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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012


My prayer:

Awesome God. I have a lot of things running through my mind tonight. I am not really sure what to bring to you and what to leave alone. There are so many people with pretty desperate needs right now and we have talked about most of them. I know that you will work it all out. You already have provided in so many of the situations. So, I should probably leave all of that in your hands.

I have the usual list of struggles but in the grand scheme of things, they don't seem worth talking about again.

I am not sure what you are doing yet. I know you have a plan and I see all of these different dreams coming together. It would be great to know more of the details but I don't really need to know them. I trust you to tell me when I need to move. 

Maybe I am too complacent or maybe I am just trusting you? I am not sure. 

What God Said Tonight:

You should talk and ask about the things that are really on your heart. You know that something is not quite right. you should ask about that. I am here to love you and to help you. I will always help you.

The reason things feel a bit off is that you got yourself around some things that are not good for you. You got yourself around some attitudes and some material that does not bring you closer to me. that affected your attitude and it has left you feeling, out of sorts.

Cleanse your mind and you spirit. Remember that you have the mind of Christ. Remember that you are set apart, sanctified for a holy purpose and, watch where you spend your time. Watch out for things that take you away from me. Those things are dangerous, every time! Whenever there is something that you would rather do than spend time with me, there is a danger in that thing.

It doesn't mean I don't want you to have fun, I do. It doesn't mean that I don't want you to have a varied life and experiences, I do. But watch out for anything that takes you away from me. If you are doing something and you find it uncomfortable to think of me doing it with you, that something is dangerous to you.

I love you and I want you safe. I want you on the amazing path I have for you. Now is a critical time and you can get sidetracked easily if you allow it. Be on the look out.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Wonderful life...

My prayer:

Wonderful day, wonderful life! I love living life with and for you God! It is just SO GOOD. Of course there are the struggles now and then but you always bring me out, help me out and we always end up here where everything is just right. It is good to be home with you God!

What God Said Tonight:

Everything seems right because you are not focused on circumstances but you are trusting me. When you are trusting me, you might be hanging over the edge of the cliff by nothing more than your finger tips, but you can laugh and enjoy because I am the one hanging onto your hands. I will never let you drop. 

You can rejoice at all times because I will always bring you through. A season of celebration is coming and you will get to choose whether you get stressed out or blessed. The capacity for both is there. It is up to you to choose. Just as I have always said, you have a choice between life and death, choose life. 

I love you daughter and today was fun for me too.l  Go rest and we will do more together tomorrow.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Desires of your heart...

My prayer:

What a wild and wonderful week God! I am ready for a Sabbath! One whole day with nothing but relaxation and time with you. A little slice of heaven on earth. Thank you God!! You are so wonderful to me and I am so grateful. Words are never enough but hear my heart tonight God and know how much I love YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

Ask and you will receive. You will get the desires of your heart because you are mine and I love you. You will get all of the things you ask for because you are mine and your desires are in agreement with my will. You will get all that you ask for because you understand the kingdom rules around multiplication and giving. You will get the desires of you heart because I have promised them to you. 

You will never need to doubt or worry again. You will get the desires of your heart. 

Think carefully about what you ask for because anything you ask for, is yours.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Open your eyes...

My prayer:

What an amazing day God! You worked everything out better than I could have imagined. THANK YOU!!! Good to be back home but too tired to stay awake much longer. Don't want to go to sleep before I hear from you, my AWESOME Lord!

What God Said Tonight:

You saw things the last two days that opened your eyes to reality. I am going to continue to take the scales off of the eyes of my people so you can see what has been growing up around you. There is a world of degradation that has grown up around you and it is killing the world. I have protected you but it is time for you to see, really see, what this world has become. 

I know it won't be easy or pretty but it is necessary. You must see what we are up against in these last days. I will shield you from the pain but I need you to look and to see. 

I love you daughter. Go rest.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

God on our side...

My prayer:

Living in your favor is so amazing God. I know I always say that but after a day like today, I have to say it again! You blessed me at every turn God and I am so grateful! Even being "Guest of the Day" at the hotel tonight! I have been traveling a lot for a long time but I have never been "Guest of the Day!" Very cool God. 

I pray for your help again tomorrow. There is so much that needs to happen and so many potential challenges with what I need to accomplish. I ask for your help, your timing and your favor. With you on my side, how can I lose?


What God Said Tonight:

Tomorrow is not as tough as you think. I have already made a way for you. You are on my path and I will make every crooked place straight. I have removed the roadblocks from your life right now so you can move quickly into the future I have for you. It is a straight shot and will happen before you know it. You will look back in 6 months....or even 3 months and be shocked at how far you have come. This is not a season to struggle and battle. This is the season of victory and change. 

I love you too and I am always on your side.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just a peek...

My prayer:

Wonderful Lord! There are some times in my life where I just know that I know that I know I am in your perfect will for my life. This is one of those times. They don't always last a long time but these times are glorious! There is such a peace when I know I am right where you want me. Love you SO MUCH! Thank you for this time and thank you for guiding me. Looks like we are going somewhere new so please continue to be a light for me feet and a lamp for my path, guiding me ALWAYS.

What God Said Tonight:

I am lifting the corner on the box. In the box is my gift for you. I don't want you to open it just yet, but I can't help myself but to give you a peek. 

You will love this gift. This is something you have wanted for so long. This is something that I have wanted to give you for so long. 

The time is nearly here. Get excited. You won't be disappointed. I love you dear.

Monday, November 26, 2012


My prayer:

Awesome God...what are you up to Daddy? Today had all the hallmarks of your plan bringing together a whole bunch of experiences that seemed otherwise unrelated for your purpose. I can see you putting something together but I can't see just what it is yet and I AM SO CURIOUS!!! 

I am on board, whatever you want to do, my answer is "yes!" Help me to see what you see God. Help me to know what you want me to do. I feel like there has been a bunch of things happening behind the scenes and it is about to be public.

I am excited and little scared! If it is not my time to know the details, I understand. But, if it is okay, I would REALLY like to know what you are up to. LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

You are so excited, I don't think you could hear me if I told you the plan right now. Quiet you mind a minute and I will show you some things. 

I have been incubating some things that are ready to hatch. I have been keeping them safe and warm, letting them get stronger. They have been hidden but are about to be released. They are not going to look as thy have in the past. They were eggs and now they will be chicks. They were formed but unable to move or do what they were created to do but now, now they are being released from their shells and will be able to move and chirp and participate in my Kingdom. I am letting them loose into the Kingdom. They are new, strong, fresh and ready to LIVE. 

I am doing this in this season because the time is short. This is the last ditch effort, the last hurrah, to give people a chance. And, I will pull out every weapon in my arsenal to see them saved. 

You may not know much more than you did before you prayed but know that I am in charge and this thing that you see is me freeing my people to be and do what they were created to be and do. They have matured and are ready to fly!