My prayer:
Sweet Father. Thank you for a wonderful day. I am here, blissfully relaxed and simply ready to hear your voice.
What God Said Tonight:
Finding your peace in me can be the most valuable thing you will ever learn. When you find your peace in me, you will never again be subject to that roller coaster existence that follows the circumstances and events that life brings.
You know that you truly trust me when you can face your worst fear come true and remain calm and at peace.
My peace, which passes all understanding seems so strange to people. It is not a peace that is born of logic or born of reaction. It is a peace that is born of love. Born of the love of the most High God.
I bring you peace. From this place of peace, you can live a life of joy that is not dependent on your circumstances. It is a truly great way to live. Shalom my sweet girl.