaven and earth, Father God, is willing to listen and talk to me. Little old nothing special me. That does not make sense. 

I am VERY grateful that it is true even though it doesn't make sense. I am VERY grateful that you are willing to listen and to talk to me even though it is crazy that you would want to. My life would truly not be worth living without getting to talk to you, have you listen, and have you talk back to me. I need every aspect of that in my life. Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

Why wouldn't I talk to you? Why wouldn't I listen to you? I made you to be in relationship with me. If I made you to be my daughter and then I never talked or listened to you, that would be pretty stupid. I may as well had a rock as you Father if that was the case. but no, I want you to have the full experience that this life has to give. 

Talking to you is a highlight of my day. Listening to you is like sweet music in my ears. Our talks are the foundation of our relationship and the more we talk, the stronger our relationship becomes. Keep talking and keep listening my sweet daughter.