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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012


My prayer:

Too tired to think tonight God. It was a wonderful day though. Your blessing and favor are so amazing. I had people giving me free things all day for no reason...well, you are the reason. I love you God and want to use every last bit of energy I have on hearing your voice.

What God Said Today:

You are welcome for the gifts today my daughter. 

I think you are beginning to sense that this is a season for you to share all that I have taught you about Kingdom finances and how I see your provision. I will give you more and more opportunities to teach and to demonstrate my blessing and favor. 

You have more to learn too. But in your learning you will teach. A time has come that my people need to have the finances to weather the storms. Money is not everything but it is a reality for now. 

I will make sure my children have what they need but they need to understand the laws, the principles around how money works with me. Don't be afraid to share what I have taught you. You will bless more people than you can imagine. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


My prayer:

Amazing God. You are so incredible. The changes you have made in me are so amazing. Your power to change things, people, circumstances is truly remarkable. Nothing is impossible and there is never any reason to be hopeless as long as we have you in our lives. No matter what it looks like, there is always a way for it to turn out good with you in the mix. I LOVE THAT ABOUT YOU!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have come to set my people free. Once and for all. My people will no longer live in bondage of any thing. 

Tonight, right now, I am setting you free. You are free to be everything that you were intended to be. You are free to live the life I had planned for you. No circumstance, no pain, no sin, can get in the way because you are redeemed in me and I have set you free. 

Do not get fooled into thinking you are still in bondage. Don't be like the animal that is so accustomed to being caged that he doesn't even push on the door to try to get out. You are free. No bars can hold you. You are free!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Missing U...

My prayer:

I am missing some old friends tonight God. I understand that sometimes people are in our lives for a season, sometimes a lifetime and sometimes only a moment. But, every once in awhile, I find myself missing the ones that have moved on. You have filled my life with such amazing people over the years. They leave a hole when they are gone. Feeling those holes tonight God. Fill my holes?

What God Said Tonight:

I could tell you again why people come and why people go in your life but that is not what you need tonight. 

Instead, I am gong to wrap my arms around you and let you feel my love. I am going to let you feel the love that never fails. I am going to keep you surrounded by the true love of your father and your creator. 

I am going show you how my love will sustain you no matter what you face. My love is enough. I will fill the holes and I will comfort the pain. I will bring new people and new excitement to each day. 

And, I am still taking care of those that you miss. No one is ever absent from my love and my care. 

Now, relax in my love. lie back and let me love you tonight. My  love will heal. My love will comfort. My love will conquer all.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Greater things...

My prayer:

What an amazing day God! The generosity of your people astounds me sometimes. The economy is rough but your people continue to find ways to give. Thank you for multiplying back that generosity into their lives and thank you for multiplying out there generosity to bless others. God you are awesome and I love you!

What God Said Tonight:

Today was the beginning of greater things to come. I am done doing things the same old way. I am starting a new thing and it will sweep the world. It will be the fresh air that the world needs to make its choice. 

A time is coming soon where every person will have to stand up for what they believe in. No gray. It will all be black and white, yes or no. There won't be any half truths or conditions to the choice. You will either choose me or choose satan. That is it. 

And when that time comes, I want everyone to be ready. I want everyone to have the best chance possible to make the right choice. To choose life and to choose me. 

SO, let's do this new thing. Let's see millions and billions of people changed forever for the kingdom. Let's reach out in ways that have not been imagined in the past. The time is here and now. Let's do it!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


My prayer:

More love, more power, more of you in my life. Drawing near to you God. Drawing near. More of you. More of you. More of you. God I worship you. I am in awe of you. And yet, I know there is more to you than what I know. There is more of you that I don't know yet and I want to know you. I want to know all of you. I want for there to be so much of you in me that there isn't room for anything other than you and the things that you love. I love you God!

What God Said Tonight:

I am your Lord because you chose me but don't forget, I chose you first. I chose you as m child I adopted you into the family of God because I saw in you something special that I needed. It was not any of your abilities. I have everything I need to equip anyone that I want to. I saw in you a heart for me and a faithfulness that could not be shaken. 

You are eternally faithful. That is what I saw in you. I don't see what other people see. Other people see talents and skills and you have plenty of those. But what I see is that you are faithful. No matter what comes your way, you are faithful. 

There is no value great enough to compensate for a faithful child, a faithful woman. There is nothing more valuable than that to me. Protect your faithful heart. I love you my faithful child.

Friday, November 16, 2012

I want more...

My prayer:

Intimacy. I don't know why but I am really hungry for intimacy. Thank you for the intimacy in worship tonight God. Thank you for the intimacy with the friends you have put in my life that worshiped with me tonight. Thank you God. I want more. I want the clarity of thought and understanding that comes when I am intimately connected with you. During those moments, everything makes sense. I know what is important and what isn't. I understand...everything. The world makes sense and there is peace. I want more...

What God Said Tonight:

You heard me speaking before you stopped talking. The answer to more intimacy with me is easy. You want me to be closer to you, get closer to me.

I am not afraid of intimacy. You can't get too close to me. I will always welcome and cherish intimacy with you. But I will never force it on you. You will always need to come closer to me if you want me to come closer to you.

The days of me choosing a people and forcing myself on them are over. That doesn't work well. I love you more than you can know and I want to live in constant intimacy with you but only if and when you want it. I love you and I am always here when you are ready and when you want it.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Who you are...

My prayer:

All powerful God. My thoughts and emotions are all over the place again tonight. It is making it hard to focus and talk about any one thing. Sometimes life feels like a boat in a stormy sea and I am just trying to hang on. Other times it seems so perfect and I feel like I can take on the world. The crazy thing is, I can go from feeling one way to the other at the snap of my fingers. 

I know that when I am trusting in you that life is supposed to even out; because knowing that you are taking care of it all brings peace. And maybe that is happening. Maybe without you I would really be all over the place? Or, maybe I am not trusting you enough or not often enough?

Uggh! Tired of listening to me talk. What is on your mind God? Is there anything you need/want from me tonight? Anything I can do that would make you smile? Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

You know your foundational teaching. You know that who you are is defined by me, your creator, not by your feelings. You know that your feelings can fool you. You know that your feelings are one of the first areas that your enemy tries to trick you. Foundational stuff daughter. Stuff you know. Now, remember to live it, always. 

I don't need anything from you tonight but I want you to remember who I say that you are. I say that you are a royal priesthood. I say you are the head and not the tail. I say you are above and not beneath. I say you are the daughter of the most high God and that you are loved more than anyone can imagine. I say that I created you for great things. And, I say that I will guide you all the days of your life. 

That is what I say about you. That is who you are. That is what you must hold onto no matter what you are feeling. 

Feelings are weird. They can add great joy to your life but they can fool you. You should not make decisions as important as deciding who you are by consulting your feelings. Who you are is wonderful because I am in you.